This is a man in his thirties and seventies, with a smart look.

"Dear song."

Louis got up to meet him.

"Louis, long time no see."

They shook hands warmly.

"To introduce you, this is the general manager of Europa guoduling group."

Louis introduces to the public, while saying, Louis looks at Chu Chen on purpose.

The man's name is song Zhongxian. He is the general manager of duling group, one of the top 500 companies in the world.

"General manager of duling group?"


There was a lot of noise in the banquet hall, and the guests sighed one after another.

I didn't expect that Louis even invited the general manager of the Fortune 500 group to an ordinary banquet.

Song Zhongxian sits down. Louis looks at Chu Chen again and finds that Chu Chen's expression is still flat. Louis is dissatisfied.

Still so calm?

It doesn't matter, there are other "not simple" guests.

A short time later, a very gentlemanly foreign man came in.

"Abner, here you are at last."

After seeing this man, Louis's attitude was even more enthusiastic than just now.

"Lewis, I didn't expect you to come to Mordor. Long time no see."

Two people say hello.

"This is Abner, President of Goldman Sachs, Greater China."

Louis made a high profile introduction.

Goldman Sachs Group is one of the world's oldest and largest investment banks. In 17 years, the Fortune 500 list was released, and Goldman ranked 259.

In July, nineteen ninety-nine, the Fortune Global 500 was released, and Goldman Sachs ranked 204.

The annual turnover of Goldman Sachs Group is as high as US $450 billion!

Before Chu Chen got 20 top black cards in the world, including one from Goldman Sachs Group.

Hearing Louis's introduction, all the people on the scene were not calm. They got up one after another. Even song Zhongxian stood up politely.

Duling group is only at the bottom of the world's top 500, ranking 489, while Goldman Sachs Group is not the same.

Although Abner is only the president of Goldman Sachs Group in Greater China, he is absolutely a big man with the back of Goldman Sachs Group.

"It's a real Prada. Even such a big man can be invited."

There was a murmur from the scene, and everyone sighed about Louis's connections.

Personally invited Abner to the first banquet, Louis deliberately ignored Chu Chen.

Louis's chin went up, more arrogant.

This is the inside story of their Prada family, which can't be compared with a newly rising Chinese tycoon.

The guests chatted, while Louis swaggered to Chu Chen.

"Mr. Chu, do you still stick to the previous idea?"

Louis asked Chu Chen with a sneer.

At the moment, in Louis' heart, almost sure, Chu Chen absolutely regretted, and even his intestines were blue.

Around the guests also noticed Louis's action, a look like watching a play.

Although they don't know what happened, they know that Chu Chen is going to have bad luck.

There are even people who gloat and want to go to the theatre.

"By the way, there's another heavyweight who hasn't arrived yet?"

Without waiting for Chu Chen to speak, Louis added.

Herbert, Ferrari's vice president, is the last person on the stage.

Because Herbert just arrived at Mordor at noon today, he was busy with all kinds of things, so he hasn't arrived yet.

"Well, why don't I regret it?"

Chu Chen returned a sentence, he also prepares a "big gift" for Louis, haven't told Louis yet?

Hearing this, Lewis's face turned black.

"You Chinese have an old saying, it's called toasting, no eating, no drinking!"

Louis tore his face and threatened Chu Chen directly.

To tell the truth, if not as a last resort, he does not want to use all Prada's strength to "fight" with Chu Chen.

Once they act, even if they succeed, the Prada family will pay a heavy price.

If you can put pressure on chuchen from the side, let chuchen bow, that is the best.

Otherwise, Louis would not have spared no effort to prepare such a "Hongmen banquet".

But now...

"when the one comes, it's time for you to regret."

Louise was tough.

His voice had just dropped, and Herbert came at last.

When he saw Herbert, Louis, with a pale face, came over with a smile.

"To introduce you, this is Mr. Herbert, the vice president of Ferrari group and the fourth largest shareholder of Ferrari."Louis introduced himself to the public with pride.

The scene fell into silence.

In fact, in terms of the strength of the company, Ferrari is inferior to Goldman Sachs Group.

But today, it's only the president of Goldman Sachs Group in Greater China, not the core senior management of Goldman Sachs Group, nor the shareholder of Goldman Sachs Group.

But Herbert is different. He is not only the core senior manager of Ferrari, but also the fourth largest shareholder. His identity is far more powerful than Abner of Goldman Sachs Group.

"Hello, Mr. Herbert."


After the shock, everyone said hello and respectfully.

Seeing the reaction of the crowd, Louis is more domineering. With proud eyes, Louis looks at Chu Chen.


"Chu... President Chu?"

Suddenly, a voice of surprise came.

Looking in the direction of Louis, Herbert was stunned and said foolishly.

The next second, Herbert directly left Lewis and went straight to chuchen.

"Mr. Chu, I wanted to visit you tomorrow, but I didn't expect to see you here."

Herbert said politely to Chu Chen.

Seeing this, everyone was dumbfounded.

What's going on?

How can the shareholders of the grand Ferrari group be so polite to this boy?

Louis was also stunned.

"This is the second largest shareholder of our Ferrari group, President Chu."


Don't talk about him. Even the president should be polite when he meets president Chu.

You know, there is only a little difference between the shares of President Chu and the largest shareholder.


Ferrari group's second largest shareholder?!

The crowd was shocked.

How can such a powerful figure be arranged at the last table?

After knowing Chu Chen's identity, song Zhongxian and Abner of Goldman Sachs Group get up one after another, come to Chu Chen and toast to Chu Chen, hoping to get to know Chu Chen.

Even the two of them are like this, the other guests also come to Chu Chen, toasting, want to get to know Chu Chen.

For a moment, Chu Chen, who had been neglected at the last table, became the core of the whole banquet, while Louis was standing alone?

Lewis is a bad guy.

Ferrari group's second largest shareholder?

Chuchen is actually the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group. Is that right?!

And today is clearly his "Hongmen banquet" for Chu Chen, and he wants to put pressure on Chu Chen.

In the end, he added countless contacts to Chu Chen?!

For a moment, Louis wanted to cry.

Louis would not think that Chu Chen's next sentence would make him almost vomit blood!

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