Mingming has delayed his departure time because he has something hard to say, but for the sake of face, Zhu always can't say so.

General manager Zhu was very tired of Chu Chen, so he put all the responsibility on Chu Chen.

Anyway, Chu Chen is not here, and I don't know.

Even if you know, how can you say that you are a boss worth tens of billions of dollars? As a driver, do you dare to refute yourself?


"You were almost delayed by a valet?"

Several managers were extremely surprised.

Mr. Zhu just added a little bit to the previous story.

"Sure enough, he is a small person at the bottom. He can only boast and be at the bottom of society all his life."

"In today's society, there are all kinds of people."

"Don't mention a small driver, even we, even President Du, don't dare to say that."

"It's just a driving agency. How can it be so powerful?"

After hearing this, several managers couldn't help sarcasm.

"Lao Zhu, you can't do it. If that boy is in front of me, I will teach him a lesson."

"A surrogate driver, who dares to brag in front of me, almost delayed my big event. I'll make you regret it."

"Lao Zhu, you are so kind."

It's not easy to seize the opportunity. Of course, they have to make fun of Lao Zhu.

"Don't let me meet him again..."

General Manager Zhu also spoke, but he stopped suddenly in the middle of his words.

He happened to see not far away, Chu Chen leisurely passing by.


"Why did he come?"

Did the driver come in?

"Lao Zhu, what happened?"

Several managers asked.

"That kid is the driver I'm talking about."

Pointing to Chu dust not far away, Zhu explained.

Several people turned to see, also very puzzled, a mere proxy driver, how qualified to come in?

He must have slipped in.

"Wait a minute."

President Zhu took a step forward and questioned Chu Chen.

"Didn't I tell you I didn't want to see you again?"

Chu Chen helplessly returned a: "this you seem to say not calculate."


were confronted by Chu Chen, and Mr. Zhu was shocked.

How dare a driver be rude to him?

This kid is boasting. Is he serious? What kind of big man does he really think he is?

"Lao Zhu, you don't mix well now. Even a valet driver dares not to pay attention to you."

"Yes, Lao Zhu, it seems that you really can't do it."

"I don't even think much of you. I dare to refute you face to face."

The other bosses followed the irony.

The more he listened, the more angry Mr. Zhu was, and his face turned red, ready to make trouble with Chu Chen.

A valet driver who sneaks in secretly has turned the corner.

"Cough, everyone, be quiet. The foundation laying ceremony will begin immediately."

Before president Zhu spoke, a loud voice came.

The host came on stage with a microphone.

On such an occasion, either Mr. Zhu or some other bosses dare not be presumptuous and shut up.

"Next, let's warmly welcome President Chu, our vice president of Hilton, to the stage."

With a burst of applause, everyone looked around.

They all wonder what the vice president of Hilton looks like?

This is not the vice president of a division, but the vice president of a group.

Chuchen walked forward slowly.

"What does he do?"

"What does this Valet do?"

Those bosses who are closer to chuchen first discover chuchen's anomaly.

"The vice president was asked to come on the stage, and he drove on his behalf..."

president Zhu also satirized, but his face changed before he finished speaking.

Several other managers also looked at each other.

Is... Is... Is he?

In an instant, a bold guess appeared in their mind, making them unable to accept it for a moment.

At the scene, only one person moved. Soon, Chu Chen attracted all the attention.

Chu Chen came on stage, took the microphone and introduced himself: "Hello everyone, I'm Chu Chen."

"Today, on behalf of Hilton Group, I'm here to attend the groundbreaking ceremony."

Chu Chen's words exploded directly under the stage.

He's the vice president of Hilton?

It's too young.

Originally in their mind, the vice president of Hilton Group should be a middle-aged person, or an old man, and probably a foreigner.However, I never thought that the vice president of Hilton was a young man, which was incredible...

at such a young age, I was already the vice president of Hilton Group.

What young and promising, are not enough to describe the cow force of the total Chu.

After listening to Chu Chen's introduction, the bosses were dumbfounded.

Their bold guess came true.

But this reality is too cruel!

Is a valet actually the vice president of Hilton?

This is like a movie?

Hilton vice president to be a surrogate driver?!

They don't understand the big man's idea.

As for Mr. Zhu, the whole person was shocked.

Without me, the foundation laying ceremony would not have started.

Chu Chen's words, Zhu Zong finally believed, originally is true!

At the moment, president Zhu wants to cry, wailing.

Don't play like this. Well, what role play do you do as the vice president of Hilton?

You are bullying people.

Are you sick or am I?

Zhu always make complaints about his heart.

No, I'm sick. A big man like President Chu can't be sick. Therefore, he must be sick.

President Zhu had to accept the result.

With Chu Chen's appearance, several other important guests also appeared one after another.

Because a few days ago, Du Wende went to other places to inspect, not in Mordor, this time Du's real estate group sent the general manager to come.

Chu Chen led several senior members of Hilton to lay the foundation with the senior members of Du's group.

The foundation laying ceremony was successfully completed.

A crowd of applause came from the audience, and Chu Chen became the focus of the focus.

After a few words on the stage, Chu Chen left.

At night, the system sounds.


[system experience task: the next day of driving experience is completed]

today's experience life is successfully completed.

Tomorrow, Chu Chen has something to do, and the experience task will stop temporarily.

The experience task has no time limit and is very humanized.

Today, Chu Chen promised Su Chuqing to accompany her to visit her third uncle in Mordor.

Su Chuqing's third uncle is also good at magic, and he is worth a lot of money.

The next morning, the sound of the system came suddenly.


[task release: new day, sign in or not? 】


There's a sign in task?

"Sign in."

[successful sign in]

[congratulations on getting one black card from each of the top 20 banks in the world, note: each card has 100 million deposits]

with the sound of the system, Chu Chen suddenly has a lot of black cards in front of him.

If someone else has a black card, it's awesome.

To Chu dust here, directly into a pile!

And each card has a deposit of 100 million.

Do you need to be so cool?!

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