The female swindler couldn't help it, so she asked Chu Chen.

With the black card of Morgan bank, the assets should be at least more than 100 billion, and there should be terrible connections.

Most importantly, although I don't know what the little brother opposite looks like, I must be very young and pretty.

So young, so rich and powerful, it's the modern "Prince Charming".


"Girlfriend, yes."

Chu Chen cynical answer, he has guessed that the other party is a liar.

"A girlfriend?"

The woman cheater heard Chu Chen's answer, some regrets.

But on second thought, that's right.

Isn't it common to have a girlfriend when you are so young and rich?

Don't mention girlfriends, even if there are a group, hundreds of them, it's normal.

After all, where is the status?

"Little brother, actually I am a very traditional person."

The woman cheater replied.

The next second, her words changed.

"Actually I don't mind... Being small."

A very traditional person?

Just heard the words of female swindler, Chu Chen still has some surprise.

But after hearing this, Chu Chen was stunned.

Don't mind being small?

You are really a very traditional person.

It's so traditional!

"You don't mind, I do."

Chu Chen returned a sentence, then hung up the phone, knew own identity, that after had no meaning.

Being chased by beautiful women and confessing things, he experienced too much and was boring.

If you continue to listen, I'm afraid your ears will go wrong.

I can't help it. Being handsome is distressing.

"Hang up?"

The woman cheater has a look of regret.

I'm afraid it's the closest she's ever been to a rich family, and it's probably the only time in her life.

The more I think about it, the more sad the woman cheater is.

"What's the matter?"

Next to the swindler, a young man in his twenties asked.

He has been paying attention to female swindlers for some time and has never had a chance to start. Now he seems to have a chance.

In their "fraud company", this female swindler is quite beautiful.

"Brother Gong, it's like this..."

the female swindler told the male swindler exactly what happened just now.

Male swindlers are veteran, engaged in this "industry" for several years.

The swindler hopes to get some advice from him.

"Sister, you have been cheated."

After listening, the male swindler said seriously.

"There's a pretender on the other side. If you cheat, you'll believe it."


"I was cheated?"

The female swindler was surprised.

As a liar, she was cheated by others.

"I'm sure you've been cheated. That kid is just pretending to be forced. How can Morgan bank have such a young black card member?"

"What's more, there are only a few black card members of Morgan bank all over the country, no, all over the world. Why do you meet them so coincidentally, and they are still so young?"

"That's unreasonable."

The male swindler confidently said.

He has 70% or 80% assurance that "Chu Chen" is a liar, but now, in order to soak up his younger sister, the male liar wants to pave the way for a while and pretend to be forced, so as to attract the attention of the female liar.


Being explained by the male swindler, the female swindler fell into deep thinking.


It makes sense. How can there be such a coincidence in the world?

And just like her, no matter what she says, it depends on one mouth, which can't prove whether it's true or not.

"I was cheated by a pretender?"

The woman cheater suddenly realized.


at the moment, the female swindler's mood is extremely complex, and she also resents Chu Chen.

Dare to cheat me, you are looking for death.

"Sister, give me the boy's cell phone number just now, and I'll give you a breath."

Think time is almost, so the male liar took the initiative to stand out, patting the chest, pretending to force the way.

"In terms of deception, that boy is my younger brother, which is not worth mentioning."


"Thank you, brother Gong. It's very kind of you."

The swindler is very grateful.

"You must help me with that boy."

"Give it to me. It's a piece of cake."

"I can't fool that boy to the north."

Male swindler side guarantee, side took out his mobile phone, dialed Chu Chen's phone.In order to let Chu Chen answer the phone smoothly, this time, the male swindler directly used his normal phone number instead of the company's phone.


When the phone is connected, Chu Chen's voice comes.

"Hello, I'm the sales agent of Linyun. We have a shop ready to sell at a low price recently. Are you interested?"

"You know, this shop used to sell for more than three million yuan, but now it only needs 200000 yuan."

The male swindler opens his mouth and starts his routine Chu Chen.


"Not interested."

Chu Chen shook his head.

"I have a shop on one street."

In Jiangzhou, chuchen has its own street with numerous shops.

One street?

After hearing Chu Chen's words, the male swindler is stunned and more certain that Chu Chen is definitely a forced criminal.

How many shops do you think you have?

It's an awkward way to pretend.

"No, it doesn't matter. Do you have a house to rent or sell?"

The man continued.

This time, in order to act in front of female colleagues, he must deceive Chu Chen.

"Let, sell?"

"Yes, I have a building in Tomson Yipin, which can be rented or sold."

Chu Chen answers.

Tang Chen has one... One... One building?!

The swindler was shocked.

"You said you have a building in Tomson Yipin... Not a set?"

The liar thinks he heard wrong.

"Yes, it's a building. Tangchen Yipin's B building is all mine." Chu Chen explained.

A building?!

He has a building in Tomson Yipin?!

The male swindler was shocked.

It took him a while to react.

No, no, the other party is a person who can only pretend to be forced.


The male swindler breathed out a long breath, almost cheated himself.

Pretending that he had a house in Tomson Yipin, he had heard of it.

But it was the first time he saw a building in Tomson Yipin.

Tomson Yipin has only four buildings.

If you have one, doesn't it mean that a quarter of Tomson's products are yours?

It's horrible.

I'm afraid most people will be surprised to hear it for the first time.

"Sir, have you boasted too much?"

The male swindler asked with a sneer.

"If you don't believe it, you can call Tang Chen Yipin and ask if building B was bought by a Mr. Chu."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

From the male swindler a mouth, Chu dust guessed, this man should be just that female swindler's companion.

The male swindler is digging a hole for Chu Chen. He wants to do the same for Chu Chen.

But Chu Chen is also fooling him.

"Fight, fight."

While holding a mobile phone, the male swindler uses the phone on the table to dial Tomson Yipin to inquire.

He pretended to be a customer and told the staff of Tomson Yipin that he wanted to buy a house in building B.

"I'm sorry, our B building has been completely bought."

The staff of Tomson Yipin answered.


"Is it really all bought?"

The male swindler was stunned.

Is that boy not pretending to be forced, but telling the truth.

He met a super rich man, a god level local tyrant?!

"Is the man who bought... You... A building... Surnamed Chu?"

The male swindler asked nervously.

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