"It's a pity that you have no background for such a smart person?"

"It can't be the rival of our Japanese Huaishi catering group."

Huaishi cuisine group has several branches in China, all of which are top restaurants.

In Japan, the strength of Huaishi cuisine group is not bad. If you change it into Huaxia coin, the total assets of Huaishi cuisine group will be more than 100 billion.

With such a huge group behind him, Lin Tiangong is so confident.

Before, behind wangjiangge was a large catering group, similar to Huaishi catering group.

But now, the boss of Wangjiang pavilion has changed.

It is for this reason that Lin Tiangong dares to attack Wangjiang Pavilion.

he has investigated before, Wang Jiang GE's new boss is not the head of any restaurant group or shareholder.

"If you are smart enough to sell wangjiangge earlier, you may be able to earn some money."

"Otherwise, when things ferment, your assets will be negative."

Lin Tiangong said with a sneer.

"By the way, don't forget to contact us when selling Wangjiang Pavilion."

"We won't treat you badly."

Lin Tiangong smiles with pride. In his words, it seems that Wangjiang Pavilion is finished.

"Are you so confident?"

Chu Chen asked.

"You can now look at the new news on the Internet."

After that, Chu Chen hung up.

It's done.

What's new on the Internet?

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Lin Tiangong reopens several websites with curiosity.

"Wangjiangge refutes rumors, surveillance video shows that the flies are put in by customers themselves"

"customers blackmail wangjiangge, which has been sent to the police station"

"wangjiangge publishes video materials, as well as the photos of the kitchen, crushing all the rumor makers"

a piece of news is casually opened, and the first one that comes into view is a video.

Open the video, you can clearly see that customers sneak, put something in the dish.

"How, how?"

Seeing this, Lin Tiangong was dumbfounded.

How can Wangjiang Pavilion settle things so quickly?

For the monitoring system of heiwangjiangge, he hired the top hackers of Mordor.

What's more, most of the news he had paid for disappeared.

Now online, for Wangjiang Pavilion Ming injustice, support Wangjiang Pavilion, a wave higher than a wave.

Before he called, he read the news on the Internet. It was only two or three minutes.

Lin Tiangong is not good at all.

He worked so hard to get the situation solved by Wangjiang Pavilion so quickly?!

Just when Lin Tiangong was about to make a phone call and ask the hacker how to do it.

The police suddenly appeared and took Lin Tiangong away.

It turns out that the hacker who helped Lin Tiangong was arrested, and directly confessed the behind the scenes master of Lin Tiangong.

Soon, the whole story was posted on the Internet.

Xingye Huaishi cuisine has become the existence of everyone's cry. Finally, for various reasons such as public opinion, Xingye Huaishi cuisine closed down.

In China, several other branches of Huaishi cuisine group also suffered a huge impact, with customers directly shrinking by more than half.

With the closing of Huaishi restaurant on a starry night, Wangjiang pavilion has become the most luxurious restaurant on the Bund.

Because of this, Wangjiang pavilion has become popular on the Internet. More and more people know about Wangjiang Pavilion and the top hygiene level of its kitchen.

Wangjiangge's customers began to grow exponentially, and its revenue soared.


Magic City, Jiangnan airport, Chu Chen waiting in the supreme lounge.

Chu Chen receives the news that Su Chuqing, the beauty's elder sister, is coming to the magic capital. Chu Chen comes to pick up the plane.

After the public confession and some subsequent things, the relationship between Su Chuqing and Chu Chen has become more delicate.

In the last one or two months, Chu Chen went to several cities because of the system task, and never returned to Jiangzhou.

Su Chuqing thinks about Chu Chen. It happens that one of her best friends' boyfriends is also in mordu.

Su Chuqing and her best friend made a reservation and came to Mordor.

Before coming, Su Chuqing specially contacted Chu Chen.

In the supreme lounge, Chu Chen takes a look at the time. It's almost time. He leaves the lounge and goes outside to wait for Su Chuqing.

A few minutes later, Su Chuqing and her best friend came out.

After discovering Chu Chen, Su Chuqing can't wait to run over.

"So handsome?"

After seeing Chu Chen, Su Chuqing's best friend, Gao Qiqin, said in astonishment.

On the plane, she heard Su Chuqing say, Chu Chen how handsome.

But Gao Qiqin has always doubted that his boyfriend is really handsome.How can there be a man who is more handsome than his boyfriend?!

But when she saw Chu Chen, Gao Qiqin finally understood what is the peak of beauty.

Why does Su Chuqing have to go after her.

How can there be such a handsome boy in the world?!

"To introduce you, this is my best friend, Gao Qiqin."

Su Chuqing explained.


They say hello and are ready to leave.

"You go out first. I left my cell phone in the lounge. I'll get it."

All of a sudden, Chu Chen accidentally found that he left his mobile phone in the supreme lounge, ready to go back to get it.

"Xiaoqin, you go out first. I'll accompany Chu Chen."

Su Chuqing said to her best friend.

Hearing this, Gao Qiqin gives Su Chuqing a big white eye.

Oh, woman.

See astringent forget righteousness.

Gao Qiqin is not good enough to disturb Su Chuqing's "two person world", so he has to nod and walk out of the airport first.

Chu Chen and Su Chuqing went to the supreme lounge together.

When Chu Chen was still some distance away from the supreme lounge of Jiangnan airlines, he heard the quarrel.

"I'm about to become a noble American. You won't let me in!"

A man's arrogant shout.

Hearing this, many passers-by turned ugly.

It's shameless. Such a person deserves to be called "Muyang dog".

American people are American people, but also noble American people!

Chu Chen takes Su Chuqing to walk in the past, and the quarrel happens to happen in front of the supreme lounge.

The man who calls himself "a noble American" is a man in his thirties.

At the moment, he is facing the staff of Jiangnan airlines.

It seems that he wants to enter the supreme rest room of Chu Chen.

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