Because of what happened last time, Lu Xuanxuan was very grateful to Chu Chen, and her favor was greatly improved.

After seeing Chu Chen, Lu Xuanxuan welcomed him.

After chatting with Chu Chen for a while, Lu Xuanxuan takes Chu Chen to the VIP lounge when she knows that Chu Chen is a little tired.

The VIP lounge of Jiangnan Airlines is divided into several grades according to the VIP grade.

When they passed the diamond lounge, Chu Chen stopped.

"Here it is."

Chu Chen is too lazy to go to other places. Although he is the most distinguished guest, he doesn't mind much.

The diamond lounge is the diamond lounge.


Lu Xuanxuan was stunned. Originally, she wanted to take Chu Chen to the golden member's lounge.

But unexpectedly, Chu Chen wants to enter the diamond lounge.


Now that Chu Chen spoke, Lu Xuanxuan opened the door of the diamond lounge.

Generally speaking, there are few people in the diamond lounge. If she brings Chu Chen to have a rest, nothing will happen.

Unfortunately, when Lu Xuanxuan brought Chu Chen in, there was already a stewardess and a wealthy businessman with a big stomach.

Originally, the stewardess was sitting on the legs of a rich businessman, and they were intimate.

Suddenly they saw Chu Chen and Lu Xuanxuan coming in. They were startled.

The stewardess quickly stood up and arranged her clothes.

"Lu Xuanxuan?"

"Who allowed you in?"

When the stewardess calmed down and found that the person who came in was actually Lu Xuanxuan, she immediately scolded.

This stewardess is no one else. She works in the same team as Lu Xuanxuan. She is the purser, and her name is Han Anhe.

Usually, she has a bad relationship with Lu Xuanxuan, aiming at her everywhere.

Today, she was bumped into by Lu Xuanxuan, which made Han Anhe angry.

Moreover, the diamond VIP lounge is not allowed for stewardesses to come in without permission.

Suddenly disturbed, the paunchy rich man was very angry and wanted to get angry. However, when he noticed Lu Xuanxuan's amazing appearance, a mysterious smile suddenly appeared on his face.

I didn't expect that there was such a beautiful stewardess in Hangzhou Airport. Good, very good.

At this time, Han Anhe noticed Chu Chen beside Lu Xuanxuan.

Subconsciously, Han Anhe regards Chu Chen as Lu Xuanxuan's boyfriend.

There are only a few diamond VIPs in Hangzhou that Han Anhe knows. She is absolutely sure that the young people around Lu Xuanxuan are not diamond customers.

"Who told you to bring your boyfriend?"

"This is a serious violation of the company's regulations. I will immediately report it to the higher authorities and suggest that you be dismissed."

Han Anhe wants to kick Lu Xuanxuan out of Jiangnan airlines, but Lu Xuanxuan of Jiangsu Province tells her scandal.

"It's not good of you to do that."

"The manager here, Hu Liang, is my friend."

"After that, I'll reflect with him."

The rich merchant with a big stomach also threatened. If he wanted to get Lu Xuanxuan, he had to use some means. Threat was one of them, and pretending to force was the other.

Lu Xuanxuan quickly explained:

"he is my friend and a guest of the airport."


Not a boyfriend, but a guest.

"Are you a diamond VIP?" Han Anhe asked cautiously.


Chu Chen shook his head. He was not a diamond VIP, but a supreme VIP.


Chu Chen answered, whether Han Anhe, or the paunchy rich businessman, his face showed a smile.

It's better not to be a diamond VIP!

Han Anhe is happy that Chu Chen is not a diamond VIP, but Lu Xuanxuan brings him in. He will definitely be severely punished by the company and will probably be directly dismissed.

The reason why the rich merchant with big belly was happy was that Chu Chen was not a big man.

In this way, it is easier for him to get this beautiful stewardess.

Han Anhe said:

"if you don't say that he is not a diamond VIP, you take him into the diamond VIP lounge. It's a big mistake to just say that you disturb Mr. Tian's rest."

"I tell you, this is Mr. Tian Hongsheng, President of Tian's mining industry."

"Diamond member of our company!"

Han Anhe looks proud.

Tian Hongsheng is the rich businessman she just hooked up with and the chairman of a large group.

After listening to Han Anhe's introduction, Tian Hongsheng straightened up and looked proud.

"Well, I'm just a 10 billion rich man. It's nothing."

With a modest appearance, Tian Hongsheng began to pretend to attract Lu Xuanxuan's attention.

With this hand, he made a lot of beauties, including Han Anhe.

"What?"Lu Xuanxuan was a little surprised.

Tian's mining is a famous company in Hangzhou!

"Boy, you don't see where this is, just come in?"

"In your capacity, are you worthy to come here?"

"What are you?"

Tian Hongsheng yelled at Chu Chen, and made an obscene remark:

"this is the diamond VIP lounge. Only the diamond VIP of Jiangnan airlines can come in."

"What qualifications do you have for a stewardess to bring you in?"

Tian Hongsheng rebuked Chu Chen and put all the responsibilities on Chu Chen.

As he said this, Tian Hongsheng hinted to Lu Xuanxuan that he could help her get rid of her responsibility.

"It's not Chu Chen's fault, it's my fault."

"I'll take all the blame."

However, when Tian Hongsheng thought that he was going to get Lu Xuanxuan, Lu Xuanxuan's words caught him by surprise.


is there anyone who takes the responsibility to himself?

True love, right!

Good, good, good, I make you love!

"Steward Han, please contact President Hu now and tell him that a stewardess, with a young man who is not a VIP, has come to the diamond VIP Hall for a date."

"Disturb my rest and let him take it seriously."

Since you don't drink and drink, don't blame him for being cruel.

Just as Han Anhe was about to make a phone call, Chu Chen spoke.

"Who says I'm not a VIP?"

As he said this, Chu Chen sat down on the sofa, very indifferent, and asked Lu Xuanxuan to sit down too. There was no need to worry.


After hearing Chu Chen's words, Han Anhe and Tian Hongsheng are puzzled.

"Hehe, what if it's a VIP?"

"Isn't it gold VIP at most?"

Tian Hongsheng sneered and despised Chu Chen.

"Even if it's a gold VIP, you don't deserve to come in here."

"You are still sitting here calmly. I don't know who gave you the courage."

Han Anhe echoed:

"if you are not a diamond VIP, you are not qualified to come in!"

Chu Chen asked.

"Is it?"

"I am not a diamond VIP, but a supreme VIP. Do you think I am qualified?"


After hearing Chu Chen's words, Han Anhe and Tian Hongsheng were stunned, and then they all laughed.


What is the most important VIP of Jiangnan Airlines?

It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous!

The country bumpkin who doesn't understand anything doesn't know to check before he pretends to be forced.

It's killing them!

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