Shi xiuyong is Lin Xingyao's confidant. Today, he came to Lin Xingyao to explain the matter.

Especially after a period of time, when Lin Xingyao is going to be promoted to President of Lamborghini Asia Pacific region, he has to flatter him.

"President Lin."

After arriving at the villa, Shi xiuyong first saw Lin Xingyao and immediately flattered him.

"I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Mo, the president of Vientiane group."

After all, it's in other people's villa. Lin Xingyao naturally wants to introduce the owner.

"It turned out to be Mr. mo. I've heard a lot about him."

Shi xiuyong said hello.

"By the way, you're just in time."

Lin Xingyao said:

"please tell us how Ferrari provoked us before, and how we schemed."

Lin Xingyao gives Shi Yongxiu a look.

"Someone slandered our Lamborghini just now."

While saying this, Lin Xingyao glanced at Chu Chen who was not far away.


"Slander us Lamborghini?"

Seeing Lin Xingyao's eyes, as a confidant, Shi Xiu yonglima understood Lin Xingyao's meaning.

"Who is so shameless?"

"It's so hateful."

Shi xiuyong looked indignant, as if he was the victim.

Hearing this, he turned his back to Lin Xingyao and others to see Chu Chen of the golden dragon fish raised by Mo aoqun. Then he turned his head slowly.


"It's you!"

After seeing Chu Chen's face, Shi xiuyong shouts in surprise.

"What's the matter?"

Looking at Shi xiuyong's violent reaction, Lin Xingyao and Mo aoqun are extremely surprised.

"Why did you dare to do that then?"

"Why are you not afraid of losing money?"

Shi xiuyong suddenly comes to Chu Chen and asks.

At the beginning, Shi xiuyong regarded Chu Chen as an ordinary customer of Ferrari.

But in the end, watching Chu Chen and the head of Ferrari leave together, Shi xiuyong mistook Chu Chen for the top of Ferrari.

At that time, he and Ferrari were 50% off.

In less than an hour, he was called by Lamborghini Asia Pacific headquarters to stop.

On the contrary, Ferrari continues to offer discounts.

Although the subsequent proof, Ferrari's insistence is right.

However, Ferrari lost nearly 100 million on that day. Why do they dare to stick to it?

Shi xiuyong really can't figure it out.

And why Chu Chen has so much power!

"Who is he?"

Looking at Shi xiuyong so excited, Lin Xingyao asked again.

Shi xiuyong said all the things in the international auto show before.

After hearing this, Lin Xingyao and Mo aoqun are also extremely curious. What does Chu Chen rely on and dare to take such a big risk.

"Why do you have so much power?"

Shi xiuyong asked again.

"Why am I not afraid of losing money?"

"Why do I have so much power?"

Chu Chen naturally replied:

"it's very simple, because I'm the second largest shareholder of Ferrari."

A loss of 100 million is nothing to Chu Chen now.

What's more, the follow-up proved that he was right. He bet right. Instead of losing money, he made hundreds of millions and brought good benefits to Ferrari.

Because I am the second largest shareholder of Ferrari?!

He is actually Ferrari's second largest shareholder!

Everyone present was in a daze.

Chu Chen still has this heavy identity unexpectedly!

Originally, they thought that Lin Xingyao, vice president of Lamborghini Asia Pacific region, was already very high.

But compared with the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group, Lin Xingyao's identity is nothing at all!

You know, not to mention that Lin Xingyao is just the vice president of Lamborghini Asia Pacific region, even if he becomes the president.

I'm afraid that even the top 10, no, top 20 of Lamborghini are not included.

But the identity of the second largest shareholder of chuchen Ferrari group is different.

As the second largest shareholder, chuchen is also the second person of Ferrari group, holding the power!

It's far more than Lin Xingyao can match!

"Mr. Chu, every time I see you, you can shock me."

Mo aoqun spoke with great emotion.

Ferrari group's second largest shareholder, this identity is terrible!

As for Lin Xingyao and Shi xiuyong, they stood there like stone pillars, unable to speak for a long time.

The trough!

Shi xiuyong looked at Chu Chen, only these two words in his heart.Only in this way can it make sense why Chu Chen has such great power and dares to do so.

Lost in the hands of the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group, he was convinced to lose.

As for Lin Xingyao, he was extremely ashamed.

Just now, he was still showing off his identity and yelling at Chu Chen?

As a result, he is the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group!

Lin Xingyao is a bad person. Why did things come to this point.

"Manager Shi said that just now. Who provoked him?"

Chu Chen asks Lin Xingyao.

Just now, Shi xiuyong has explained what happened at the auto show.

"It's us."

Lin Xingyao nodded in shame.

"I'm the one who said it."

Lin Xingyao sighed.

"I'm sorry."

Lin Xingyao couldn't stay any longer, so he left with his son and Shi xiuyong.

Today's event, the unexpected spread to the Lamborghini interior.

Lamborghini's top management thinks that Lin Xingyao has lost Lamborghini's face.

Plus the loss of Lamborghini.

In the end, instead of being promoted, Lin Xingyao was demoted to the Department Manager of Lamborghini Greater China.


The next day, introduced by Gao Zhengqi, Chu Chen came to the studio of a business card designer.

Before, in those big guys' parties and other places, after we first met, we usually sent business cards first.

But Chu Chen has no business card, so he has some troubles.

So at Gao Zhengqi's suggestion, Chu Chen is going to get a famous product of his own, so Gao Zhengqi recommends the design master to Chu Chen.

On business card design, here is absolutely the best magic, designers are also the top.

After inviting Chu Chen to sit down, the business card designer began to ask Chu Chen's requirements.

"There are no requirements. Just be simple. I like to keep a low profile."

Chu Chen answers.

"All right."

Because many rich people in Mordor come here to ask him to design business cards. The designer has met many rich people, so he has a colder attitude towards Chu Chen.

"What identity do you want on your business card?"

The designer lowered his head and asked Chu Chen.

"I don't have many identities, just a few."

Chu Chen doesn't want to be too high-profile. That's not good.

"First, the owners of international financial centers."

As soon as Chu Chen opened his mouth, the designer suddenly raised his head and looked at Chu Chen in shock.

"What international financial center are you talking about?"

The designer asked Chu Chen nervously.

If it's from other cities, it's OK. If it's from Mordor, it's terrible!

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