Chu Chen took out this card, of course, is the oil country Royal master black card!!

Looking at this kind of black card, which is only heard in the rumor and never seen before.

Everyone in the room was as dumb as a cucumber!

No one thought of that!

Chuchen has not only the black card of Morgan bank, but also the legendary black card of oil country Royal master!


How awesome!

For a time, all people look at Chu Chen, eyes full of worship and respect!

Although they don't know the specific identity of Chu Chen, they guess that Chu Chen is absolutely a big man because of this kind of MasterCard of the royal family of the oil country!

Even better than fan Mingzhe.

Don't you hear me?

Now, fan Mingzhe is still looking for a friend to get the black card of oil country's Royal master.

But this young gentleman already has!

From this point of view, this young gentleman has crushed Mr. Fan Mingzhe and Mr. Fan!

Even Gao Zhengqi was surprised.

Chu Chen owns the black card of Morgan bank. He believes it.

But Chu Chen also has the black card of the Royal master of the oil country. That's what Gao Zhengqi didn't think!

Brother Chu is very good!

As for fan Mingzhe, his expression at the moment is very wonderful, full of shock and incredible!

Is this a fake?!

Chu Chen even boasted that he had the black card of master of the royal family of the oil country?!

Fan Mingzhe make complaints about Tucao.

Of course, these two words can only be said in my heart, because there can be no fake MasterCard of the royal family of the oil country.

Fan Mingzhe looked at the long cherished black card of the Royal MasterCard of the oil country, unable to speak for a long time.

After waiting for a long time, fan Mingzhe still had a hard tongue:

"in fact, the most powerful black card is the legendary kuci world velvet card!"

"This kind of card is the black card with the most royal temperament. You can enjoy the same noble treatment as Queen Elizabeth with it."

"It is said that there are only more than 100 people in the world who own the velvet card of kuci world!"

Fan Mingzhe continues to talk hard and kill him. He doesn't believe that Chu Chen has this kind of black card!

You know, there are only more than 100 in the world.

The world's rich, bigwigs, royal family members, do not know how many it?!

How can Chu Chen have it?!

"Kuci world velvet card?"

Chu Chen said and took out a purple card.

Different from the ordinary black card, kuci world velvet card is purple!

As soon as this card comes out, people can't describe their inner shock!

All the adjectives come together, leaving only a "lying trough"!!!

That's awesome!

Even the legendary, the world's top velvet card of kuci world, have it?!

Yes, they did!

At the moment, these demons are more in awe of Chu Chen's identity. I'm afraid Mr. Chu is not a rich man worth hundreds of billions, or the top young man in Yanjing?!

The more you think, the more ridiculous!

Some people even regard chuchen as the prince of a low-key "world-class plutocrat"!

Fan Mingzhe looked at the velvet card of kuci world in front of him, his eyes were round, as if he was going to eat it.

Even this level of black card, Chu Chen have?!

What a joke!

"Master Chu is powerful."

Fan Mingzhe finally lamented that he lost.

He really lost.

Beside, Gao Zhengqi is also surprised.

Every time I see brother Chu, he is shocked.

Who is brother Chu?

Even Gao Zhengqi began to mend Chu dust's identity of terror.

Soon, the rich businessmen began to greet Chu Chen with great respect.

As time went by, after greeting Chu Chen, the rich businessmen left one after another and went to one side.

They will not disturb Chu Chen all the time.

These big men of Mordor talked in twos and threes to discuss all kinds of financial affairs.


"Mr. Fan changed his watch?"

Fan Mingzhe is still here. At this time, a big man noticed that fan Mingzhe's watch seems to have changed.

"Well, I changed a Patek Philippe 5002p."

Fan Mingzhe shows off.

This time he doesn't pretend to be forced by Chu Chen. He doesn't pretend to be forced by others. He won't roll over again!

Before that, he brought a Patek Philippe of more than five million yuan.

Now, he bought this Patek Philippe 5002p from an auction in Yuecheng for more than 11 million yuan!Although not much money, but this Patek Philippe 5002p is extremely rare.

In one year, Patek Philippe only produces 10 pieces of Patek Philippe 5002p, absolute limited edition.


"Patek Philippe 5002p?"

When he heard that fan Mingzhe pretended to be a bully, he sighed.

These guys usually like to play with watches.

And there has been such a saying: poor play car, rich play watch.

These big guys are not young. Naturally, they are not very interested in sports cars.

On the contrary, they are very fond of famous watches, especially Patek Philippe, which is the first famous watch in the world.

"By the way, some time ago, I went abroad to work."

"I've met the Patek Philippe Museum of Patek Philippe, which I've been longing for for for a long time!"

Fan Mingzhe bangs again.

"It's really a holy land for watchmakers," he said

"There are more than 2000 collections in it. Even many international celebrities often visit them."

"When I first visited, I was lucky to meet a big man."

"Not only that, this museum has all the famous Patek Philippe watches in history."

After loading the force, fan Mingzhe quietly waiting to accept the exclamation and flattery of others.

But at this time, a voice that fan Mingzhe didn't want to hear came.

"What, I still have a museum?"

Even Chu Chen was surprised.

He didn't expect that there was a Patek Philippe museum under Patek Philippe, which was yearned for by countless international tycoons?!

Is it so powerful?!

I also have a museum?

Hearing Chu Chen's words, everyone was confused.

What does Mr. Chu mean?

They didn't get it?!

As for fan Mingzhe, he looked aggrieved. He was about to cry. Why did Mr. Chu speak again?

He doesn't want to pretend to be forced, but also deliberately behind the back of Mr. Chu, Mr. Chu actually spoke again.

Although he did not understand what chuchen meant, he had a bad premonition.

I'm going to roll over again!

"President Chu, the Patek Philippe Museum belongs to Patek Philippe."

Fan Mingzhe explains.

"I know."

"Some time ago, I acquired Patek Philippe company. Do you think that museum belongs to me?"

Chu Chen explained.

Acquired Patek Philippe?!

Mr. Chu actually acquired Patek Philippe?!!

This sentence of Chu Chen is even more shocking than knowing that Chu Chen owns the velvet card of kuci world.

No, it's a shock!

That's Patek Philippe?!

Say buy, buy?!

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