Song Jiashi extremely surprised said, as if to know this kind of worth more than 100 billion super rich, is a very common thing in general.

In terms of acting skills, song Jiashi is absolutely superb.

How can you pretend to be good if you don't have acting skills?!

"Ah, Mr. Song is joking. We are not Mr. Song."

"Although we are also rich people, we are not worth as much as others. Let alone we know such rich people who are worth more than 100 billion. We don't even know those rich people who are worth tens of billions."

"Big people like Qu Yuntian and general manager Qu are superior. How can we know each other?"

When song Jiashi finished, the other guests shook their heads helplessly.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are rich people with tens of billions of dollars, high-class people, with endless wealth.

But in the eyes of these old tycoons and bigwigs, they are not worth mentioning at all, which is better than the "upstarts".


Song Jiashi's acting skills went online, pretending to be suddenly enlightened.

"It's easy. I'll invite uncle Qu to meet you later, OK?"

Song Jiashi said with pride.


"Thank you so much, Mr. Song."

"Unexpectedly, we also have the opportunity to meet the hundreds of billions of rich people."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Song."

Unexpectedly, they had a chance to meet such a big man as Qu Yuntian. In an instant, these guests got excited and flattered song Jiashi.

The smile on Song Jiashi's face is more serious, and he is more proud in his heart.

A fashion force a moment cool, has been forced to dress has been cool!

It seems that he has to work hard and keep pretending to be the king.

With a glance at Chu Chen, song Jiashi leaves to invite Qu Yuntian.

Seeing this, Bi Wenzheng, the chairman of Saiao Network Technology Co., Ltd., felt something wrong and said to Chu Chen, who was enjoying the delicious food:

"President Chu, would you like to leave first?"

"After a while, Mr. Song will probably do something?"

"Leave, why leave?"

"By the way, it's delicious. Try it, too."

Pointing to a dish beside, Chu Chen said calmly.

Qu Yuntian and song Jiashi are not qualified to let him leave.

"President Chu..."

Bi Wenzheng spoke again, trying to persuade Chu Chen.

Although song Jiashi's words are extravagant, Bi Wenzheng still thinks that Chu Chen is reliable and worth knowing. That's why he tries to persuade Chu Chen.

"No harm."

However, Chu Chen didn't mean to leave at all.


Bi Wen sighed, he has done his utmost, for a while something happened, Chu Chen can only admit bad luck.

Soon, song Jiashi took Qu Yuntian with him and President Qu came.

"Uncle Qu, these are my new friends."

Song Jiashi said to Qu Yuntian.

"Music is always good!"

"Mr. Qu, I'm the chairman of aochang group."

"I've heard a lot about Qu Zong. I'm very lucky to see him today."

When several guests saw Qu Yuntian, they got up one after another and began to kneel and lick.


Hearing these people's words, Qu Yuntian just nodded coldly, obviously didn't pay attention to them.

Only Chu Chen sat there and tasted the delicious food.


Seeing this, Qu Yuntian frowned and was a little unhappy.

Others are kneeling and licking themselves, but this boy, some of them are too polite.

"Xiao Song, who is this?"

Qu Yuntian is afraid that Chu Chen is a low-key figure, so he specially asks song Jiashi about Chu Chen's identity.


"He is the owner of Shengtang auction house."

"Just a little guy."

Song Jiashi explained.

Shengtang auction house?

Isn't that a small company without 10 billion assets?

The boss of a small company dares to be so presumptuous in front of himself?!

"Chu Chen, don't you say hello to Uncle Qu?"

Step forward, song Jiashi said to Chu Chen in a cold voice.

But Chu Chen is not moved, still sitting there eating.

Qu Yuntian and song Jiashi's faces were slightly gloomy.

Song Jiashi is ready to reprimand Chu Chen, but he is stopped by Qu Yuntian.

"Why do you have the same idea with such people?"

Qu Yuntian's arrogant education to song Jiashi.

"Xiao Song, you should pay attention to making friends in the future. Don't let any cats and dogs get in."

Qu Yuntian specially glanced at Chu Chen.After that, Qu Yuntian is ready to leave.

Just as the host of the banquet was about to announce the beginning of the banquet, the door of the banquet was pushed open again.

A refined middle-aged man, surrounded by several people, came in.

After seeing this elegant middle-aged man, the scene immediately became silent.

If Qu Yuntian was a big man just now, now this refined middle-aged man is a big man among the big people!

Even if two Qu Yuntian add up, they can't compare with this elegant middle-aged man.

"President Du."

"How did Mr. Du come? Mr. Lin was disappointed and welcomed far away."

The host of the banquet came forward and said respectfully to the middle-aged man.

Even Qu Yuntian quickly walked past, changed the high cold just now, and said to the refined middle-aged man with a flattering face:

"Mr. Du is good. I haven't seen Mr. Du for half a year, but Mr. Du is still elegant."

"Worthy of being the famous modest gentleman of Mordor."

"I'm a little abrupt."

Mr. Du said.

This president Du is Du Wende, the chairman of Du group.

"Today I came here to inspect. I heard that President Lin is holding a party here. Congratulations."

This hotel is owned by Du's group.

Today, Du Wende came here to inspect his work. It is said that Mordor is holding a banquet here.

As the boss here, Du Wende would like to be polite and earn a good reputation.

"Mr. Du is too polite. What's abrupt or not?"

The host of the banquet responded quickly:

"I'm very happy that Du can always come."

Qu Yuntian also knelt and licked: "President Du is too easygoing."

After a few polite words with them, Du Wende was ready to leave.

However, when he just turned around, Yu Guang suddenly saw Chu Chen sitting there.


Dewender was a little surprised.

How can president Chu appear at such a low-level banquet?

Yesterday, because of Chu Chen's reason, Du's real estate group just signed a big contract with Hilton.

He was just about to thank Chu Chen?

I didn't expect to meet you here.

The next second, leaving everyone behind, Du Wende went to Chu Chen.

Other faces show puzzled eyes. What's the matter with President Du?

Who is this young man who will make President Du like this?!

And Qu Yuntian and song Jiashi are awe inspiring. Has this Chu dust ever provoked president Du?!

Thinking of this, they hurried forward to keep up with Du Wende.

"Mr. Du, this boy..."

as soon as Qu Yuntian was ready to speak, he was suppressed by Du Wende's voice.

"President Chu."

Du Wende greets Chu Chen and asks in surprise:

"how can Chu always come to such a low-level party?"

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