If Chu Chen, the second largest shareholder, is not here, Chen Zhenyu still has the right to decide what happens after that.

But Chu Chen is here. Chen Zhenyu naturally wants to listen to Chu Chen.

Now that it's hard to repair forever, Ferrari will definitely respond.

"20% off."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

There are few people who have the strength to buy Ferrari or Lamborghini.

Even if this is the largest international auto show and the largest number of auto shows in the past year, the turnover will not be very large.

After all, it's a multi million dollar luxury car.

Even if it's a discount, it's not much to lose.

"We also publicize that Ferrari is 20% off."

Chen Zhenyu quickly went to decorate.

Soon, the news of Ferrari's 20% discount spread, and for a while, some customers were excited.

Lamborghini is affected.


Hearing this news, Shi xiuyong is not a good person.

If it wasn't for the lack of solutions, Lamborghini wouldn't get a 10% discount.

Even the men's team in Europe who paid a lot of money could not win Ferrari, and Shi xiuyong could only do so.

This is a very bold decision.

Originally, he thought he could beat Ferrari with this hand.

However, to his surprise, Ferrari is even more ruthless and wants to give a 20% discount. In this way, I'm afraid it will lose money.

"Good, good."

Shi xiuyong was completely blown up.

"Come on, it's just a price war. I'll accompany you to the end and announce that today, Lamborghini will get a 70% discount!"

Shi Xiu said that he was never willing to show weakness.

Originally, if you were just a person in charge of the international auto show, you would not have that right.

But Shi xiuyong is different. Shi xiuyong is the vice president of Lamborghini's Greater China district!

Originally, the person in charge of the international motor show was not his, just because the person in charge was temporarily transferred to work abroad.

Lamborghini couldn't find a high level, so Shi xiuyong came to take charge.

Now, however, Shi xiuyong shows his superiority, and the 70% discount is obviously beyond the scope of his power.


In the heart incomparably surprised, but the staff dare not refute, immediately went to decorate.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted countless attention.

Even in the Internet caused a hot discussion, on the hot search list.

"50% off."

On the Lamborghini side, chuchen speaks.

Although 50% off Ferrari will lose money, the money is nothing to Chu Chen.

With Chu Chen's current assets, it won't take an hour to earn them back.

Shi xiuyong is on the top, but Chu Chen is not on the top. This price war, he also has another intention.

While talking to Chen Zhenyu, Chu Chen also contacted the top of Weibo.

Chu Chen is ready to take the opportunity to stir up a wave of speculation to make Ferrari hot and attract more audiences.

After that, we can do some small activities, give a little discount, and keep the heat.

Once more attention is paid, the sales volume will be improved.

It's just today's loss, and it's limited.

But take the opportunity to hype a wave, Ferrari to bring benefits, will be huge!

Now it's popular to bring goods live, and Ferrari also has a wave.

With the spread of Ferrari's 50% discount, it caused a huge sensation.

It is on the top three hot search list!

Ferrari's sales began to increase.

On the other hand, when he heard about the 50% discount, Shi Xiu Yongyi gritted his teeth and offered to accompany him to the end. He also gave a 50% discount.

Sales of Lamborghini have also started to increase.

But in less than an hour, Shi xiuyong received a call from the president of Lamborghini Asia Pacific region.

This is his boss's boss.

On the phone, the president of Lamborghini Asia Pacific region scolded Shi xiuyong.

A 50% discount is no longer Shi xiuyong's right.

The president told Shi xiuyong that the loss of Lamborghini today should be borne by Shi xiuyong alone.

Shi xiuyong's face turned white.

It's only an hour. I've already lost tens of millions!

He lost a lot of money!

Immediately, Shi xiuyong ordered Lamborghini to stop discount and resume its original price.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused innumerable curses!

Lamborghini's reputation has plummeted.

After Lamborghini reneged, all customers turned to Ferrari one after another.

After knowing that Ferrari is still keeping its promise, these people began to praise Ferrari.

Ferrari received a lot of praise.

Ferrari, the president of Asia Pacific also called.But knowing what Chu Chen meant, Ferrari's Asia Pacific President stopped talking.

And agreed.

On that day, Ferrari lost nearly 100 million.

But with Ferrari's reputation getting better and better, the heat and so on.

Ferrari's sales across the country began to soar.

On the fourth day, profits made up for the loss of 100 million yuan.

This month's Ferrari's national total sales soared, the profit is increased by 800 million!

In order to appreciate Chu Chen, Ferrari headquarters decided to take out half of this profit, reward Chu Chen.

Inadvertently, Chu Chen's value has increased by several hundred million.


On the other hand, Chu Chen receives an invitation from Mo aoqun, the president of Vientiane group.

Invite Chu Chen to his house for tea.

That afternoon, Chu Chen and Mo Yuwan went together.

In Huazhou Junting villa area, Mo aoqun walks in the villa and appreciates the villa he just bought.

He just bought the villa, which cost a lot of money.

Huazhou Junting, the famous villa area of mordu, is also one of the top ten villas in mordu.

On average, each villa occupies 5 mu, with a single building area of 1300-1400 square meters.

There are 21 single family villas in total. The architectural style of each villa is very different, showing the classical, grand and graceful style.

As early as 10 years ago, the price of each villa in Huazhou Junting has exceeded 150 million.

Now nearly ten years later, the price is even more terrible!

Among the top ten villas in Mordor, Huazhou royal court is ranked in the middle, although it is far less expensive than the legendary Tan palace.

But the people who can live in Huazhou Junting are either rich or expensive, and they are absolutely great figures in the magic capital!

This time I invite Chu Chen. Mo aoqun just wants to show off the mansion he just bought.

Soon, Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan arrived.

"Chu is good."

Mo aoqun said hello politely.

"This is the villa I just bought. Can Mr. Chu give it to the staff?"

Mo aoqun said politely.

Take Chu Chen to visit a circle, didn't see Chu Chen any surprised expression, this let Mo Ao group face some can't hang up.

"Mr. Chu, the villa of Huazhou Junting is more valuable than that of Tangchen Yipin."

Mo Ao group one side takes Chu dust to stroll, one side says ostentatiously.

As they walked in the wreath of the villa, a sound of footwork came.

A well-dressed young man came in.

"Uncle Mo, I didn't expect that you also moved here?"

"What a coincidence."

Young people are very polite to say hello to Mo aoqun.

But indistinctly, his vision revolves on Mo Yu Wan's body, there is a trace of evil intention.

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