When Bentley stopped, a man with a big back and a look like a boss came down.

Followed by one of his beauties.

"Mr. Zhou, it's on the 11th floor."

Beauty subordinate respectfully said.

This man is the president of Versace Greater China, Zhou Xinde.

This time, he was ordered by the president of Versace to invite Qi Yiyun.

Versace is also a big international fashion brand. Originally, it had a prominent position, but for various reasons, Versace's fate is similar to Prada's.

From the top to the bottom, prada stopped at the bottom, but Versace didn't.

In the end, Versace was acquired by a large American group and became a subsidiary.

The acquisition of Versace by this large American group naturally depends on its brand benefits.

Now, backed by this big American group, Versace is rich and ready to return to its peak.


Zhou Xinde swaggered in with his female subordinates.


At this time, Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan have come to Qi Yiyun's home.

Qi Yiyun is a woman in her forties and fifties. She is well maintained and has a good temperament.

"I don't know what Chu and Mo always come to me for?"

To Chu dust and Mo Yu Wan on the tea, Qi Yiyun asked.

Without waiting for Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan to speak, the doorbell rang again.

Qi Yiyun goes to open the door.

"Hello, Ms. Qi. I'm Zhou Xinde, President of Versace Greater China. I'm here to visit you."

Zhou Xinde said politely.


Hearing this, Qi Yiyun was very surprised:

"do you have an appointment?"

Zhou Xinde also saw Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan in the living room.

"Who are these two?"

Zhou Xinde asked curiously.

"These two are Prada's Chu and Mo generals." Qi Yiyun replied.


Zhou Xinde knew everything in a flash.

"Bring things in."

Zhou Xinde turned his head and ordered his subordinates to bring in the gifts they had brought.

"Nothing. It's some trinkets. Don't refuse the gift."

This time, Zhou Xinde in order to deal with Qi Yiyun, but the cost, just these gifts, the price is not less than three million.

"Mr. Zhou is very polite."

Zhou Xinde said so, Qi Yiyun is not good to refuse.

"There, there, it's a matter of propriety."

"Unlike some people, they don't even know etiquette."

As a competitor, Zhou Xinde took the lead in making a criticism.

This time Chu Chen and Mo Yu didn't expect so much, so they didn't bring gifts.

"To the point, Ms. Qi."

"On behalf of the president of Versace, I invite you to be our chief designer."

Zhou Xinde was the first to speak.

"We, Prada, also want Ms. Qi to be the chief designer." Mo Yu Wan said not to be outdone.

At the same time, being invited by two big fashion brands, Qi Yiyun stopped talking.

"Well, Prada, it's just a company going bankrupt."

Zhou Xinde sneered.

"Miss Qi, you have to think well."

Zhou Xinde said to Qi Yiyun:

"if you go to Prada, once they go bankrupt, I'm afraid they will default you a lot of wages."

"Thank you for your kindness, needless to say."

Qi Yiyun stood out and said to Mo Yuwan and Zhou Xinde.

"I don't want to be a chief designer, so I decided to retire."

Qi Yiyun rejected the two.

"Miss Qi, please think it over carefully."

Zhou Xinde spoke quickly.

"As long as you can come to Versace and start with an annual salary of 30 million yuan, you can choose your office location at will in the United States and China if you like."

"And we'll have separate studios, separate villas for you."


Zhou Xinde opened his mouth and said a series of extremely rich conditions.

With the support of the U.S. conglomerate, Zhou Xinde is naturally rich and powerful.

After listening to Zhou Xinde's words, even Qi Yiyun was a little moved.

Originally, she had been the chief designer of Hermes for many years and had a lot of savings.

But in recent years, in order to support her husband to make movies, most of Qi Yiyun's savings have been used up.

And the husband's film is even less than half shot.

Today, he went to Qianda film for investment, so he was the only one in his family.

See Qi Yiyun some heart, Mo Yu Wan can't sit.Zhou Xinde is backed by the U.S. big group and is rich and powerful.

But Prada can't afford so much money. It's very tight now.

Zhou Xinde also found the subtle changes of Qi Yiyun's expression and showed a proud smile on his face.

What Prada, huh? Can you beat him?!

"Double that."

A flat voice came.

Chu Chen only said three simple words, but shocked everyone.

"Mr. Chu, what do you mean?"

Qi Yiyun asked.

"Whatever price he offers, I'll double it."

Chu Chen said calmly.

More than money, ha ha da.

Qi Yiyun was shocked, but Zhou Xinde's face turned black.

It seems that this boy is not good at it.

"By the way, Ms. Qi, all members of your previous team at Hermes have been invited."

"Now, they are all working in Versace. Once you agree, we can arrange for you to go to the United States and form a new team with them."

Zhou Xinde spoke again and changed direction this time.


Hearing this, Qi Yiyun is really excited.

As an internationally famous designer, Qi Yiyun would not have been interested in money if it wasn't for her husband.

As long as it's right, money doesn't matter, it's the team that matters.

Since he resigned at Hermes, Qi Yiyun has often thought about her team.

Unexpectedly, Versace gathered them all together.

Qi Yiyun finally made up his mind, turned his head and looked at Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan very sorry.

See this scene, Mo Yu Wan heart clapping a, realize not good.

And Zhou Xinde is full of pride, got it.

He thought he would compete with Prada again?

I didn't expect Prada to be such a rubbish and easily defeated by him.

How lonely invincible is.

Zhou Xinde looks at Chu Chen and Mo Yuwan with an abnormal thump, as if they are satirizing each other.


Mo Yu Wan sighed in his heart.

Compared with the team, she really lost.

It's a pity that Qi Yiyun, an internationally famous designer, is going to run to the enemy camp.

It's a big loss for Prada.

"Sorry, Mr. Chu..."

Qi Yiyun said.

But before she finished, the door was suddenly opened from the outside.

A middle-aged man came in.

"Junbo, you're back."

After seeing the middle-aged man, Qi Yiyun said with a smile.

This middle-aged man is Qi Yiyun's husband.

They have been married for 20 years and have been very affectionate.

"Are there any guests at home?"

The middle-aged man first saw Zhou Xinde who blocked Chu dust, so he asked curiously.

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