Chu Chen looked at the time of the financial summit.

"That day, my experience task should be over." Chu Chen thought for a moment.

The financial summit was held a few days later, when Chu Chen's experience mission ended.

Patek Feili also successfully became Chu Chen's, if he had nothing else to do, he could go and have a look.

Chu Chen put the invitation at will and went to have a rest.

The next day, Chu Chen accidentally received a list from an old customer.

That is the beauty that Chu Chen knew before, Yao Xinxin.

That is to say, the beautiful woman who got drunk from the bar, quarreled with her parents and said that she would elope with her Valet brother.

"Little brother Chu Chen, long time no see."

After seeing Chu Chen, Yao Xinxin said with a smile, very excited.

"These days, I discussed with my parents for a long time, and they finally agreed not to let me go to foreign countries. If there were no things on that day, they would not agree. Thank you very much."

Yao Xinxin said from the heart.

Yao Xinxin's father would not have easily agreed if he had not been frightened by Chu Chen's identity that day and thought that his daughter was chasing Chu Chen.

"you're welcome. Congratulations, you don't have to go abroad."

Chu Chen replied.

Yao Xinxin also wants to speak. Not far away, a black Lamborghini suddenly drives over and is about to stop.

"Why did he come?"

After seeing this Lamborghini, Yao Xinxin's face turned cold.

This Lamborghini belongs to the son of a friend of Yao Xinxin's father, and is also a pursuer of her famous playboy, Xu Caiying.

Yao Xinxin doesn't mean anything to Xu Caiying. She has rejected Xu Caiying many times, but Xu Caiying still pesters Yao Xinxin.

This makes Yao Xinxin very upset.

After thinking about it, Yao Xinxin suddenly came up with a way to get rid of Xu Caiying.

"Brother chuchen, can you do me a favor?"

Yao Xinxin pleads with Chu Chen.

"What help?"

"Can you pretend to be my boss, the owner of that Lamborghini car? His name is Xu Caiying. He is a famous young man who often pesters me."

Yao Xinxin explained.

"When he comes, you'll pretend to be my boss, and I'll tell him that we have work to do and get rid of him."

Yao Xinxin wants to use this reason to get rid of Xu Caiying's entanglement temporarily.


Chu Chen nodded.

He has to hurry up and finish the order earlier?

"By the way, what's the name of your company?"

Chu Chen asked.

"Tianyun Jewelry Group, you can pretend to be the boss of our branch."

Yao Xinxin explained.

Instead of going abroad for further study, Yao Xinxin entered the branch of Tianyun Jewelry Group under the arrangement of her parents.


Hear here, Chu Chen eyebrow a pick.

Do you still need to pack it?

He is the vice president and the second largest shareholder of Tianyun jewelry.

Unexpectedly, after a long time, Yao Xinxin became an employee of his own.

At this time, Lamborghini had stopped. A slender young man in a suit came to Yao Xinxin with a bunch of flowers and a smile.

"I haven't seen you for a long time."

Xu Caiying said.

"I have work to do today. I have to deal with some things with my boss. Please go back."

Yao Xinxin said a word to Xu Yingchun, and then took Chu Chen to a shop next to Tianyun jewelry.

Today, she specially came to this Tianyun jewelry store to get information and get it back to the branch.

Xu Caiying doesn't want to give up. Even if Yao Xinxin says he has a job to do, he still catches up.

In the store of Tianyun jewelry, Xu Caiying said: "if you don't work, you can do it later. Let's go to have a meal first, and don't worry."

Originally, Yao Xinxin thought that if he could not involve Chu Chen, he would not, so Yao Xinxin did not introduce Chu Chen as soon as he came up.

But now, it seems that we can't do without introducing Chu Chen.

"This is the boss of our Tianyun Jewelry Group branch, general manager Chu."

Yao Xinxin introduces Chu Chen.

"My boss and I are going to take care of our work. Please go."

As one of the top ten Jewelry Companies in China, Tianyun jewelry has a market value of 100 billion yuan, which can not be provoked by Xu Caiying as a playboy.

So Yao Xinxin came to scare Xu Caiying.


Xu Caiying was a little surprised and said playfully:

"is he the boss of Tianyun Jewelry Group branch?"

"Are you teasing me?"

"If he is the boss of Tianyun jewelry branch, then I am still the president of Tianyun jewelry?""I'll tell you, I know the boss of your branch."

Unfortunately, Xu Caiying happens to know the boss of Tianyun jewelry branch, so Yao Xinxin's lies are directly exposed.

In an instant, Yao Xinxin was extremely embarrassed.

"Boy, I don't know who you are. I advise you to get out of here."

Go to Chu dust next to Xu Caiying threat Chu dust, extremely arrogant, do not want to let Chu dust disturb him bubble sister.

After that, Xu caiyingcai said:

"Xinxin, we'd better go to dinner. Your excuse won't work."

"I'm not the boss of Tianyun jewelry branch. What if I'm the boss of the head office?"

Chu Chen asked.

"Still playing, boy, how long do you want to play it?"

After what happened just now, Xu Caiying didn't believe it any more.

Xu Caiying sneered:

"return it to the boss of the head office, you are so arrogant."

"That's Tianyun Jewelry Group, a hundred billion company. I'm afraid you are younger than me and the boss of the head office?"

And Chu Chen is too young to be the boss of a hundred billion group.

Xu Caiying's voice has not yet fallen, the manager of this Tianyun jewelry store anxiously came out.

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