Because this is a super run club, it's normal that when the roar of super run comes, it doesn't attract much attention.

"Yes, it's called ninja turtle. It's much better than a turtle with a shrunken head."

"You, the president of Chu, really want to thank Luo Ge. This name is amazing!"

"It hasn't appeared yet. Your Chu president" Ninja Turtle "is worthy of it."

The people of Qiankun super run Club burst into laughter and mocked Chu Chen as much as they could.

In this way, they can not only highlight their superiority over the first super running club, but also kneel down and lick a wave of Luo Yuanming, killing two birds with one stone.


"Ninja tortoise, your family, the whole villa area is the Ninja tortoise?"

"Too much deception!"

"Don't be too presumptuous. This is not the territory of your heaven and Earth Club!"

In the face of the rampant Qiankun super run club, the members of the first club angrily retort and defend Chu Chen.

"Not our territory?"

"Ha ha, your president Chu is afraid to come. Who gives you the confidence to shout about me?"

Luo Yuanming asked with a sneer.

Don't say anything else, just say identity, he is enough to crush a group of people here!

Even the last president of the first super running club is not as high as Luo Yuanming.

"Who said I was afraid to come?"

Luo Yuanming's voice has not yet fallen, a faint voice suddenly came from behind.

People's eyes turned in an instant.


"Here comes the president!"

"Here comes the president!"

Looking at the chuchen who came slowly, the first super run Club cheered.

Before they believed that the president is not the kind of turtle with a shrunken head!

It turns out that what they believe is right!

The president is here!

Compared with the excited members of the first super run club, Qiankun club is a little humble.

The first time I saw Chu Chen, everyone in Qiankun super run club was scared by Chu Chen's momentum.

Even some childe brother's legs have trembled.

I don't know why, looking at Chu Chen, they can't help thinking of those elders at home.

Now in the circle of Chu Chen, there are some top tycoons of mordu, super rich.

Often stay together with them, the momentum of Chu Chen's body can't help changing.

Ordinary time is not obvious, but Chu dust serious up, this momentum immediately all appear.

Chu Chen's momentum alone can scare more than 90% of the dandies.

Not to mention these ordinary members, even Luo Yuanming, as president, was stunned when he first saw Chu Chen.

From the momentum of Chu Chen, Luo Yuanming came to a conclusion that the boy's identity is absolutely not simple!

At least not inferior to him.

In any case, it is impossible for the ordinary rich to have such momentum.

Even so, Luo Yuanming is still very arrogant, he thinks that the background is not inferior to chuchen.

What's more, now in front of so many people, Luo Yuanming is even more reluctant to lose his identity.

"Are you the president of the first super run club?"

Luo Yuanming asked coldly.


Chu Chen nodded.

"When shall we...

LUO Yuanming is just going to ask when we can start racing.

Suddenly, a voice of surprise came.

"What kind of car is that?"

A member of the Qiankun super run club, pointing to Chu Chen's Lamborghini, asked Hermes in a puzzled way.

He's seen a lot of Lamborghini, but it's the first time he's seen this car.

What kind of money is this?!

Looking in the direction indicated, people also noticed Chu Chen's Lamborghini Hermes.

Looking at the car parked in the middle, they have guessed that the car is Chu Chen's.

"What kind of car is this? I haven't seen it either!"

"Lamborghini also has this kind of car. It can't be transformed."

"Transformed Lamborghini, in front of konicek One1 in Rogo, are all brothers, even Lamborghini poison!"

"I didn't expect the president of the first super run club to drive such a broken car."

"It's so chilly that I can become president with such a car. I think it's not too bad for the first super run club to be renamed the penultimate super run club."

This Lamborghini that doesn't know Chu Chen, the members of the heaven and Earth Club regard Chu Chen's car as the kind of ordinary, millions of Lamborghini, and they laugh at it one after another.

As the president of the first super running club, it's a shame to drive such a "garbage truck"!"I'm all ashamed that you have such a president."

At this time, a member of the heaven and Earth Club turned his head and said to the people of the first super run club.

The people of the first super run club are very unconvinced, but they don't know how to refute it.

Like the people of Qiankun club, the people of the first super run club don't know Chu Chen's Lamborghini.

After all, chuchen's Lamborghini Hermes is too few. There is only one in the world. How many people know?

At the scene, only Luo Yuan's eyes were wide open, and he looked like a ghost.

Silly looking at Chu dust Lamborghini Hermes, Luo Yuanming for a long time speechless.

After a long time, people also found that Luo Yuanming was different.

President, what's the matter?

"President, President, what's the matter with you?"

One of Luo Yuanming's confidants whispered to remind him.


Luo Yuanming was relieved from his fright.

For the first time, Luo Yuanming didn't pay attention to his own people. Instead, he looked at Chu Chen and asked in a trembling voice:

"you... What is your car...!"

Luo Yuanming can't believe his judgment.

After all, the identity is there, and it has a konjac One1 for 100 million.

Luo Yuanming knows something about the world's top super race.

Luo Yuanming never thought that this Lamborghini Hermes, the only one in the world, would appear in front of him.

This is the third most expensive super run in the world!!!

"You're right. This is Lamborghini Hermes."

Chu Chen looked at Luo Yuanming's surprise in his eyes and replied.

Lamborghini Hermes?!

Hearing Chu Chen's affirmative answer, Luo Yuanming was even more shocked.

Without standing still, Luo Yuanming stepped back a few steps, then stabilized himself.

Gollum, Gollum!

After swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, Luo Yuanming's heart has turned upside down.

Is it really the legendary Lamborghini Hermes?!


"The president?"

"Rogo, what's the matter with you?"

Looking at a series of strange expressions and actions of Luo Yuanming, people in the heaven and earth club are extremely surprised.

With a strong curiosity, they took out their mobile phones one after another to find the information of Lamborghini Hermes.

Don't check don't know, a check, all people are deeply surprised to!!!

The price is 380 million!

There is only one in the world!!

The price ranks the third in the world!!!

This series of horror information, the members of the heaven and Earth Club were stunned!!!

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