Chu Chen received the call and heard the voice of a strange man:

"is this Mr. Chu Chen?"

"Yes, you are?"

"Oh, I'm sun Dian, vice president of Lingyun capital. You have become the fourth largest shareholder of our group. I'd like to visit you. Do you have time?"

Sun Dian asked tentatively.

"Yes, I'm in Jiangzhou."

As the fourth largest shareholder of Lingyun capital, Chu Chen also wants to see the highest level of Lingyun capital and learn more about Lingyun capital.

"Well, I'll see you in three days."

Sun Dian said very politely that as soon as he got Chu Chen's contact information, he immediately contacted Chu Chen, even faster than president Zhao Guangji.

This time, he is sure to win. He must let Chu Chen stand on his side, and he will do whatever it takes to make friends with Chu Chen!

Ward, President Zheng with a group of high-level experts to visit.

President Zheng talked with fat mother with great enthusiasm, so that she could rest assured that the patient would recover.

In order to please Chu Chen, President Zheng directly transferred the fat man's father's ward to the most senior private ward in the hospital, and exempted the hospitalization expenses of up to 20000 yuan per day.

After staying in the hospital for some time, Chu Chen is ready to leave.

"Poetry, send it quickly."

Said the fat man's mother.


They walked out of the ward together.

"Brother Chu, thank you very much this time."

Hospital downstairs, Han Shishi said from the heart.

"It's OK. Call me if you have anything."

After that, Chu Chen sits on koniseg and leaves.

Looking far away at Chu Chen, Han Shishi made a decision. Then she applied for college entrance examination, and she applied for Jiangzhou University, so that she could see brother Chu every day.

Brother Chu is not only handsome, but also loving. He is definitely the best choice to be a boyfriend.

Although brother Chu is several years older than himself, he has a sense of security.

"A Xiao"

in the dormitory of Tiannan University, Bai Lingling, who was reading a book, suddenly sneezed.

Knead knead nose, Bai Lingling feels strange, don't know how.

"Brother Chen must have missed me, hee hee."


The next day, Su Chuqing invited Chu Chen to go shopping.

Chu Chen came to the mall and found that he was ten minutes ahead of time, so he looked around and wanted to find a seat and wait for Su Chuqing.

For a moment, Chu Chen didn't pay attention to his feet.


Exclamation came.

Chu Chen is not careful. In the crowd, he bumps a beautiful woman's white bag.

When her beloved bag fell to the ground, the beauty exclaimed and her face changed greatly.

No matter where the beauty is, it is the most concerned. Originally, the beauty has attracted countless eyes, and this scream has attracted all the people.

"Ha ha, this boy is finished."

"The bag is a woman's life. The boy rubbed off the beauty's white bag and caused trouble."

Some onlookers who saw the scene said one after another.

There was even a young man who took the initiative to help the beauty pick up her bag, and then angrily denounced Chu Chen: "what do you think? How can you get rid of the beauty's bag? Don't you have eyes?"

At the moment, the young man was extremely excited, even gloating.

Thanks to this boy, he has long been eyeing this beauty, but he doesn't know how to chat up.

Now Chu Chen has created an excellent opportunity for him to win the beauty's heart.

I'm sorry, boy. I can only step on you and hold the beauty back.

Thinking about it, the corner of young people's mouth can't help rising.

"Why are you so fierce?"

A shout came.


young people just want to agree, but they are surprised to find that something is wrong.

It seems that the beauty is not to the boy just now, but to him.

"Hum, you're such a chicken with a small stomach, asshole, scum!"

The beauty lashed out at the youth.



"It's not him..."

the young people are completely confused when they are repeatedly scolded by the beautiful women?

"He is what he is, who let you meddle."

"Go away!"

Originally rubbed off the bag, the beauty was very angry, but when she saw Chu Chen's immortal face, she was not angry.

Instead, she is expecting that Chu Chen helps her pick up the bag, and they have a pleasant conversation, resulting in an unforgettable love.

But now, such a good opportunity has been destroyed by this young man.

"It's my fault. I didn't notice you. I'm sorry."

Chu Chen said to the beauty with apology."It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter."

Hear Chu Chen speak, beauty face appeared smile, quickly said no relation.

"Can I add your wechat?"

The beauty asked nervously.


With Chu Chen's wechat, the beauty and Chu Chen chat enthusiastically.

Next to him, the young man was completely stupid, as if he had been struck by thunder.

What's going on?

Things are not the same as he imagined. He was repeatedly scolded by the beauty, but the boy was actively added wechat by the beauty to chat warmly.


While chatting with the beauty, Chu Chen glanced at the loveless youth and couldn't help shaking his head.

"You can't live by yourself."

He didn't do anything. He was called scum by a beautiful woman, but he asked for it.

"What a handsome little brother

"Immortal face, mom, I'm in love."

When the boys around pay attention to the beauties, the girls around focus on Chu Chen.

"How I want to be that woman! If only a little brother would wipe off my bag?"

A younger sister said enviously.

Hearing this, a man with a sharp mouth and a monkey's cheek next to him brightened up, and then he deliberately pushed past and directly squeezed out the girl's bag.

"Ah, my bag."

Sister exclaimed, quickly squatted down to pick up the bag.

Seeing this, the sharp mouthed man gets excited. He is waiting for his sister to take the initiative to add wechat.

The next second, he was caught by his sister's collar.

Ah, my sister is too warm.

It's just to help squeeze out the bags. It's a small matter. I'm going to wechat soon.

The man thought excitedly in his heart, but his sister's next sentence made him numb.

"You don't want to run, pay for my bag."

"This is the LV I just bought. It cost more than 30000 yuan. It's broken. You have to compensate me."


After listening to my sister's words, the man was stunned. Something was wrong.

Shouldn't it be the same as just now, my sister took the initiative to add his wechat?

seems to make complaints about the man's idea. Girl can't help but Tucao:

, "though you are ugly, you want to be beautiful."

"What's your face, what's your brother's face, he... Tui..."

"compensate me quickly!"

Hearing this, the man was completely stupid.

"I'm dead...!"

The sharp mouthed man screamed.

My sister not only didn't take the initiative to add wechat, but also made him lose money.

"I hate you..."

leaving a sad voice, this man with a sharp mouth was taken to buy a bag by his sister and her friends.

Hearing this, Chu Chen shrugged helplessly.

Handsome and liked by girls, can you blame yourself?

It's so hard to be yourself.

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