Fat rich businessman said innocently.

Promise you, is just me, not now I, you go to just me!

Everyone was surprised by the remark of the rich and fat businessman.

Even Chu Chen couldn't help admiring and feeling inferior.

In terms of thick skin, fat and rich businessmen are definitely among the best.


The beauty with heavy make-up is trembling with anger. The more she thought about it, the more angry she was.

"You three second trash, I won't wait on you."

Since the rich and fat businessman is so heartless, the beauty with heavy makeup also directly exposes the shortcomings of the rich and fat businessman.

After that, the beauty with heavy makeup left.

The rich and fat businessmen were so angry that they stamped their feet and turned green.

"Hello, Mr. Chu."

Take a few deep breaths, calm mood, fat rich businessman this just came forward, and Chu Chen say hello.

"Just now I had eyes and didn't know Mount Tai."

The rich man apologized.

After a few words, Chu Chen left.

"How old is Mr. Chu? He is the president of Qianda pictures."

"The future is limitless."

The rich man sighed and envied him.

But Wang Dao looked around mysteriously and made sure there was no one. Then he whispered to the rich businessman:

"Mr. Qian, I know a hospital and the treatment is good."

"A friend of mine went there to see a doctor."

In a flash, the rich merchant's face turned black!


After receiving several orders, the sound of the system came in the evening.


[experience task: experience driving brother's life for 15 days (1515), task completion]

[task reward: 100% ownership of Patek Philippe]

with the fall of system voice, Chu Chen's driving experience ends.

Chuchen instantly owned the world's top watch, Patek Philippe's 100% ownership!!!

From then on, Patek Philippe belongs to Chu Chen alone!

Got Patek Feili, Chu Chen is in a good mood, the corner of his mouth rises.

His luxury Empire has expanded.

The news of Patek Philippe's change of ownership soon spread out and caused a sensation.

Especially those luxury companies, those big groups and big people who want to buy Patek Philippe, are even more surprised.

That's too fast.

I haven't heard from you before.

If you buy Patek Philippe, you buy Patek Philippe. It's too fast. How much money does it have.


In a good mood, Chu Chen has a good appetite.

Chu Chen found a restaurant to eat.

After dinner, when Chu Chen is ready to return to tan palace, Chu Chen's mobile phone suddenly rings.

Chu Chen a look, a strange number.

"Hello, who are you?"

Chu Chen asked politely.

"Brother chuchen, I'm Wei Ziying. Don't you remember me?"

On the phone, there was a voice.

Wei Ziying?

Chu Chen thought about it for a while and remembered it.

Wei Ziying is a capable beauty. When she was in Hangzhou at the beginning, she was known as "Hangzhou vehicle God" and had a race car competition with Chu Chen. Finally, Wei Ziying was crushed by Chu Chen and "Hangzhou vehicle God" belonged to Chu Chen.

It's also because of Wei Ziying that Chu Chen easily helped Xia Mengqi get a new venue for the Hangzhou concert.

"Little brother, you promised to teach me how to drive?"

On the phone, Wei Ziying complained.

When the competition failed, she asked Chu Chen to teach her how to drive and drift.

Unfortunately, because of some things, learning to drive with Chu Chen was delayed by Wei Ziying.

When Wei Ziying has time to find Chu Chen, something disappointing happens.

At that time, Chu Chen was no longer in Hangzhou.

Wei Ziying inquired for a long time, only to know that Chu Chen came to the magic city.

After dealing with the affairs of Hangzhou, Wei Ziying immediately came to the magic capital.

"I seem to have promised."

Chu Chen nods, he has some impression.

But a girl, or a beauty, learn to "drive" what to do?

Is it not good to have this time for beauty and skin care

Wei Ziying added.

"Do you have time now?"

"Do you want to come out and play?"

Wei Ziying asked Chu Chen:

"I'm with a few of my best friends. By the way, they are all top class Bai Fumei, all kinds of them."

In order to let Chu Chen teach himself to drive, Wei Ziying decides to sell her best friend."All right."

Chu Chen is in a good mood, and he has promised others, but this time Chu Chen is not good enough to refuse.

"Where is it?"

Chu Chen asked about the location and drove straight there.

Hang up the phone, Wei Ziying is "collective condemnation" by her best friend!

"Why do you want to sell us

"How can you do this when you see the guy who is astringent and forgetful?"

"We're going."

Wei Ziying's girlfriends complained and were not happy.

"I tell you, the little brother who is coming soon is very handsome."

Wei Ziying knows about these girlfriends, so she specially says.

"Handsome enough to explode?"

"Ha ha Da, we don't believe it."

As the magic city of Bai Fumei, they don't know how many boys have chased them. There are all kinds of them, and each of them has a high face value.

Some of them are not even worse than little fresh meat stars.

"I don't believe it. How handsome is the little brother you invited?"

"Handsome, I've seen a lot."

"Now there are no handsome guys to make us excited."

"We are immune to facial value, we don't care any more!"

Wei Ziying's friends have a face of disbelief and disdain.

"Remember what you say."

"We'll see."

Wei Ziying has a clear answer.

"We'll see."

Wei Ziying's friends are also confident.

They still don't believe how handsome Wei Ziying's little brother is?!

More than ten minutes later, Chu Chen stopped in front of a bar.

It happens that this is also the bar where he Jiyun was burned by Chu dust last time.

Last time, some employees of chuchen's company opened their eyes and drank good wine.

They have no money to Chu Chen incomparable thanks, work harder, they met a good boss once in a blue moon.

As for he Jiyun who spent money, no one cared.

Because this bar is one of the best in the magic, these childe brothers and rich ladies often come here.

"Brother chuchen, you are here."

Found Chu dust, already standing at the door waiting for Wei Ziying waved.

Meeting with Wei Ziying, Wei Ziying takes Chu Chen in and comes to her friends.

"I'll go, handsome little brother!"

"Why is my little brother so beautiful?"

"It's over, it's over, I think I'm in love, little brother. I've even figured out the names of our children."

After seeing Chu Chen, Wei Ziying's white rich and beautiful girlfriends, their eyes are straight!!!

They warmly greet Chu Chen, and directly pull Chu Chen to sit down among them and communicate with Chu Chen.

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