Yang Yurong was originally a top-notch beauty star with super high beauty and temperament. Now with such a charming smile, she immediately attracted the attention of all the people present, both men and women.

It's beautiful.

Yang Yurong those fanatical fans, is a moment to indulge in it.

Especially those male fans, looking at Chu Chen at the moment, envy and jealousy to the extreme, even sour than eating ten jin of lemon.

This man is so hateful.

This is their goddess. It used to appear on all kinds of TV programs. It's a little cold. Even if it's a smile, it's a kind of polite smile.

This is their first time to see Yang Yurong charming to a man, the meaning of which is self-evident.

At the moment, they are roaring in their hearts, their goddess star ah, so like others?!

Why, just because this guy is more handsome than them... Cough, a little bit?

This society is really a face society.

Everyone present sighed.

But slowly, when people recall what Yang Yurong said just now, they suddenly think of a title.

What Yang Yurong said just now is: Mr. Chu, I'm here.

President Chu?!

Can you make the super beauty star call president Chu?

Can it be an ordinary person?

They finally understand that the boy is not only handsome, but also has a terrible identity background.

The horror makes Yang Yurong such a beautiful star willing to be a "licking dog".


Looking at Yang Yurong, Chu Chen nods.

Yang Yurong took the initiative to come next to Chu Chen and chat with Chu Chen, incomparable enthusiasm.

Many employees of Tianyun jewelry stood in front of the exhibition hall, one by one stunned.

Here comes Yang Yurong?!

And they came to their exhibition hall!

It's like a dream.

At the moment, they are extremely regretful. They shouldn't have doubted president Chu just now.

Before Chu always said that there is no backhand, let them give up completely.

I don't think they're going to be able to beat Bulgari.

But now, the general manager of Chu called a star like Yang Yurong at random!

They did.

With the appearance of Yang Yurong, the audience in their exhibition hall will definitely soar, even surpass Bulgari.

Baogeli invited two big flow stars, simply can't compare with Yang Yurong such a top beauty star.

Liu Ruobing stood in the same place, very surprised.

Did Chu Chen invite Yang Yurong?

They're reversing?!

As for many of Bulgari's employees, especially Lin Leshen, the person in charge, they are all stupid.

Can Tianyun jewelry invite Yang Yurong?

No mistake!

Some of Bulgari's employees even want to rush to Tianyun jewelry to ask for Yang Yurong's signature.


How much energy and money did they spend.

That's a huge price.

Lin Leshen guessed that he would never think that Yang Yurong just called Chu Chen.

And Chu Chen didn't come here specially.

At the moment, Lin Leshen's whole life is not good.

Originally, he thought that baogeli invited two big traffic stars, plus baogeli's heat, absolutely crushed Tianyun jewelry, and steadily.

But the current situation is far beyond his expectation.

Lin Leshen prayed in his heart that there should be no other stars on the opposite side, otherwise, they would lose miserably.

If Tianyun jewelry only invited Yang Yurong, not other stars.

They can also rely on the influence and reputation of these two big traffic stars and Bulgari to compete with Tianyun jewelry chamber.

But if Tianyun jewelry also invited others, then...

only Lin Leshen's Prayer didn't seem to have any effect, and another top star came.

"Lu Youshan!"

"You Shan, you Shan, we love you!"

"Youshan, Youshan, you are the most beautiful."

A fanatical cry came.

In the eyes of everyone shocked, "Queen of heaven" singer Lu Youshan came.

Lu Youshan, as a diva singer, has great strength and is popular all over the country, with countless crazy fans.

Every time the tickets for Lu Youshan's concert in China are snatched up in an instant, the price is even higher.

Lu Youshan is very popular not only at home, but also abroad. She holds many concerts abroad every year.

As a diva singer, Lu Youshan's position in the entertainment industry is on a par with Yang Yurong's.

Under the gaze of the crowd, Lu Youshan, like Yang Yurong, came to Chu Chen.

"Chu is good."

Lu Youshan warmly greets Chu Chen."Welcome, welcome."

Having said that, Lu Youshan also stood beside Chu Chen, and Yang Yurong left and right, not to be outdone.

See here, Yang Yurong felt a sense of crisis, closer to Chu dust.

A left and a right, two beautiful stars standing beside Chu Chen, immediately let more people envy Chu Chen.

God is really unfair.

If you are handsome, rich and have a background, you can "enjoy the happiness of all". They also want to.

Looking at Lu Youshan, the employees of Tianyun jewelry are even more shocked.

Master Chu is a good judge!

These employees are crying out in their hearts - President Chu is a bull.

A phone call, actually called two top beauty stars.

It's amazing.

As for the people next to Bulgari, they were as dumb as a cucumber.

Another top star?

Lin Le is more like a ghost.

Second, Tianyun jewelry actually invited a second heavyweight star?

It's over!

It's really over this time.

Yang Yurong and Lu Youshan together, the flow of high outrageous, easy to crush them.

His worries really showed up.

When Lin Le sighed that Tianyun jewelry had invited two heavyweight stars, the cry came again.

Surrounded by the crowd, Kong Mo, who has just won the title of film king, comes.

Kong Mo is a powerful male star. With his superb acting skills, he has attracted countless loyal fans. Not long ago, Kong Mo won the second movie king, and now he still dominates the hot search list.

Just like just now, Kong Mo also came to Tianyun jewelry exhibition hall.

After greeting Chu Chen, Kong Mo enters the exhibition hall wisely. He doesn't stick to Chu Chen like Yang Yurong.

"The... Third...!"

Looking at the three heavyweight stars in a row, Lin Leshen's voice trembled and was stunned.

What the hell is this?!

Following the arrival of Kongmo, cheers rang out again.

The fourth heavyweight star is here.

Then came the fifth...

the sixth...

at the beginning, people were still shocked, but they were numb at the end.

One star after another...

they have never seen so many top stars in those film festivals.

There are seven or eight heavyweight stars alone. As for the first-line stars, there are also many second-line stars.

Looking at the stars still appearing, Lin Leshen couldn't stand.

If you invite so many stars, even if it doesn't cost hundreds of millions, I'm afraid it will cost tens of millions.

Tianyun jewelry actually spent tens of millions to invite stars?!

Are they crazy?!!

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