President Chu?

Is he president Chu?

In the bald man's heart, it seems that there are 10000, no, 100000 grass mud horses galloping by and trampling on his heart.

The bald man is in a mess. Although there is no wind, he has no hair...

in the green years, he used to be a teenager with thick hair.

As time went by, one day, he became strong and bald.

Bah, that's the line.

The reality should be that he has become rich and bald.

This is the sad part of the bald man. He also had beautiful hair.

Looking at Chu Chen at the moment, the bald man's heart is called a despair and helplessness.

Who could have thought of such a coincidence?

Call a generation to drive, unexpectedly met own boss - Chu total?!

Is he going to buy the lottery?

although you make complaints about what you are driving, you are the boss of the Tang Dynasty auction house.

But bald men are afraid to show it.

Beside, the beautiful woman was also stunned.

Listen to the meaning of "smart despairing" bald man's words, this handsome little brother is his boss?

With such a high face value, how can you still have so much money?

In an instant, the beauty looked at Chu Chen, and her eyes were full of admiration.

"Mr. Chu, that... That... I..."

the bald man trembled.

"It was... I was wrong. Don't forget it."

"I'm in our auction house, and I'll do my best. Please don't fire me."

The bald man is really afraid of chuchen expelling him.


"I won't fire you. I'm waiting for you to work hard and make money for me."

Chu Chen shook his head.

One more person to create wealth for him, isn't it?!

Moreover, this man is so "brilliant" that he is definitely a "good employee" who often stays up late to work overtime.

Listen to Chu Chen finish saying, bald man's mood for a time complicated.

Originally, knowing that Chu Chen would not fire himself, he should be very excited and excited.

But Chu Chen said so, he was really not happy at all.

He worked hard. He really worked for president Chu. Chu Chen took most of the money.

"Thank you, Mr. Chu."

no matter what he thinks, how to make complaints about the man, or the man who is bald, should be respectfully said.

A few minutes later, the location arrived and Chu Chen got off.

"Don't forget to take care of my business."

Then Chu Chen left.

Looking at the distant Chu Chen, the bald man shook his head.

Keep looking for Mr. Chu. Is he crazy?

President Chu is a devil.

The more he thought about it, the more scared the bald man was. He was ready to leave Mordor and transfer to another branch, far away from President Chu. It was terrible.


Today's experience task ends, Chu Chen returns to Tangchen Yipin.

"I'm tired of it. How about moving to Tangong for a few days?"

Chu Chen has lived in Tangchen Yipin for more than a month. I'm tired of it.

And he hasn't lived in Tangong villa since he got it?

In other people's eyes, superior, the pronoun of luxury: Tangchen Yipin, so it is common.

After thinking about it, Chu Chen simply cleaned up and prepared to go to tan palace.

Of course, Chu Chen called Mo Yu Wan together.

Chu Chen is very satisfied with Mo Yuwan's cooking skills. After all, it's much better than the king crab and Australian lobster instant noodles.

Mo Yu Wan also simply tidied up, and Chu Chen came to tan palace.

"Do you want to find a chance to buy several other villas in Tan palace?"

Looking at the other villas outside the tan palace, Chu Chen muttered casually.

If this sentence is heard by others, I am afraid that countless people will be shocked, comparable to a "big earthquake".

Are you talking human?

Even the big men in Mordor and the rich businessmen will be surprised.

If they can have a villa in Tangong, I'm afraid they will be too excited to sleep for several days and nights. This is their dream.

But now, do you want to buy all the villas in Tangong?

Turn Tangong into a private one?!

Do you want to be such a local tyrant?!

"If you have a chance, you can have a try."

Chu Chen nodded. Before he was in Hangzhou, he had ten villas in the middle of the lake, which he changed every day.

Now there is only one villa in Tangong. It's not good. It's not good.

After dinner, Chu Chen suddenly received an unexpected call.

This is an international call."Hello."

"Hello, I'm the president of Ferrari..."

an old voice came from the phone.

The call was actually made by the president of Ferrari group.

Although Chu Chen's English level is average, he has no problem communicating with others.

Soon, Chu Chen knew what the president of Ferrari group wanted to do with himself.

Some time ago, Ferrari group wanted to cooperate with a large domestic enterprise.

Once successful, it will be a huge contract worth nearly 100 billion yuan.

The president of Ferrari is a little old and inconvenient to come.

Moreover, Huaxia also has chuchen, the second largest shareholder, so the president of Ferrari wants to leave this matter to chuchen.

And Ferrari group has already talked with that company, only to finalize the contract.

"Well, all right."

Chu Chen nodded. As the vice president of Ferrari group, he did have this responsibility.

And this is also a good thing. Once the contract is completed, Ferrari group will make a lot of profits and chuchen's value will rise. Chuchen has no reason to refuse.

After inquiring about the details, Chu Chen hung up.

The next day, Chu Chen wakes up and the sound of the system rings.


[check in task, check in]

the familiar voice came, and Chu Chen was very excited.

It's only a few days ago, and there's a new check-in task?

So cool?

Chu Chen's favorite is the check-in task, as for why, of course, it's because it's simple and easy.

"Sign in."

[successful sign in]

[congratulations on getting two Tangong villas]

hearing this, Chu Chen was stunned.

The reward for this check-in is actually two Tangong villas?

I'll go!

Yesterday he just had an idea, today the system gave him two villas?!

The system is so good for you.

Chu Chen showed a bright smile on his face.

Originally Chu Chen thought that it would take a lot of time and effort to buy other villas in Tan palace.

But now Chu Chen doesn't think so.

He's a force. There's a system. What's impossible?!

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