"I want to compete with you again!"

"Look who is the first chariot God in Hangzhou!"

Wei Ziying said seriously, she is a very competitive person, think no man in Hangzhou can beat her.

Tonight, Wei Ziying attributed Chu Chen's super run of ykan hypersport to winning her, not Chu Chen's driving skills.

"The first chariot God in Hangzhou?"

Chu Chen murmured.

"I'm just an old driver. I'm not a god of cars."

But how dare she doubt her driving skills?

It's tolerable, but it's intolerable.

"Forget it tonight. It's too late. Let's find another time later." Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"All right."

Wei Ziying just got off the plane and came to the competition. She was a little tired.

Wei Ziying asked for Chu Chen's wechat and drove away.

Wu Yao and others also want chu Chen's contact information and leave one after another.

Chu Chen came to Lu Xuanxuan's house and sat down for a while.

"What, are you the stewardess of Jiangnan Airlines?"

In the chat, Chu Chen accidentally learns about Lu Xuanxuan's work unit.

His three Bombardier global 7000 private planes were parked at Jiangnan airlines and Hangzhou Airport.

"Well, what's the matter?" Lu Xuanxuan asked.

"Nothing. I may go to Jiangnan Airlines tomorrow." Chu Chen murmured.

I just got Bombardier global 7000, one of the most expensive private airplanes in the world, so I'm going to have a look myself.

He hasn't been on a private plane yet?

After chatting with Lu Xuanxuan for a while, the system task is finished, and Chu Chen leaves.

Looking at Chu Chen on the elevator, Lu Xuanxuan didn't know what to do. Her heart suddenly became empty, and she was very reluctant.


The next day, Chu Chen went straight to Jiangnan airport. This time, in order to keep a low profile, Chu Chen specially brought a black mask.

After a day, "the video of the return of the male god in the back" has been popular on the major video websites and occupied the hot search lists.

Back man God has become a hot star again.

In the first video, Douyin has played tens of millions of videos and praised millions.

This is just Douyin. If all the video websites add up, the broadcast volume will exceed 100 million!

It's just a day.

"Male god, male god!"

"Male god, we love you!"

"This is the star that should be worshiped, completely crush those little fresh meat who can only sing, dance and rap!"

At one time, the popularity of the male god in the back exceeded that of countless leading stars.

Yesterday morning, microblog hot search explosion, the cause is the top traffic star Fang xiuran's love exposure!

At the beginning, Fang xiuran was also a little fresh meat who could only sing and dance, but after careful packaging by the company, he made a good single.

Slowly, in the company's packaging, Fang xiuran's people will become the strength of the star!

When his love affair was exposed, he immediately went to the top of the microblog hot search, occupying a half day of the hot list.

Until the back of the male God appeared, soon put Fang xiuran hot search, crowded to the second.

On the flight of magic capital flying to Hangzhou, Fang xiuran, who was sitting in the first class, was extremely gloomy.

"Back man, back man!"

"Why don't you die?"

"Ma, stupid, retarded!"

Fang xiuran kept abusing Chu Chen. He was half angry!

If it is other stars, the heat of their love is suppressed, will certainly be grateful to kneel to thank chuchen.

But Fang xiuran is different. The hot search of his love affair is completely controlled by him behind his back.

In order to increase the exposure, let yourself more fire.

So Fang xiuran and the company work together to get the exposure time of this love affair.

As for the negative impact of love, when the time comes, let the woman send a micro blog to clarify.

However, to Fang xiuran's surprise, in the afternoon, his hot search list was replaced by some bullshit back man God.

On the way to Hangzhou, Fang xiuran didn't stop and kept scolding.

"No, we have to find a way to get rid of this figure."

Fang xiuran muttered.


Chu Chen drives to Jiangnan airport and parks outside. Chu Chen goes in.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Chu Chen?"

Know Chu Chen to come, Jiangnan aviation group, Hangzhou branch manager personally to meet.

That's three Bombardier global 7000. Just parking at their airport, they can make a lot of money every month.

What's more, the identity and status of a person who can own three Bombardier global 7000 is unimaginable."I'm Chu Chen."

"Please follow me."

Under the leadership of the manager, Chu Chen walks towards the apron.

Soon, they came to Bombardier.

Three top luxury private airplanes are parked there, which is very grand.

Bombardier global 7000 is 110.6 feet long, with an overall span of 104.3 feet, a wingspan of 93 feet and an overall height of 26.7 feet.

When you walk inside, it's luxurious.



When Chu Chen passed the airport hall, a girl who had just finished brushing Douyin and put down her mobile phone covered her mouth and was shocked.

"Male god, male God has come!"

"The male god is in Jiangnan airlines, Hangzhou Airport!"

The next second, the girl hurriedly sent a message to the fan group of male god.


"The God of man is at Hangzhou Airport?"

"I'm at Hangzhou Airport, too. Where's the God of men?"

Instantly, countless female fans went crazy.

Soon, hundreds of female fans of Chu Chen gathered at Hangzhou Airport and began to look for Chu Chen in the airport.

A lot of fans are coming.

This scene immediately attracted the attention of many passers-by.

"Which star's fans are they, so many of them pick up here?"


In Hangzhou Airport, there are two groups of fans who pick up the plane, one is Chu Chen's fans.

There was another group, only seven or eight people, who were very lonely. They came to see Fang xiuran.


Fang xiuran got off the plane and headed for the airport hall under the protection of several bodyguards.

As soon as he came in, Fang xiuran noticed the large group of female fans at the first sight.

Fang xiuran immediately showed a proud smile on his face.

You see, these are his fans. There are only one or two hundred of them.

If you look at the man in the back, what is he!

"I Pooh, the back man God, rubbish."

Muttered a word, Fang xiuran triumphantly toward the "fans", ready to meet the warm welcome of fans.

As for the real pick-up fans, he automatically ignored them, just a few people.

On the other hand, Chu Chen also finished watching his Bombardier global 7000 private plane and walked into the airport from the apron!

Because the manager has time temporarily, so Chu Chen is only himself.


"Here comes the man!"

"Male god, we love you!"

Far away, seeing Chu Chen with a black mask, a large number of fans went crazy.

"The fans."

However, with his back to Chu Chen, Fang xiuran thought that these fans were crazy because they saw him?

So he was more proud and publicized.

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