A series of identities on her business card can frighten people if any one is taken out.

So many identities are written on it, it's impossible not to be shocked!

Does this young man want to work hard with his own hands?

Ha ha Da!

Knowing who he is, he can't keep thinking like that.

I can make him less struggle for a lifetime!

The more you look at Chu Chen, the more satisfied the rich woman is. I hope this young man won't let her down.

Li elder sister was forced to plug the business card, Chu dust took a look.

There are a lot of identities on it. Ordinary people will be scared when they see them.

But these identities are several grades worse than those on my business card.

Many young people with "iron bone" will be moved when they see these identities.

After all, this is not 20 years less struggle, but a lifetime less struggle!

But Chu Chen is not the vast majority, but a small part!

he still hopes to eat with his own efforts and hands. Of course, he also needs a little help from the system.

"Young man, how are you thinking?"

Fu Po Li elder sister complacently asks Chu Chen, she seems to have seen Chu Chen bow, promised her scene.

"Sorry, I still can't promise you."

However, to her surprise, Chu Chen refused her again.

Did you hear me right!

This young man turned himself down?!

Fu Po Li Jie stood there in disbelief.

After a while, she relaxed and refused herself. Well, the more she refused her, the more she wanted to get.

Just as Sister Li was about to speak again, Chu Chen said:

"well, I also have a business card."

With that, Chu Chen took out his business card and handed it to Li Jie.

It's not that Chu Chen is willing to give it, but Chu Chen is afraid that if she doesn't show her identity, the rich woman will continue to pester herself.

"Business card?"

What's good for a young business card?

Puzzled took Chu Chen's business card, Li elder sister bowed her head and looked in the past.

The next second, Sister Li was stunned.

"The boss of modu international financial center, the boss of Yangyun aman, and the largest shareholder of Prada..."

looking at her identity on her business card, Sister Li is as dumb as a duck!


when reading about Prada's largest shareholder, Sister Li subconsciously covered up her Prada bag.

How could he have so many horrible identities.

If you take out any one of these identities, you can crush all her identities.

Especially the last two, Prada's largest shareholder and President, Ferrari's second largest shareholder, which is terrible!

Even some super rich people in Mordor can't match him.

It turns out that this young man is a super big man.

With so many terrible identities, how can he keep such a low profile?!

Sister Li did not dare to sigh.

"I'm sorry. I'll take it back."

Sister Li hastened to take back what she had just said.

She also shows off her wealth and wants to support others?

As a result, I can't even compare with one tenth, no, one percent of other people's value!

If they continue to pester, it is not to die?!

"It's nice to have a business card."

Chu Chen sighed in his heart that with his business card, he didn't have to explain a lot of things, saving a lot of trouble.

It seems that it's a good choice to design business cards by yourself.

Thanks to Gao Zhengqi, brother Gao's advice.

Do not want to entangle with this rich woman, Chu Chen left.

Far away, the first look at the rich woman took the initiative to chat up Chu Chen, before that little white face, face green.

It turns out that Sister Li has found a new target.

Where is he worse than that boy? Isn't that boy's appearance and temperament so much higher than himself?!

Don't accept!

He won't accept!

At first, he thought he didn't have to work hard in the future, but after only three or four months, Sister Li was tired of it.

Small white face thoroughly hated Chu dust.

Finally, I saw Chu Chen leave alone, but Sister Li didn't go after her.

Xiaobai's face brightened.

This boy refused Sister Li, otherwise, he would have gone home with her now.

How wonderful!

If the boy agreed to Li Jie, with Li Jie protection, he dare not mess.

But now, he refused Sister Li. Without her support, he would have a way.

"Boy, I must teach you a lesson."Looking at Chu dust, small white face gnash teeth of say.

After that, xiaobailian took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Brother Bao, do me a favor?"

I've been with Fu Po Li for several months, and Xiao Bai Lian has met some big people.

This leopard brother is one of them. He runs a bar and has dozens of younger brothers.

"Not too much. Eight or nine people are enough."

Brother Bao asked how many people xiaobailian wanted.

"You are there. When shall I send someone?" Leopard asked again.

"We're on the Bund. Brother leopard, you can come here now."

Little white face said.

"Well, give me fifteen minutes, and I'll take my brothers with me."

Brother Bao gave Xiaobai an answer.

"Thank you, brother leopard."

Hang up the phone, xiaobailian sent the location to brother Bao.

Xiaobai had a wild smile on his face.

Boy, I'll let you be proud for a while. It's time for you to cry!

Small white face far to keep up with Chu dust.

More than ten minutes later, brother Bao called and said that he had brought people here.

Xiaobailian sent the new location to brother Bao.

Soon, little white face and brother leopard and brother leopard's eight or nine little brothers met.

"That's him, brother leopard."

Pointing to Chu dust in the distance, Xiao Bai Lian said to brother Bao.


"After a while, when he gets to a place where there are few people, we'll do it."

There are so many people here on the Bund. If you lend brother Bao 100 courage, he doesn't dare to do it here.

So small white face and leopard brother quietly follow behind Chu Chen.

Have been waiting for a long time, they are tired of backache, finally see Chu dust into a residential area, the opportunity came.

"Brother leopard, do it."

Little white face said excitedly.

"Do it, move NIMA's hand!"

"Why don't you have a good look? What's this place?"

Leopard elder brother mercilessly gave small white face once, angrily scold a way.


Just now the small white face has been paying attention to Chu Chen's body, didn't pay attention to other.

Hearing brother Bao's words, little white face looked.

The next second, the whole person is not good.

This is Tangchen Yipin!

The boy actually lives in the top luxury house of Mordor - Tomson Yipin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!

You know, even Sister Li is not qualified to live here!

Those who can live here are rich or expensive, and their status is not simple.

Is this boy a big shot, so he refused Sister Li.

"Little thing, how dare you let me teach someone who lives in Tomson Yipin?"

Looking at the little white face, brother leopard said ferociously.

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