After more than an hour at sea, several people began to return.

"Mr. Chu, I'm really sorry. I have something to deal with. Let's go first."

As soon as he returned to the magic capital, Jiang Ruili immediately said respectfully that his attitude had changed 180 degrees.

Not to mention that Chu Chen lives in Tan palace and knows the top leaders of Mordor, it's Jiang Ruili who just says that Chu Chen is a shareholder of Qianda film.

Beside Chu Chen, Jiang Ruili felt that his body could not help shaking.


Chu Chen nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Chu."

Jiang Ruili thanks Chu Chen for a moment, quickly sits on his black McLaren and goes away.

Wei Xinyue stood there at a loss.

She has broken up with Jiang Ruili, so it is impossible for her to go with him.

"Xinyue, don't be sad. You won't be sad for such a person."

Linlin several people comfort Wei Xinyue, everything on the yacht, let their impression of Jiang Ruili fell to the bottom.

At the moment, Jiang Ruili in their hearts is scum man, no, scum.

Chu Chen takes them back to the hotel and leaves. He has something to do with himself.

An hour ago, Chu Chen received a message from Liu Ruobing, President of Tianyun jewelry company.

Liu Ruobing tells Chu Chen that Tianyun jewelry will hold a jewelry exhibition in mordu.

Because Chu Chen is in the magic capital, Liu Ruobing wants to discuss with Chu Chen.

After all, chuchen is the second largest shareholder of Tianyun jewelry.

Liu Ruobing came to Mordor the day before yesterday. He has been very busy these two days because of the exhibition.

Chu Chen drove to the place Liu Ruobing said.

This is a temporary studio of Tianyun jewelry in mordu.

"President Chu."

"Chu is good."

See Chu Chen, Tianyun jewelry employees say hello.

Liu Ruobing hears the sound and comes out of the office. He simply tells Chu Chen about the matter and the future deployment of Tianyun jewelry.

Tianyun jewelry wants to expand its market and further develop in mordu.

After several months of planning, they have come up with a plan to hold a large jewelry exhibition in Mordor to expand their reputation and influence.

Then set up a branch of Tianyun jewelry in mordu.


Chu Chen nodded.

He is the second largest shareholder of Tianyun jewelry. The development of Tianyun jewelry is closely related to his value.

Chu Chen is very optimistic about Tianyun jewelry, which has great potential.

Once the brand of "Tianyun" is created, it will be comparable to Tiffany and Cartier, the world's top jewelry brands. The market value of Tianyun jewelry will double.

Chu Chen's value will also be greatly improved.

"Yes, yes, but at the jewelry exhibition, something very embarrassing happened."

Liu Ruobing sighed.

"The exhibition hall of our jewelry exhibition is next to the exhibition hall of Bulgari's annual jewelry exhibition."

Liu Ruobing and her family had made an early reservation. Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence that baogeli's jewelry exhibition was also ordered there.

This invisible to Tianyun jewelry caused great pressure!

Although baogeli is not as good as Tiffany and Cartier, it is also the world's top jewelry brand!

In 18 years, the world brand laboratory released the list of "2018 World Top 500 brands", and Bulgari ranked 487.

This year, "2020 world's 50 most valuable clothing brands" list released, Bulgari ranked 27th!

In various world-class jewelry competitions, Bulgari has won the prize and won the soft hand.

Baogeli has a strong influence both at home and abroad, and its reputation is far from that of Tianyun jewelry, a new brand.

For this jewelry exhibition, Tianyun jewelry has been preparing for a long time.

But I never thought that it would start soon, but there was such an accident.

Now it's impossible to choose a new location. It's too late.

The two jewelry exhibitions are close together, and Tianyun jewelry is at a disadvantage.

Let alone expand the influence and reputation of Tianyun jewelry in Mordor. In the end, it will increase the flow of baogeli, and its jewelry exhibition will be in vain.

Tianyun jewelry and Bulgari are not on the same level.

How to compare.

"That's right."

Chu Chen nods and understands why Liu Ruobing is so anxious.

The two jewelry exhibitions are in the two exhibition halls next to each other, just like two enemies.

Most importantly, the fighting power of Tianyun jewelry is far less than that of baogeli, the world's top jewelry brand.

"Isn't it just about expanding influence?"

"I have a way."Chu Chen thought for a moment and immediately had a solution.

"The jewelry exhibition can be held on time. I'll take care of the rest. It's a small matter."


Originally, Liu Ruobing invited Chu Chen to come here to listen to Chu Chen's opinions. After all, Chu Chen has been in the devil for a while.

But Liu Ruobing did not expect that Chu Chen would say so, so confident.

"Can you really beat Bulgari?"

Although Chu Chen said so, Liu Ruobing was still worried.

After all, Chu Chen just came to the magic city for a few months. Can he have such strong contacts and strength?!

Liu Ruobing is a little worried, but other employees here are a little suspicious.

That's a great Bulgari.

Mr. Chu is sure that they will win over Bulgari?!

Is it possible?!

After staying here for a while, Chu Chen left for arrangement.


A few days later, the jewelry exhibition officially began.

Before the baogeli exhibition, several staff members surrounded a middle-aged man in a suit.

"Mr. Lin, next to the exhibition hall of Tianyun jewelry."

"It is said that for the sake of this exhibition, they have produced exquisite jewelry, among which there are world-class jewelry with a price of several hundred million, which was a hit some time ago."

A staff member said with some worries.

In contrast, Bulgari did not show any heavyweight jewelry this time.

"Ha ha."

President Lin, with a deep sneer, is the director of the baogeli jewelry exhibition.

From the beginning, he didn't pay attention to any Tianyun jewelry.

"World class jewelry, rubbish."

"Tianyun jewelry is just a rubbish brand in China. How can it compare with our baogeli?"

Lin Leshen is full of confidence.

"You see, this jewelry exhibition, Tianyun jewelry is entirely to make wedding clothes for us, and finally to bring us traffic."

"This time, the owners of Tianyun jewelry are going to pay for it. Hahaha."

Lin Leshen loudly satirizes the shareholders and bosses of Tianyun jewelry.

It took so much energy and so much money, but in the end it took them a lot of money.

This group of shareholders of Tianyun jewelry are really a group of "good people"!!!

Tianyun jewelry will be finished sooner or later.

Of course, the reason why Lin Leshen is so confident is that he has a "bottom card".

Without a bottom card, Bulgari's influence is far greater than that of Tianyun jewelry.

Now that they have the cards, they are even more crushing Tianyun jewelry!

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