
[system task: help beautiful stewardess Lu Xuanxuan out of trouble, task time: 2 hours]

[task reward: 3 Bombardier global 7000 private planes]

when Chu Chen went to Lu Xuanxuan's residence, he suddenly received the system task.


Chu Chen had a bright smile on his face.

The system is really considerate. It seems that it is a task to release when you know what you are going to do.

The system is so polite. Isn't it three private airplanes for free?

Before, Chu Chen had his own plane, but it was just a helicopter, which could not fly too far.

But now, the system rewards three real private jets.

"Bombardier global 7000?"

Chu Chen murmured a few words, listen to this name, know it is absolutely not cheap.

After checking the information, he was even more surprised by the luxury of Bombardier global 7000.

Bombardier global 7000 is one of the most popular private airplanes for the rich. It is also one of the ten most expensive private airplanes in the world!

It is driven by a pair of Ge passport turbofan engines and uses state-of-the-art science and technology, including line by line technology, enhanced integrated vision technology, wind shear detection weather radar and advanced navigation system.

Bombardier global 7000 is the largest and longest range business aircraft in history, which can realize ultra long range direct flight.

If Chu Chen wants to, he can take Bombardier global 7000, from here, across the Pacific Ocean, and fly directly to the United States or other regions.

In the plane, you can have formal business meetings and enjoy luxurious food in the air, and also provide entertainment packages, with large HD TV, advanced sound system, private bathroom, and even enjoy spa to relax on the plane.


After reading the introduction of Bombardier global 7000, Chu Chen's words were summed up into two simple words.

For such a top luxury plane, this time, the system has delivered three of its own.

The system is so good for you.

Chu Chen praised the system for a while. How can scholars be called "flattery"?

A few minutes later, Chu Chen came to the residential area where the beautiful stewardess Lu Xuanxuan lived.

Chu Chen stops his car downstairs and sees a black Land Rover parked there. If there is no accident, it should be the rich second generation who threatens Lu Xuanxuan and even wants to smash Chu Chen's house.

Chu Chen enters the elevator and goes straight to the 16th floor.

Not long after Chu Chen went to the power building, Wei Ziying, Zhou Ge, Yao Ge and other young men also followed him.

After watching Chu Chen stop outside, everyone is shocked.

"Is this...

" the lykan hypersport in speed and passion 7? "

"I'll go. It seems that this car costs more than 90 million yuan, hundreds of millions!"

Even brother Zhou, who had seen countless people in the world, was shocked.

These people are like this, not to mention other childe brothers.

After seeing the legendary world-class super race, all of them are crazy.

"It's amazing to have lykan hypersport!"

Brother Zhou said with emotion.

A car is nearly 100 million. No matter how rich you are, you dare not spend so much.

"From now on, he will be my big brother. I'll take it."

Yao elder brother is to Chu dust admire of five body throw to the ground.

It's tough!

Wei Ziying looks at Chu Chen's lykan hypersport in a daze. She has only seen the car in the report, and she never expected to see the real one one day.

Lost in the hands of the car, she gave up.

However, for the car owner's driving skills, Wei Ziying is still skeptical.

If the owner's car is the same as her own, she will willingly admit defeat.

But now after seeing lykan hypersport, Wei Ziying felt that he was not defeated by Chu Chen's driving skills, but among the drivers.

Anyway, take a look at what the owner is saying.

Thinking, Wei Ziying leads into the building and starts to look for the owner of the car.

When the owner of the car passed her just now, Wei Ziying saw a side face.

Although it is a flash, but Wei Ziying deep memory, after all, this is the first drag than their own man!

See Wei Ziying action, yaoge and others immediately followed up.

A group of people began to follow Wei Ziying to look for Chu dust in the building.


Arrive at the 16th floor, just walk out of the elevator, Chu Chen heard the voice of scolding.

"Lu Xuanxuan, don't go in for a toast. You'll get a fine drink!""You're lucky that LIGO can take a fancy to you!"

"Come out, or we'll break the door."

A young man in a black shirt with a Rolex and a cigarette was leaning against the wall.

Next to him, four or five bodyguards were calling.

The young man named Feili was the rich second generation in Lu Xuanxuan's words.

On the way to Lu Xuanxuan's work, Fei Li found Lu Xuanxuan in the first-class cabin, and he was out of control.

He confessed to Lu Xuanxuan several times, but Lu Xuanxuan refused, which made Feili completely impatient and decided to use means.

So when he learned that Lu Xuanxuan was at home, he came with a group of bodyguards and threatened her.

Tonight, he will get Lu Xuanxuan.

He is the prince of Baozhen group. He can't even get a woman. It's not a big joke.




Fei Li counted down three times. Seeing that Lu Xuanxuan still didn't open the door, he waved and ordered the bodyguard to "smash the door."

Several bodyguards ready to start, a faint voice suddenly came.

"Who dares to move?"

Chu Chen walked slowly to come over, dare to smash his house, this force grid youth can.


After seeing Chu Chen and Lu Xuanxuan's house, Fei Li understood.

He guessed that Chu Chen should be Lu Xuanxuan's helper.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect to take the initiative to seek death."

Holding his shoulders, he said playfully.

No matter how beautiful she looks, Lu Xuanxuan is just a stewardess. Can the person she calls be a big man?

If you think about it with your toes, you can figure it out.

Can he compare with the prince of Baozhen group?

But now, we can't use any identity or status to deal with this boy. He's too high to be worthy!

"You alone?"

At the sign of felly, his four or five bodyguards came out.

This is the simplest and the best way.

There are many others. Now, he is the best!


the order of felly.

At this time, a capable beauty suddenly came out of the stairs.

"Found it."

See Chu dust, capable beauty surprised said, immediately came to Chu dust's side.


Ferri was a little confused.

However, what made him even more confused happened immediately after.

Following the capable beauty, one youth after another came out and stood on Chu Chen's side.

In a flash, Chu Chen has nearly 20 people here, and he's finished abusing Fei Li in an instant!!

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