Chu Chen a look at the mobile phone number, is from the devil.

Is there anything wrong with Hilton or Prada?

Chu Chen answers the phone curiously.

"Are you Chu Chen?"

On the phone, came a cold voice, listen to the voice, should be a middle-aged woman.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the wife of the chairman of Vientiane group. I'm from the rich Huang family, Jasper Huang."

The middle-aged woman spoke.

Vientiane group?

Isn't that Mo Yuwan's father's company?

Chu Chen guessed that this middle-aged woman should be Mo Yu Wan's stepmother, so she is a vicious woman who wants Mo Yu Wan to give up her inheritance.

In order to intimidate Chu Chen, when Huang Biyu introduces herself, she specially adds the rich Huang family.

Huang family is famous in Mordor. In terms of overall strength, even Yu family, whom Chu Chen just met, is not Huang's rival.

"You sent someone to fracture my brother Huang Feiyang and throw him out of Hangzhou?"

As soon as Huang Biyu came up, she reprimanded Chu Chen, with a look of asking questions.


"Are you envious? If you come, I can send someone to help you."

Chu Chen's rude response.

Mo Yuwan is his man. He dares to attack Mo Yuwan and threaten his grandparents, which is enough to see the meanness of the Huang family.

Chu Chen is disgusted with the opponent who threatens his family.

When Huang Biyu heard Chu Chen's reply, she was so angry that she turned pale.

"It's so sharp."

"Don't think you have a small company. If you get to know Fang Yisong, you will be very good."

Jasper Huang spoke again.

"In your eyes, Fang Yisong is a big man in mordu, but in the eyes of our Huang family, he has always been a mole ant."

"And you, as well as Mo Yu Wan, are not as good as mole ants!"

Huang Biyu is full of self-confidence. The Huang family does have this ability.

"I'm calling you to give you one last chance."

"Now, immediately dismiss Mo Yuwan, and try to get her to sign the contract of giving up her inheritance."

"In this way, our Huang family may be able to spare your life and punish you less."

"Otherwise, you will regret it all your life."

"Your company, too, will soon go bankrupt."

Finally, Huang Biyu went straight to the point and threatened Chu Chen.

"In your eyes, I'm not as good as ants."

"How do you know, Huang family, in my eyes, isn't it inferior to mole ants?"

Chu Chen sneered and retorted.

The end of provocation is usually miserable!

Say, Chu Chen Hang up the phone directly, don't bother to talk with this crazy woman, have what move, put horse to come over.

Before he spoke, the phone was hung up by Chu Chen.

This made Huang Biyu extremely angry:

"well, you are going to die yourself. Dare to challenge me, challenge our Huang family, and wait for bankruptcy."

After that, Huang Biyu got up, left the villa and went to the Huang family.

Go to discuss how to deal with Chu Chen.


After leaving Jiangnan airlines, Chu Chen returned home.

He received an invitation from Wei Ziying.

At eight o'clock tomorrow evening, I want to compete with Chu Chen again to see who is the first chariot God in Hangzhou.

Last time, Wei Ziying thought it was because of the car, so he lost to Chu Chen, which had nothing to do with the driving skills.

Therefore, this time Wei Ziying hoped that Chu Chen would not drive the lycanhypersport.

Chu Chen agreed to come down.

As an old driver, how can the driving skills be suspected?

This competition, in addition to Wei Ziying, Wu Yao and many other young men, all have to go to watch.

Although they knew Chu Chen, they all hoped Chu Chen would win.

After all, they have been pressed by Wei Ziying for so long, enough.

Chu Chen is their only hope.

Wu Yao several people, call Chu Chen, cheer up.

The next day, originally Xia Mengqi's plane arrived around two or three in the afternoon, but the plane was late.

More than seven in the evening, Xia Mengqi arrived in Hangzhou.

Chu Chen came to the airport to meet Xia Mengqi. This time, Chu Chen didn't wear a mask. He was afraid that the scene of Jiangnan airlines would appear again.

It's too hot. It's troublesome.

There are beautiful female fans everywhere, constantly shouting that you are not married, love you and like you.

It's too hard for me.

On the way here just now, Wu Yao and others have already found Chu Chen to join them. They can't wait.

This time, in addition to Wu Yao and others, there are many more childe brothers. They all heard about the competition that night and wanted to see it with their own eyes.Because Chu Chen is coming to pick up the plane, they drive their own super run and come together.

When more than 20 top super cars stopped outside, it immediately caused a sensation.

Wu Yao and others are very interesting, and did not follow in, but outside waiting for Chu Chen.

At about 7:30, Xia Mengqi came out slowly with a suitcase.

In fact, there are still four or five days to go before the concert?

But she couldn't wait, so she left her agent and came to Hangzhou ahead of time.

She's going to steal a teacher?!

She coveted Chu Chen. No, she coveted Chu Chen's piano level for a long time.

Before in Jiangzhou, Chu Chen did not teach her too much.

This time, she must learn more from Chu Chen.

Strive to surpass Chu Chen as soon as possible.

"Beauty, you wait."

Behind Xia Mengqi, a tall young man anxiously spoke.

He noticed Xia Mengqi in the first class. Although Xia Mengqi was wearing a mask, he was still absolutely sure that she was a beautiful woman.

So on the plane kept accosting Xia Mengqi, but from beginning to end, Xia Mengqi did not pay attention to him.

Now, what he is most looking forward to is the scene of walking out of the airport hall.

In order to be forced, he specially asked his family to send a luxury car team.

A total of 10 cars, a Bentley of more than two million as the first car, the back of the black Mercedes Benz, very row.

He relies on this motorcade, in installs forces aspect, invincible.

But also won the hearts of many beautiful women.

Today, he will take Xia Mengqi's heart.

In his stupefied God, fell into a fantasy, Xia Mengqi has met with Chu Chen.

Looking at their warm chat, the young man's face turned green.

Can't help, he quickly toward Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi.

His performance is about to begin!

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