The next morning, Chu Chen woke up from his sleep.


[check in task, check in or not]

hearing the sound of the system, Chu Chen suddenly came to the spirit, and did not hesitate to click Yes.

If you wake up every morning and hear the sound of the system, what a wonderful thing it would be.

This kind of lying down can complete the task, it is too sweet.

[check in completed]

[congratulations, I got a bike]

however, the next second, Chu Chen heard the reward from the system and was stunned.

What the hell?!

Sign in for a bike?

Used to sign in reward 100 million, 30 million Bugatti, super run koniseg and so on. This time, the system sign in reward was given to a bicycle, which made Chu Chen stupid for a while.

"System, did you make a mistake?"

Chu Chen subconsciously said.

At this time, he next to two more contracts.

One insurance, one purchase contract.

"A bicycle, still have purchase contract unexpectedly, and bought insurance?"

Chu Chen is very curious to open the two contracts, after reading, Chu Chen understand.

Chu Chen comes to the garage. At the moment, a black bicycle that looks very ordinary stops there quietly.

"Is this the night?"

Chu Chen signed in and got the bicycle named "night curtain".

"Ordinary, not worth more than four million?"

Chu Chen was puzzled.

"It seems that I'm still not rich enough, and my appreciation of art needs to be improved."

Chu Chen said with emotion.

"When I get up every day, I have to remind myself that I am still too poor."

Just now, after reading the purchase contract, Chu Chen knew the origin of the bicycle awarded by the system.

A bicycle, worth four million, is worth as much as a Lamborghini!

This bicycle, named night, is the world famous designer "Sasha selipanov". It is the only bicycle in the world. The price is too high!

"Low key, luxurious and connotative, which is in line with my temperament."

Touching the car, Chu Chen said with emotion.

At noon, Chu Chen suddenly found that because he bought too many things yesterday, Bai Lingling left one of his clothes in his car.

Send a message to Bai Lingling, Chu Chen is ready to send it to her.

Just get "night", Chu Chen naturally want to ride, here is not far from Tiannan University, by the way ride to exercise.

"Why is there no other skill in the system reward since I got the best driving skill in the first place?"

Chu Chen was a little puzzled.

He has also read countless online novels, and knows the system very well. There are some skills in the system rewards, all kinds of magical black technology, super serum and so on. It seems that he has not appeared here.

"I have time to study it."

After that, Chu Chen rode his bicycle to Tiannan University.


After receiving a call from Chu Chen, Bai Lingling comes down from the dormitory and goes to the school gate.

On the way, Bai Lingling meets Yang Xinke, a girl of the same department.

"Lingling, are you going to the school gate, too?"

Learning that Bai Lingling is going to the school gate, Yang Xin is a little surprised.

"Are you going to wait for your boyfriend, too?"

Yang Xin laughingly asked.

"Ah, yes."

Bai Lingling was stunned and nodded.

Brother Chen is not here. He should not object to saying that he is a boyfriend.

Even if he is against it, he doesn't know what to do with himself, hee hee.

"Let's go together."

They went to the school gate together.

Of course, Yang Xinke has a deep meaning in doing so.

Although she is also a beauty, but compared with Bai Lingling, it is still worse. In school, Bai Lingling attracts countless eyes, which makes Yang Xin a little jealous.

Not long ago, Yang Xinke made a rich second-generation boyfriend. She is handsome and rich. This time, she wants to show off.

You know, his boyfriend drives a BMW!

"Ah Choo."

Riding on the road, Chu Chen suddenly sneezes.

"What's the matter?"

"Do you have a cold? You should pay attention to exercise in the future."

Chu Chen subconsciously said:

"I saw the system and noticed it, so I was rewarded with a bicycle and let me exercise more."

Before Tiannan University, Bai Lingling and Yang Xinke are waiting there.

After a while, Chu Chen appeared.

"Brother Chen is here."

Bai Lingling waved happily."Wow."

After seeing Chu Chen, Yang Xinke also issued a voice of exclamation.

"It's so cool."

"It's a fairy face."

However, when Yang Xinke's eyes were on Chu Chen's bicycle, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Once upon a time, there was a saying that I would rather cry on a BMW than smile on a bicycle.

She is such a girl.

Although having a beautiful boyfriend would be extremely happy and happy, she would rather cry in a BMW.

Park the car not far away, Chu Chen walks towards Bai Lingling.

Just then, a white faced BMW X5 came driving.

"Here comes my boyfriend."

After seeing the white BMW, Yang Xin can say with some pride.

The young man in BMW is Yang Xinke's boyfriend Guo Wei.


In the car, after seeing Bai Lingling beside Yang Xinke, Guo Wei's eyes brightened.

How beautiful!

In front of his girlfriend, as well as a strange beauty, Guo Wei wants to play a handsome, to a beautiful tail flick, stop in front of them.

Unfortunately, at the last moment, Guo Wei didn't control the distance, and the BMW rubbed against the bicycle that Chu Chen had parked there.

"What's special, whose broken bike!"

In front of his girlfriends and beauties, Guo Wei felt extremely humiliated and immediately yelled at him.


All of a sudden, he saw his car was rowed and jumped up in anger.

"Uncle, I just bought the BMW X5!"

"Which kid's car, stand up for me!"

Hearing this, Chu Chen gave a dry cough:

"the bike is mine, but it seems that you should pay for it?"

Just now, it was the boy's failure in his disguise that caused the scratch. Although there was a scratch on the BMW, his bicycle fell to the ground at night.

Although its price is comparable to that of a Lamborghini, it is a bicycle after all. When it collides with BMW, it is immediately damaged.

"Well, isn't it just a broken bicycle?"

Guo Wei is very angry. A broken bicycle on his face is nothing. Even if it's a hundred, a thousand can't match his BMW.

"How do you park here?"

Looking at the scratch on her boyfriend's BMW, Yang Xinke stands out with great heartache and scolds Chu Chen.

"If you don't pay today, you can't go!"

Guo Wei has a gloomy face.

"Yes, you don't want to go."

Yang Xin agrees.

"You seem to have said what I want to say."

Chu Chen shrugged,.

"It seems that you should be compensated!"

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