Along the way, Su Chuqing was very excited. After all, she was able to see Prada's fashion week with her own eyes. What a rare opportunity.

If you say it out, your white and rich girlfriends will surely envy you to death.

However, Gao Qiqin's mood is just the opposite of Su Chuqing's.

At the moment, gaoqiqin is playing drums in her heart, and she is very worried.

With a little signature, Prada's people can let them in?

One signature is worth two Prada's invitation letters?

I really don't believe that.

You know, this Prada fashion week is the biggest one in recent years, and it is also one of the few held in Mordor.

Therefore, this Prada fashion week has attracted the attention of many rich women and thousands of gold, resulting in a situation of hard to get a vote.

Otherwise, Gao Qiqin and Su Chuqing can't spend a lot of money to get the invitation.

Coming to the entrance of fashion week, Gao Qiqin's pace becomes extremely slow, comparable to snail.

"Qiqin, what's the matter with you?"

"You're going to visit soon. Shouldn't you be excited and excited? How can you do that?"

Looking at the strange Gao Qiqin, Su Chuqing asked.

"At the beginning, do you really believe that Chu Chen's signature can replace Prada's invitation, and it's still two?"

Asked goqiqin.

"Of course I do."

Su Chuqing answers without thinking.


Gaoqiqin sighed, she should not ask Chuqing, now Chuqing has been dazzled by love, lost reason.

It's said that if you are pregnant for three years, how can you be in love for three years?

Gao Qi Qin make complaints about it.

Chu Chen is a high rich handsome, yes, but it's not the top boss of Mordor. How can a signature have so much energy?

"Kichin, believe me."

Su Chuqing takes Gao Qiqin to the entrance of Prada fashion week.

Looking at Su Chuqing who is extremely serious, Gao Qiqin has some doubts.

Is it really possible?


"Isn't this Chuqing and Qiqin?"

"Why, do you come to fashion week, too?"

Before Su Chuqing and Gao Qiqin came to the entrance of fashion week, a strange voice came.

I saw behind, three dressed gorgeous women came together.

"Kong Jiamei, you're here, too?"

Looking at the middle of the three women, Su Chuqing and Gao Qiqin were very surprised.

Just now, it was Kong Jiamei, the woman standing in the middle.

Kong Jiamei is Su Chuqing's old rival to Gao Qiqin in Jiangzhou. They belong to different circles.

Just did not expect, Kong Jiamei unexpectedly also came to magic all.

"Of course, my boyfriend is the youngest of Mordor."

Kong Jiamei said, very proud.

After that, Kong Jiamei passed Su Chuqing and took the lead to the entrance of fashion week.

Kong Jiamei handed an invitation to the staff.

"Beauty, you only have one invitation letter. You can only go in alone. Your two friends can't go in."

After the inspection, the staff said to Kong Jiamei.

Just now, two friends of Kong Jiamei didn't come up with an invitation.

"Oh, I forgot. Their invitation is also with me."

Kong Jiamei suddenly realized. Then she took out two invitation letters from her bag and handed them to the staff.

"Jiamei, thanks to you this time?"

"We can't get in without you."

Kong Jiamei's two friends said with emotion.

It turns out that they, like Su Chuqing and Gao Qiqin, didn't get an invitation.

"Little things, little things."

After hearing the flattery, Kong Jiamei showed off:

"it's all made by my boyfriend. He's the eldest and youngest of Mordor. He'll get some invitation letters. It's very simple."

This time, Kong Jiamei said very loudly, deliberately let Su Chuqing and Gao Qiqin hear.

"By the way, Chuqing, do you have an invitation?"

"If not, I can find my boyfriend?"

Kong Jiamei asked, ironically.

"Of course we have."

Su Chuqing is not willing to be outdone.

As for Gao Qiqin, they are totally counselled. Where do they have the invitation?!

It's just a signature. What's the invitation.

This time, it's going to be a big shame!

Gao Qiqin thought that if the staff stopped them and did not let them in, it would be absolutely embarrassing.

It's OK that I didn't know anyone before, but now I'm in front of my old enemy.Where is their face!

Su Chuqing also came to the entrance with Gao Qiqin.

Su Chuqing handed Chu Chen's signature to Prada's staff, and then asked:

"can we come in?"

After taking the signature, the staff were confused.

"You're not kidding, ma'am?"

"You don't have an invitation, you just want to go in with a signature?"

The staff questioned.

In fact, the staff member wanted to say "are you crazy?" but that was a bit rude, so he said so.

Apart from Prada's managers and ordinary staff, they only know "President Chu", but they don't know the specific name of President Chu.

Hearing this, Gao Qiqin suddenly lowered her head. It's a shame. It's a shame.

Gao Qiqin was embarrassed to the extreme.


"You're using your signature as an invitation?"

"Ha ha ha."

Next to him, Kong Jiamei, who had not entered, burst out laughing.

Kong Jiamei's two friends are also sarcastic and laugh to death.

"Su Chuqing, Gao Qiqin, are you two out of your mind?"

Kong Jiamei sneered.

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