Looking at the magnificent buildings in front of them, Lin Ziyi and Mo aoqun are all dumbfounded.

In particular, Lin Ziyi and Mo aoqun were scared when they found the word "Tangong".

This is known as "the first luxury house in Shanghai" Tangong?!

Chu Chen drives in front of him, and several people enter Tan palace.

Finally, they stopped in front of villa 11 in Tangong.

Lin Ziyi and Mo aoqun excitedly get out of the car and look at the huge villa. They are shocked.

"This is the villa that the elder brother gave me."

"I didn't care too much. Today is my first time."

"I won't introduce it to you. Let's see for ourselves."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

After that, Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan go in first.

Mo aoqun looks at Tan palace villa, unable to speak for a long time.

As a big man in Mordor, he knows more about the horror of Tangong!

This is the first villa area in Mordor. There are only 18 villas in the whole villa area. Each villa has its own unique architectural style.

Those who are qualified to live in Tangong are the top figures in mordu. Even he, the president of a listed company with a market value of 200 billion, is not qualified to live in.

Not only him, I'm afraid that even the rich Mordor who are more valuable than him may not be qualified to live in.

But now, his daughter's boyfriend has a villa in Tan palace?!

Although Mo Yuwan didn't say it, Mo aoqun had already seen that Mo Yuwan was interested in Chu Chen.

Who is Chu Chen? Someone gave him the villa of Tan palace?

Mo aoqun was shocked.

He had no doubt that the villa belonged to Chu Chen.

As "the first luxury house in Shanghai", Tan Palace's security system is also one of the best in Mordor.

They can't get in through the gate without being identified.

Take a deep breath, Mo Ao group also nervous into the villa.

He was very curious about what the legendary "Shanghai first mansion" looked like.

Mo aoqun goes in, but Lin Ziyi is still there, staring at the villa.

Is it true that some people give the top villas to others?

But also known as the "Shanghai first luxury house" villa?!

Lin Ziyi is a fool!

He took it!

What the hell!

To kill him, he did not expect that Chu Chen's villa was the legendary Tan palace!

Originally, he thought that Chu Chen's mansion was just a few golf villas of Tangchen Yipin or mordu.

I didn't expect that Chu Chen would bring them to tan palace.

At the moment, Lin Ziyi is collapsing.

This is still his initiative to ask Chu Chen to bring them here.

Isn't this lifting a stone and hitting yourself in the foot?!

Bearing the shock of his heart, Lin Ziyi walked into the villa.

Looking at the palace like Tangong villa, everyone is in shock.

"Mr. Chu, it's amazing."

Mo Ao group opens a mouth, he is convinced to Chu Chen at the moment.

From now on, he will never object to Mo Yu Wan and Chu Chen together.

He completely recognized Chu Chen's son-in-law!

"It's really luxurious."

Even Lin could not help sighing.

After a long time in Tangong, several people left and returned to Huazhou Junting.

Even knowing that Chu Chen's mansion is in Tan palace, Lin Ziyi still refuses to give up.

After all, the villa was only given to Chu Chen by others, not bought by Chu Chen himself!

Lin Ziyi is still very suspicious of Chu Chen's identity.


"They're coming to Mordor?"

After returning to Huazhou Junting, Mo aoqun suddenly received a call from the vice president of the company.

Said that tomorrow, a partner of the company, with a team to visit Mo aoqun, and negotiate after things.

"I'll think about where it is."

Mo aoqun opens his mouth.

The vice president called to ask Mo aoqun where to arrange these people.

If it's just arranged in an ordinary five-star hotel, it's disrespectful to others.

You know, Mo aoqun's partner, however, comes from the capital and is even more valuable than Mo aoqun!

The general hotel, absolutely does not deserve others.

Things are too sudden, let Mo aoqun some unprepared.

If it is one or two people, the arrangement is very simple.

But his partner, however, brought a number of company executives.

"What happened to Uncle Mo?"

Lin Ziyi asked.

Mo aoqun said the matter simply."It's easy to do, uncle mo. I know the general manager of the banyan tree hotel in Mordor. I can arrange it easily with a phone call."

Lin Ziyi thought that the opportunity had come and took the initiative to say.

Banyan Tree Hotel, the top five-star hotel, is located on the Bund of Huangpu River. It is also one of the most luxurious hotels in mordu.

Even the cheapest room costs nearly 3000 yuan a night.

And the most expensive room is tens of thousands.

"I don't know how many people uncle Mo has here."

Taking out his cell phone, Lin Yi inquired.

"There should be more than twenty."

After thinking about it, Mo aoqun replied.

"More than twenty?"

Lin Ziyi was very surprised.

As a famous hotel in Mordor, banyan tree is also very popular. Most of the rooms are reserved early. If it's a few people, it's easy to arrange, but there are more than 20 people.

Lin Ziyi hesitated. Even the general manager of banyan tree, it's hard to find so many rooms.

"What's the matter, Xiao Lin? Can't you help it?"

Mo aoqun asked.

"No problem, no problem."

Lin Ziyi quickly explained.

The next second, the mobile phone dial, he told the general manager of banyan tree hotel.

"We don't have so many rooms?"

After checking, the general manager of Banyan Tree Hotel replied that even if he used his own authority, he could only arrange more than a dozen people.

No more, there is no room.

After all, he is just the general manager of a banyan tree hotel. He does not have much power, and it is impossible for Lin Ziyi to drive out the guests who originally reserved rooms.

"All right."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Ziyi said with some embarrassment:

"Uncle Mo, I can only arrange a dozen people to live in banyan tree."

"Why don't we put them in two hotels?"

After thinking about it, Mo aoqun shook his head.

"That's not good."

Mo Ao group is extremely tangled.

"Yang Yun An man should have a room."

Chu Chen spoke.

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