Every once in a while, I feel very relaxed for more than 4.5 billion yuan?

Hearing Chu Chen's words, several people were confused.

Four or five billion more?

And every once in a while.

They also want to make more money every once in a while.

The two beauties look at Chu Chen. They can't calm down for a long time. They know Chu Chen has money.

But never thought that Chu Chen was so rich!

Four or five billion!

Every other period of time, this period of time is the longest and the longest. A quarter is about the same.

There are four quarters in a year, four and five billion in a quarter, and 120 billion in a year.

Ten years down, it will be 120 billion!

Both of them dare not think about it. It's a lot of money.

As for pretending to be forced, Yang Gaochang, who said he had suffered the wealth he shouldn't have suffered at his age, was even dumbfounded.

What the hell?

Just now I pretended to force you. You've come to this age and suffered the amazing beauty you shouldn't bear. Even if you hit yourself.

After all, in terms of appearance, Yang Gaochang naturally has no advantage.

But the next second, you say that?

I've directly increased my 40-50 million yuan by 100 times to 4-5 billion yuan?!

You're a bull.

Yang Gaochang is helpless. How can this be compared?

Did not continue to chat, said, Chu Chen turned to B building.

Looking at Chu Chen leaving, Yang Gaochang suddenly thought of something.

"No, if you say more than 4.5 billion, more than 4.5 billion?"

"Who can't brag?"

Yang Gaochang suddenly realized.

Just now, his bank card did receive 40 million to 50 million, but the money doesn't appear every once in a while.

He said that just to pretend.

Now, Chu Chen says, every once in a while, will he get four or five billion yuan?

Is that crazy?

I was deeply frightened by this number just now, so I believe it subconsciously.

But now, Yang Gaochang feels that Chu Chen is bragging.

Hearing what Yang Gaochang said, the two beauties who haven't had time to leave don't know who to believe for a moment.

After all, the number Chu Chen said is too far from the mark.

At this time, a manager of Tomson Yipin passed by.

"Eh, deputy director Liu?"

Yang Gaochang quickly stopped him.

"Oh, Mr. Yang?"

Because Yang Gaochang just bought three houses from Tangchen Yipin, deputy director Liu also knew him.

"What's the matter?"

Deputy director Liu was a little puzzled.

"Oh, well, do you know the boy in front of you?"

Yang Gaochang asked.

I just met Chu Chen, and I don't know the details of Chu Chen, but as the manager here and the owner, deputy director Liu should know.

Looking in the direction Yang Gaochang pointed out, deputy director Liu was stunned and immediately said seriously:

"Mr. Yang Gaochang, you are disrespectful to Mr. Chu behind his back. It's very inappropriate."

I was startled by the attitude of deputy director Liu.

"Nothing. I just want to know who he is." Yang Gaochang quickly explained.

"If it's another owner, I don't know, but Mr. Chu, I just know some."

"Mr. Chu is the rich man who bought building B before making a lot of noise."

Liu deputy director extremely reverent said.

The rich man who bought building B?

The people present were completely stupid.

Bought a building of Tomson Yipin?

My God!!!

Is this something that people can do?

Tangchen Yipin has only four buildings. You bought one directly, a quarter of Tangchen Yipin?

It's too uninhabited.

The two beauties finally believe the terror of Chu Chen and rush to chase him.

Yang Gaochang was just standing there.

It turns out that Chu Chen just said that every once in a while, he received 4.5 billion yuan. It's true.

That's amazing.


Yang Gaochang sighed and sighed:

"I'm still too young and have too little experience."

They are so rich and low-key, but they only have tens of millions, but they keep pretending to be forced.

Well, that's the difference in style.

No, from today on, Chu Chen is his idol. He should learn from his idol and do things in a low key.


Time flies too fast. It's Mo aoqun's birthday.

That day, Chu Chen is going to drive to Mohist school with Mo Yuwan.Chu dust has not started the car, Mo Yu Wan suddenly stopped Chu dust.

"Can we go to the airport first?"

It turns out that Mo Yu Wan's aunt Mo Hui is here today. She just called Mo Yu Wan and hoped that Mo Yu Wan would pick her up.

Mo aoqun seems very busy. Mo Hui doesn't get through to Mo aoqun, so she has to call Mo Yuwan.

"No problem."

Chu Chen replaced the car with an Audi and went to the airport with Mo Yu.

When Chu Chen comes to the airport, Mo Yu Wan's aunt Mo Hui has been waiting there for a while.

Mo Yu Wan and Mo Hui haven't seen each other for a long time. They are chatting excitedly.

"You are Yu Wan's boyfriend. Hello."

Mo Hui takes the initiative to say hello to Chu Chen, very warm.

Although Mo Yuwan hasn't said it yet, Mo Hui finds that Mo Yuwan's eyes are different from Chu Chen's, and immediately understands it.

Mo Yuwan and his aunt Mo Hui have a good relationship.

"Hello, aunt mo."

Chu Chen responded.

In the car, several people walk towards Mohism.

"Xiaochen, I heard that Huang Fengmao, the old man of the Huang family, is going to visit today."

On the way, Mo Hui said to Chu Chen.

"The Huang family are domineering. If they don't speak politely in a moment, you can bear with them."

"In Mordor, the Huang family is still very powerful."

Mo Hui doesn't like the Huang family and Huang Biyu very much either.

Mo Ao group just told her before, feather Wan has a boyfriend, and did not put Chu dust specific identity.

Now, looking at Chu Chen driving an Audi, Mo Hui thinks that Chu Chen belongs to ordinary people and has no family background.

Afraid that something will happen for a while, Chu Chen suffers a big loss, and kindly reminds Chu Chen.

Huang Jiabi is actually a powerful family in Mordor City, which ordinary people can't afford.

"Thank you, aunt mo."

Knowing that Mo Hui was kind-hearted, Chu Chen nodded, but he didn't pay much attention to the Huang family.

Last time, he made a lot of mistakes.

If the Huang family doesn't know themselves well, don't blame them for their hard work.

More than 20 minutes later, Chu Chen finally came to Mohism.

As soon as Chu got out of the car, he saw a smart old man watching himself.

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