Chu Chen turned around and saw that the mobile phone showed that it was a video call from Yao Xinxin's father.

After all, this beautiful passenger has drunk too much. It's necessary to talk to her parents.

Chu Chen took the cell phone and got through.


When the video phone is connected, Yao Xinxin's father is stunned when he sees Chu Chen, and he is somewhat surprised.


"I'm her surrogate driver."

Chu Chen introduced himself while driving.

"That's you, boy?"

When Yao Xinxin's father thought of his daughter's saying that "she ran away with her brother on behalf of the driver", he was angry.

"You put Xinxin on the phone."

Yao Xinxin's father ordered.

"She can't answer the phone now, no way." Chu Chen says helplessly.


"What do you mean?"

Yao Xinxin's father asked nervously.

Chu Chen moved his mobile phone slightly and took a picture of Yao Xinxin, who was lying on the front passenger's seat and fell asleep.


After seeing his daughter, Yao Xinxin's father's face changed.

"Is Xinxin in a coma?"

Yao Xinxin's father was nervous and thought his daughter was in a coma.

"What are you going to do to my daughter, I warn you, don't mess about."

In the telephone, came Yao Xinxin mother's warning sound.

She is afraid of Chu Chen's plot against Yao Xinxin.

After all, it's late at night, a man and a woman, and her daughter is still in a coma.

"Is Xinxin confused by this boy?"

At this time, Yao Xinxin's father also thought of some bad news he saw on the Internet.

That kind of thing is going to happen to her daughter?

"Boy, don't mess around, otherwise, the consequences are beyond your imagination."

Yao Xinxin's father threatens Chu Chen, and the superior's aura comes to his face.

If ordinary people, in the face of a strong father Yao Xinxin, in such a strong atmosphere, absolutely afraid.

"Am I so bad?"

Chu Chen helplessly returned a sentence.

"The more handsome a man is, the less he has a good thing."

Chu Chen just finished, Yao Xinxin mother added a, this is life experience tells her amazing.

"She's drunk and asleep, not in a coma."

Chu Chen explained.

Hearing this, Yao Xinxin's parents were relieved.

"No, he's taking Xinxin to the hotel?"

Suddenly, Yao Xinxin's mother, pointing to the computer next to her, said yes to her husband.

Because of the fear of her daughter's accident, and in order to protect her daughter, half a year ago, Yao Xinxin's parents secretly installed a positioning tracker in Yao Xinxin's Ferrari.

Today, I had a big fight with my daughter, and I was not sure about Yao Xinxin, so the positioning tracker worked.

It was also because they found Yao Xinxin's car parked in front of a bar, so they just called their daughter.

Now, Yao Xinxin's mother is surprised to find that chuchen is not far from a five-star hotel.


Hearing this, Yao Xinxin's father was extremely surprised.

His daughter, who has been raising for more than 20 years, is going to be arched by a pig?!!

Looking around, not far from Chu Chen's car, there is indeed a five-star hotel, and the direction of Chu Chen's driving happens to be the same as that of the hotel.

"Boy, even if you are a good man, don't mess about."

"We Yao family, don't need to be a part of the family!"

Yao Xinxin's father warns Chu Chen.

Yao's family, Chu Chen can't get up.

"Well, you send Xinxin back and I'll give you ten million."

"As long as you leave Xinxin later."

Yao Xinxin's father wants to smash Chu Chen with money. No matter Chu Chen is a good man or not, money must be useful.

Seeing that Chu Chen didn't speak, Yao Xinxin's father raised the price again:

"30 million, no more."

"When you have 30 million yuan, you can't do anything. When you go to a second - and third tier city, you can find many beautiful beauties, drive luxury cars and live in villas. It's so cool."

"Love is not worth mentioning in front of money."

Yao Xinxin's father has a heroic look.

Originally Chu Chen received video TV, is a good intention, want to tell Yao Xinxin parents.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they came up, they regarded themselves as bad people.

And at the end of the day, you're going to smash him with money?

Now, is he short of money?!

Keke, it seems that there is a real shortage. It is far from becoming the richest man in the world.

If you take out a trillion yuan, Chu Chen might, maybe, probably think about it.

But 30 million. Is that insulting?"Sorry, Xinxin and I are true love. We eloped. Goodbye."

Finally, Chu Chen said, hang up the phone directly.

You should have doubted my character. It's not too much to be angry with you.


Sorry, Xinxin and I are true love. Did we elope?

After hearing Chu Chen's words, Yao Xinxin's parents were confused.

How did this happen?

Can't even get him 30 million?

"No, Xinxin must have told him all about our family."

"He definitely knows that there are tens of billions in our family."

Yao Xinxin's mother maliciously speculates about Chu Chen.

"Yes, compared with tens of billions, 30 million is nothing, so he refused."

Yao Xinxin's father also nodded.

Two people affirm unanimously, Chu Chen is greedy for their family money, just with daughter together.

"No, we're going to stop them."

After that, Yao Xinxin's parents left the villa together and went to find Chu Chen according to the location.

Of course, with them, there are several specially trained bodyguards.


More than ten minutes later, Chu Chen came to the hospital.

He helped Yao Xinxin in and had a physical examination.

Slowly, Yao Xinxin also woke up, where infusion.

"Little brother, I'm sorry for your hard work."

Lying on the bed, Yao Xinxin said very remorsefully.

"I just had a drink, and I'll never drink again."

Just one drink?

Hearing Yao Xinxin's words, Chu Chen was very surprised.

A cup of beauty is definitely the first choice for countless boys to fall in love.

"No harm."

Just then, a rush of footsteps came.

"How are you, Xinxin?"

Yao Xinxin's mother's concern came.

Soon, Yao Xinxin's parents and three or four bodyguards in black came in.

The appearance of these people immediately caused a burst of discussion.


Seeing Yao Xinxin lying on the hospital bed, Yao Xinxin's mother became nervous.

"Boy, what did you do to Xinxin?"

Yao Xinxin's father questioned Chu Chen.

Behind, Yao family's several black dress bodyguards also fiercely stare at Chu Chen.

"Dad, I have drunk too much. My little brother kindly sent me to the hospital for examination."

Yao Xinxin quickly explained.

"Is that so?"

Yao Xinxin's father was suspicious.

In the car, they were surprised to find that their daughter's car finally stopped in front of the hospital instead of the five-star hotel.

This puzzled both of them.

"I'm sorry."

Yao Xinxin's father apologizes to Chu Chen, but he is still hostile.

Since you can't use money to smash this boy, you can do it in another way!

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