At the beginning, Chu Chen saw Luo Yuanming's disguise.

Since we have to be forced, we have to pay something.

Didn't you say 50 million?

Let me help you.

I'm the vice president of the best foundation. I'm the contact person. I can omit all kinds of procedures and handle them directly.

After hearing Chu Chen's words, everyone was surprised.

Vice president of the best foundation?!

Everyone looked at Chu Chen in shock. You know, the best foundation is a famous charity in Mordor.

It was founded by Mr. Li. The current president is Mr. Li, and the vice presidents are the top leaders of mordu.

Don't mention these ordinary members. Even Luo Yuanming's father should be respectful when he sees these top leaders.

As a result, Chu Chen now says that he is the vice president of the supreme good foundation?!

This identity really scared them!

How can it be!

How old is president Chu? Just over 20.

Now he's the vice president of the best foundation?

Can the status compare with the top big men in Mordor?

As for Luo Yuanming, he was also stupefied and embarrassed to the extreme.

He never thought that Chu Chen would come to such a sentence.

Vice president of the best foundation?!

This identity can really avoid a series of troubles and be handled directly.

Now that he is in a dilemma, he has no reason not to donate.

But 50 million!

Too much!

If he donates millions, he won't even frown.

If you donate 5000 yuan, he'll be so heartbroken that he can't breathe!

50 million. What's wrong with buying?!

Luo Yuanming stood in the same place, at a loss.

In front of his own members, Luo Yuanming did not dare to leave. In that case, it would be too humiliating.

How can he be the vice president of the best foundation? It's unreasonable.

"President, how can you be the vice president of the best foundation?"

A member of the first super run Club couldn't help asking Chu Chen.

"Well, some time ago, Mr. Li held a charity dinner, and I went to attend it."

"That night, I donated one billion yuan. At the warm invitation of Mr. Li, I agreed to be Mr. Li and became Vice President of the best foundation."

Chu Chen explained.

Donated a billion?!

The president donated one billion yuan!!!

All the people are stunned, this is...

this is...

"so terrible!

That's a billion, not tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands.

The vast majority of members present and the total assets of their families do not even add up to one billion.

As a result, President Chu donated one billion yuan at a time!

It's awesome!

And look at the president's plain expression and manner, donating one billion yuan is basically "sprinkling water", which is very common.

"President, I admire you so much."

"It's going to be great!"

"The president is mighty!"

A burst of cheers came, and the members of the first super run Club cried out that they were proud of the president of Chu Chen.

Even Qiankun super run club, there are many people looking at Chu Chen, eyes full of admiration.

One billion, just give it!

On the one hand, they lament Chu Chen's terrible financial resources. On the other hand, they also lament that Chu Chen really does charity.

"Ten... Hundred million?"

Looking at Chu Chen, Luo Yuanming stammered, his voice full of shock.

This Chu Chen donated one billion yuan?!

How much money does he have.

Luo Yuanming dare not guess.

"Brother Luo, don't worry. I'll contact the people of the best foundation right now."

Chu dust meaningful patted Luo Yuanming's shoulder, intimate said.

Chu Chen dials the phone directly.

Pretending to be forced, especially in front of him, has to pay a price.

This can also be regarded as Chu Chen's contribution to charity, helping the best foundation get 50 million yuan.

After the call, Chu Chen looks at Luo Yuanming and says again:

"don't thank me. It's just a little help."

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Luo Yuanming almost vomited blood.

Luo Yuanming is about to cry wrongly.

Thank you?

Thank you, sister!

Thank you!

Luo Yuanming's heart is howling, crazy make complaints about Chu dust.

Although he was "heartbroken" in his heart, on the surface, Luo Yuanming still had to show the appearance of light cloud and light wind.I'm forced to put on my own, even with tears in my eyes!

"President Chu is very kind."

Luo Yuanming answers Chu Chen with a smile.

At this moment, he finally understood a word.

Bragging is risky. Be careful when you pretend to be a force!

50 million, it's gone soon?!

The more he thought about it, the more blood he felt in his heart. His money, his money.

After getting the news of Chu Chen, the people from the best foundation came quickly.

Twenty minutes later, a manager of the best foundation arrived with an assistant.

After simplifying some procedures, the manager said to Luo Yuanming:

"on behalf of the best foundation, I would like to thank Mr. Luo for his donation. How do you give the money?"

"Check or bank card?"

Hearing this, Luo Yuanming is even more desperate.

Finally, under the gaze of everyone, Luo Yuanming wrote a check with trembling hands and reluctantly handed it to the manager of the best foundation.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo. This is the certificate from our best foundation to commemorate this donation."

While saying this, the manager handed a certificate to Luo Yuanming.

Originally very light certificate, Luo Yuanming almost did not hold.

This certificate is very heavy in his eyes.

As for the weight of 50 million, the certificate should be.

After that, with the money, the people from the best foundation left.

"The president did a good job."

"President, you are our pride."

The members of Qiankun super run club said with emotion.

Luo Yuanming would be very happy to listen to other people's praise.

But now he wants to cry.

"Master Luo, can we start our engagement?"

Just when Luo Yuanming was sad, a voice came that made him even more reluctant to hear.

Luo Yuanming turned to see Chu dust, a pair of reluctant sorry.

Engagement, game?


He clenched his teeth and took out 50 million to save face.

As a result, we should lose face now.

"Don't worry, I won't compete with you with Lamborghini Hermes. It's too unfair."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"So, how about we all look for a multi million supercar?"

Since Luo Yuanming donated money, Chu Chen would not bully him.

It's fair to compete with cars of the same level.


Luo Yuanming regained his self-confidence.

Chu Chen doesn't need to compare with Lamborghini Hermes, who is more than 300 million and close to 400 million, he has a chance to win.

For his driving skills, Luo Yuanming is full of confidence!

He is the first master of Qiankun super running club, the "car God" of Mordor.

"Let's go."

Luo Yuanming said to Chu Chen with a clear mind. With that, Luo Yuanming took the initiative to go out.

Looking at this scene, Chu Chen couldn't help shaking his head.

Child, you are too early to be happy!

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