Chu Chen took the phone, it was Han Yuan.

The fat man has come to the devil?

Han Yuan is Chu Chen's college classmate and brother, nicknamed fatty. Chu Chen just got the system.

Han Yuan's father had an accident and came to Jiangzhou for medical treatment. An unscrupulous doctor in the hospital made trouble for them because Han Yuan's family couldn't afford the sky high cost of surgery.

At that time, Han Yuan's mother even knelt down to the unscrupulous doctor, but was mercilessly rejected by the unscrupulous doctor.

Finally, Chu Chen came forward to help fat father arrange the operation.


Jiangnan airport, Han Yuan, his sister Han Shishi and several of his best friends are waiting there.

At the end of the college entrance examination, Han Shishi's friends planned a "graduation Tour" and came out to play.

As 18-year-old girls, most of them are willing to go to the prosperous cities in China to see the big scenes and broaden their horizons.

Finally, because the two friends have relatives or friends in Mordor, they chose Mordor.

Originally, Han Shishi still hesitated, but after listening to his brother say that Chu Chen was in the magic capital, Han Shishi wanted to start immediately.

Before that, Han Shishi wanted to go to Jiangzhou to go to university, but he didn't expect that Chu Chen's brother didn't stay in Jiangzhou for long, so he went to other places.

Because of some things in Jiangzhou, Chu Chen has become an irreplaceable "male god" in Han's poetry.

Finally came to the magic, soon to see Chu Chen brother, Han Shishi is very excited.

As for Han Yuan's coming to Mordor, it was with his father's request.

Knowing that his daughter is going to visit the magic city, Han's father asks Han Yuan to join him and thank Chu Chen for going to the magic city.

His father recovered from a serious illness. He was much better and didn't need so many people to take care of him. Han Yuan also came to Mordor.

"Shishi, why don't you let my cousin find another car to take you with him?"

A friend of Han Shishi stood in front of a white BMW and said with concern.

But no matter how you look at it, there is a bit of flaunting.

Obviously, it's the heart of comparison.

Looking at the BMW in front of him, Han Shishi's friends showed an envious look in their eyes.

They all come from ordinary families. BMW is already very good.

"No, let's just call a didi."

Han Shishi refused.

When Han Shishi chats with his best friend, Han Yuan is on the phone with Chu Chen.

"Besides me, the people who came to Mordor this time are Shishi and some of her friends."

Han Yuan said to Chu Chen.

"Poetry, too?"

Chu Chen has some impressions of Han Shishi, a girl with high face value.

"Fat man, where are you now? Do you want me to meet you at the airport?"

Chu Chen asked.

Having been in Mordor for such a long time, I can be regarded as half a "landlord".

Brother, it's time to make arrangements.

"We're at the airport. We don't have to be so troublesome. Let's make a drop."

Han Yuan replied.

"Already at the airport?"

Chu Chen mutters that Han Yuan is already at the airport. It seems that it's a little late to pick him up now. They may have to wait about half an hour.

"By the way, fatty, you go directly to the staff of Jiangnan airlines and say it's what I mean. Let them send a car to see you off."

Chu Chen said to the fat man.

Chu Chen vaguely remembers that the VIP system of Jiangnan Airlines has the privilege of limousine transportation to facilitate VIP travel.

As the top member of Jiangnan airlines, I don't have this privilege even if I remember it wrong.

In a word, Jiangnan airlines will do it immediately.

After all, the annual maintenance cost of their three private airplanes is sky high.


Listen to Chu Chen finish, Han yuan a Leng.

Is this service still available at the airport?

He didn't know.


"Come directly to Wangjiang Pavilion, and I'll take care of it."

Chu Chen added.

After hanging up the phone, Han Yuan said Chu Chen's words to Han Shishi.

After listening, several people were also very surprised.

"It's impossible."

The cousin drove a BMW to pick up the girl, but also shook his head, confidently said.

"Let's go and have a look."

Although Han Shishi was a little surprised, subconsciously, she still believed in Chu Chen.

Finally, several people found a staff member of Jiangnan airlines.

"Hello, brother Chu Chen asked us to come to Jiangnan airlines and said that you should send a special car to take us away."

Han Shishi said politely.

"Send a special car to see you off?"

Just heard Han Shishi's words, the staff of Jiangnan airlines were also surprised."What do you think?"

The staff sneered and thought they had met a fool.

"I say, how can it be?"

Next to, cousin driving a BMW to the girl said disdainfully.

"I'd better let my cousin find a car. He has a lot of strength in Mordor."

Girls show off.

Just as the girl's voice had just dropped, the staff suddenly changed their face and asked:

"please wait a minute, who just said you wanted to come to us?"

"Brother chuchen?"

Chu Chen?

They are the top VIP of Jiangnan airlines. It seems that their surname is Chu.

Is this Chu Chen the Mr. Chu.

Thinking of this, the attitude of the staff has changed 180 degrees.

"Just a moment, please. I'll go to our manager."

After that, the staff rushed to the manager's office.

Knowing what happened, the manager immediately gave an order and went to receive Han Shishi and others in person.

What Mr. Chu means is that they want to do everything they say.

Before, the chairman of the board specially told them to see Mr. Chu as if they were seeing him, even more respectful than seeing him.

Whatever Mr. Chu asked, they would do.

When the manager of Jiangnan Airlines saw Han Shishi and others, he immediately said politely:

"we have already arranged a bus at the airport."

"Just a moment, please."

"Because it was too sudden, we didn't prepare any luxury cars, only ordinary cars. Please forgive me."

As soon as the manager came up, he apologized again and again. It was so sudden that they didn't prepare any luxury cars.

"No luxury cars?"

There is a trace of pride on the face of the girl who has a BMW to pick up.

In other words, it's a car worth one or two hundred thousand.


It's rubbish.

How can it be compared with her cousin's BMW? Her cousin's BMW is more than 850000?!

A sense of superiority does not rise in the girl's heart.

Brother Chu Chen of poetry, no way!

When the girl sneered, not far away, a black Rolls Royce guste slowly drove over.

"The bus has come. You are ready to get on."

The manager said politely.

Hearing the manager's words, everyone was confused immediately.

Here comes the car?

The Rolls Royce in the distance?!

Although they don't know much about luxury cars.

But the famous Rolls Royce, the flying goddess logo, they have seen on the Internet

this is the ordinary car in the manager's mouth?!

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