"Not so good?"

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"That's four million, plus a luxury car no less than one and a half million."

Qi Zhengyi said again, thinking that Chu Chen felt less money.

As a private and famous noble University in Mordor, vino International University is not bad for money.

"Or not?"

Chu Chen shakes his head again.

Is he a man who bows his head for just four million? No, not at all!

Even if it's four billion, four billion, four billion, four hundred billion, or even four trillion, it's not like that...

well, if it's four trillion, we can discuss it.

Four million, plus no less than 1.5 million of luxury cars do not agree.

Fang Jing and Qi Zhengyi look at each other and feel that Chu Chen is waiting for the price to sell, and they dislike the lack of money.

However, who makes others strong?

"Well, I'll give you five million a year, plus two million luxury cars. If you do well in three years, you can get a house."

"Five year contract."

Qi Zhengyi said with great pride.

"This is our final bottom line. Please think about it."

Five million, two million cars a year, plus a multi million dollar house.

This treatment has been very high in magic.

"You only need 20 or 30 years to become a billionaire, don't you?"

Fang Jing is good at persuasion and hopes that Chu Chen agrees.

"No, I'm not."

Chu Chen replied without hesitation:

"sorry, I'm not interested in money."

After that, Chu Chen turned and left the dean's office.

Become a billionaire in 20 or 30 years?

I'm sorry, he's one hundred billion now.

Ten days later, his value will soar 50 billion!!!

Even if we sell the entire university, it may not be worth 50 billion!

What's more, once chuchen gets the 25% shares of Ferrari group, he will get countless contacts in addition to the corresponding 50 billion yuan.

After all, it is one of the world's top luxury car brands with strong influence and terrible connections!

Looking at Chu Chen leaving, Fang Jing and Qi Zhengyi are stunned.

I'm not interested in money?!

And people who are not interested in money?!

Fang Jing and Qi Zhengyi look at each other and see the surprise in each other's eyes.

If you dare to say that, there are generally two situations.

One is really indifferent to fame and wealth, no interest in money, such people are rare.

It's such a real master, a legendary hermit.

Second, they have an amazing value. In their eyes, money is similar to the number, so they are not interested in money.

"I admire it."

Fang Jing sighed.

No matter which kind Chu Chen belongs to, both of them deserve his admiration.

As for Qi Zhengyi, who is rich and powerful, he was also deeply shocked.

There are too few people who are indifferent to their aspirations, and they are generally over 50 years old and have experienced ups and downs in the world, so they are indifferent to everything.

It is almost impossible for young people to have such a character.

Therefore, Qi Zhengyi is more inclined to the latter, Chu Chen has a terrible value, has no interest in money.

Chu Chen is a super rich man. It's incredible!

How young he is.

He was showing off his wealth in front of a super rich man.

What a shame!


After leaving the dean's office, Chu Chen has no class and walks around the school curiously.

After walking for a while, Chu Chen shook his head slightly.

Compared with other schools, vino International University is indeed luxurious, but in Chu Chen's opinion, it is very ordinary.

The scenery here is a little worse than Meiyuan in Donghai and Xinghewan huxindao villa in Hangzhou.

When Chu Chen passed a dormitory building, a girl with high appearance and outstanding temperament was playing badminton with her best friend.

She was not careful, too much force, the badminton hit the side, just fell on the fork.

The branch is a little high, she can't touch it.

"Little brother, can you help me get that badminton down?"

The younger sister saw Chu Chen passing by and pleaded:

"little brother, as long as you pick it up, you should be able to meet it."


The matter of easy labor, Chu Chen agrees.

Chu Chen picked the badminton and handed it to his sister.

"Thank you... Thank you..."

after taking the badminton, my sister looked at Chu Chen and was stunned.

Just now her attention was all on badminton, and she didn't pay attention to the little brother's appearance.But now, looking at the little brother in front of her, countless little hearts appeared in her eyes.

This is too handsome!

How can you be so handsome?!

By, his heart beat faster, this is the feeling of love at first sight?

"Little brother, which college are you from?"

How come she hasn't heard of such a handsome little brother?

"Conservatory of music."

"Conservatory of music?"

After hearing Chu Chen's answer, sister is more excited.

"You must have just come. I'm also a student of the Conservatory of music. My name is Zhou Shishi. Nice to meet you."

My sister took the initiative to introduce herself and extended her jade hand.


Chu Chen is interested. He just wants to know about the Conservatory of music?

Chu Chen shakes hands with Zhou Shishi, who enthusiastically introduces Chu Chen to the Conservatory of music.

In the distance, a young man passed by, looking at the extremely enthusiastic Zhou Shishi chatting with Chu Chen, suddenly stunned.

They are the first-class beauties in the Department of flowers. Do they even have people they like?

The young man secretly took a picture and immediately sent a circle of friends.

Soon, the student group, post bar and other places of the Conservatory of music were all bombed!

The goddess has someone she likes.

Oh, my God!

Why is that!

They just fell in love, so soon they lost love.

Many people who secretly love Zhou's poems cry.

"What, does Zhou Shi have someone to like?"

In the gymnasium, a tall young man who had just finished playing basketball was furious when he heard his younger brother's words.

"Yes, regor."

As he said this, he handed his cell phone up.

Yan Yingrui was even more angry when she saw the shy appearance of Zhou Shishi in the photo.

As one of the top high rich and handsome students in the Conservatory of music, Yan Yingrui is very popular with girls at ordinary times. In terms of emotion, she has no disadvantage.

He just put his eyes on Zhou's poems, but he didn't have time to start?

No, it can't be done like this.

How can the woman he likes give up?

Leave the gym, in the younger brother's search, he found Chu Chen is ready to eat.

"New boy, I advise you to stay away from Zhou Shishi, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences."

"The Conservatory of music is Laozi's territory."

After threatening Chu Chen, Yan Yingrui leaves.

In the afternoon, Zhou Shi had a class. In order to pursue Zhou Shi, Yan Yingrui came even if he was not a student of this class.

sat next to Zhou Shi Yan. Yan Ying Rui kept talking about the local love words, which made Zhou Shi Shi very irritable.

It's time for class. A pretty boy comes in slowly.

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