"What's calling you and trying to save you?"

Zege sneered, arrogant, rampant to the extreme.

On the phone, Zhang Jinzhong's voice came.

"Mr. Chu, I'm so sorry about what happened this afternoon. I have no eyes."

"In order to express my apology, I'd like to invite you to dinner and apologize to you personally."

Zhang Jinzhong spoke humbly.

In the afternoon, after leaving Prada, Zhang Jinzhong was on tenterhooks for fear of irritating Chu Chen.

That's the president of Prada, a famous international luxury goods brand. He can't afford it.

Therefore, he finally got Chu Chen's phone number from Tong Leshan, and wanted to invite Chu Chen to dinner and make a formal apology.

"Boy, did you hear what I said?"

Found that after he put the cruel words, Chu dust still sat there, Ze elder brother scolded.

"Don't struggle any more. No matter what, you'll be cleaned up by zege today."

"It's no use asking for help. No one can help you."

"You'd better get down on your knees and apologize to Zerg."

Zege's companion opens his mouth and sneers at chuchen.

Around those guests, the heart is sigh.

These lawless childe brothers know how to bully others!

At the moment, they dare not imagine what kind of tragedy Chu Chen will become.

They expressed great sympathy and regret for Chu Chen.

But because of zege's identity, no one dared to speak.

"Boy, who are you calling?"

"No one can save me. Please kneel down and apologize to me, or else..."

Ze Ge asked.

Chu Chen didn't answer, just handed the mobile phone to zege.


Zege thought that Chu Chen wanted to talk to him, so he became more arrogant.

When he picked up the phone, zege breathed fragrance:

"who are you? You pleaded with this boy and didn't want to live."

"If I don't want to talk to you, I'll give it to you..."

zege yells "Laozi" one by one.

At the other end of the phone, Zhang Jinzhong also wants to apologize to Chu Chen, but suddenly he hears someone on the phone who dares to scold him.

Listen carefully, how can the voice be so familiar?

Isn't that his son, Ozawa's voice?

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. This is your father's phone."

Looking at zege, Chu Chen's friendly tips.

"My dad's phone?"

Zege doesn't work at all. His father is so busy every day, even if he can't see him sometimes for several days, he will call Chu Chen.

"Boy, don't be alarmist. Give it back to my father. I'm his grandfather!"

Zege screamed, on the road to death, go straight ahead, brave and fearless!

Hearing this, Chu Chen shakes his head helplessly. He reminds Zhang Ze of his kindness.

Zhang Ze is still on the verge of death.

It's a sin of its own.

"Zhang Ze, you are against the sky!"

On the phone, Zhang Jinzhong's roar came. Zhang Jinzhong was really angry.

"Who are you to plead with this boy? You don't want to live."

"If I don't want to talk to you, I'll give it to you..."

"boy, don't be alarmist, return it to my father, I'm his grandfather!"

His son's words just now echoed in Zhang Jinzhong's mind.

Zhang Jinzhong is going crazy when his son says that.

"I'm your Lao Tzu, Zhang Jinzhong!"

Hearing the roar from the mobile phone again, zege was stunned.


It's really his father on the phone?!

In a flash, zege's forehead was sweating.

"Dad, don't scold me. I didn't know it was you." Zege quickly explained that he was crying.


Hearing zege's address to the person on the phone, several of zege's companions were also stunned.

It's zege's father, the chairman of Maofa group?!

I'll go!

What a coincidence.

In particular, thinking of zege's scolding on the phone, they closed their eyes one after another.

They're starting to worry about Zerg.

Now, zege has been killed to the extreme. It's really an immortal who can't save him.

After listening to his son say what happened, Zhang Jinzhong more angry, no, is crazy.

Scold yourself. After all, it's Laozi and his son. Even if he is angry, he can't be cruel to his son.

But now, my son has offended president Chu?!That's the end of it!


Next second, under Zhang Jinzhong's scolding, Ze Ge suddenly kneels in front of Chu Chen.

Return the mobile phone respectfully to Chu Chen.

Kneeling on the ground, zege slapped himself in the face and self-criticism:

"sorry, Mr. Chu, I'm scum. No, I'm not human."


"I'm a jerk. I'm sorry, Mr. Chu. I'm sorry."

Seeing this, zege's companions were confused.

How could that be?!

Zege was not educated by his father. How could he kneel down and apologize to this boy?!

Isn't it?

Suddenly, a bold guess came to their mind.

Just now, zego's father called the boy.

If you can let the chairman of a company with tens of billions of dollars make a phone call in person, the identity of this guy is...



Zege's several companions also knelt on the ground one after another and apologized to Chu Chen.

Even zege can't afford to offend. How can they?

Among them, zege is the strongest in the family. Otherwise, they would not call Zhang zege.

Those guests around, looking at the childe brothers kneeling in front of Chu Chen begging for mercy, are as dumb as a wooden chicken.

What's wrong with this?!

Just now, there was no law and no law. How could the young man who was against heaven, against earth and against air be counselled in an instant?!

What's the identity of this young guest? It's so frightening for these young guests.

Less than ten minutes later, Zhang Jinzhong arrived.

As soon as he rushed in, Zhang Jinzhong saw Chu Chen.

"Mr. Chu, I'm sorry. It's my fault that I'm not strict with my children."

First apologize to Chu Chen. After that, Zhang Jinzhong turns around and comes to zege and starts.

Zhang Jinzhong beat up his son.

He had been playing for nearly ten minutes, and even zego's right arm was broken.

Zege was even more bloodstained.

"Take it to the hospital. Don't affect my appetite."

Chu Chen waved his hand and looked at Zhang Ze. He couldn't eat.

"Not fast, thank you for your generosity."

Zhang Jinzhong kicked his son and urged him.

"Crab... Crab... Chu... Zong!"

At the moment, Zhang Ze can't even speak clearly.

"President Xie Chu."

"President Xie Chu."

Pulling up Zhang Ze, Zhang Jinzhong left in a hurry and went to the hospital.

Zhang Ze's companions also left.


"Boy, great, great!"

"Have a good time!"

Looking at the embarrassed left childe brothers, a burst of applause, those guests cheered, to Chu dust incomparable admiration!

After dinner, Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan walk out of the restaurant.

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