Rolls Royce driver looked around at the crowd, holding his hands in front of him, his eyes full of disdain, and continued to shout:

"I am Wan Zhengxin, Wan Zong's driver!"

"Don't you want to push the cart, or carry it, to save people?"

"Come on."

"Come on

While saying this, the driver of Rolls Royce stood aside from the middle and did not stop the crowd.

Seeing this scene, the whole body trembled with anger, hateful, but did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

People not only dare not go up to lift the car, but also because the Rolls Royce driver's words, subconsciously back a few steps.

This Rolls Royce phantom is actually owned by Wan Zhengxin. That is...

Wan Zhengxin is famous for his insidious behavior in Mordor, which offends him and leads to unimaginable consequences.


at this time, the smoke in the distance is more dense, and it seems that the fire is more serious.

"Wan Zhengxin?"

"Who is that? Is that great?"

"Lift the car, I'll take care of it!"

Just then, another voice came.

Chu Chen spoke again.

The fat man went over first, ready to carry the car.

"What are you afraid of? Life matters!"

Look at a fat man, have carefully looked at Chu dust one eye, everyone has come forward.

Although they don't know the identity of Chu Chen?

But they see Chu Chen's aura is very terrible, absolutely not ordinary people, so they decided to gamble.

Life matters.

The crowd gathered around and began to lift the car.

"What are you doing?"

"Do you dare?"

Seeing this scene, the driver of Rolls Royce, who is a "villain's ambition", was completely flustered. He never thought that people really dare to lift the car.

The driver of Rolls Royce tried to stop him, but he didn't want everyone to push him down.

"You're dead, you're dead!"

If the car is pushed down, he will definitely be scolded by Mr. Wan, lose his job, or even be taught by Mr. Wan.

"By the way, you...!"

Unable to stop the crowd, the driver could only glare at Chu Chen.

"You wait, Wan Zong will never let you go!"

"You have to pay a hundred times, a thousand times the price!"

"Wait for the devil to get out of here!"

The Rolls Royce driver gritted his teeth.

"Ha ha."

"A hundred times, a thousand times the price?"

Chu Chen shook his head and replied flatly:

"let me get out of the magic capital, Wan Zhengxin is not qualified yet!"

Finally, the Rolls Royce phantom was pushed down by the crowd and poured into the green nearby.


"Good job!"

The crowd cheered.

Three fire engines rushed to the scene of the fire and began to put out the fire.

Chuchen, the fat man also rushed to help with others.

Looking at Rolls Royce who fell there, the driver looked desperate.

With a look at Chu Chen's figure, the driver rushed to a building nearby.

Today, Mr. Wan came here to see the canary. He specially ordered the driver not to disturb him because he had nothing important to do.

But now, the car has been pushed down. It's too big.

After thinking for a while, the driver decided to go to Mr. Wan.

"Mr. Wan, Mr. Wan, something's wrong!"

After arriving, the driver knocked on the door.

A minute later, Wan Zhengxin, with an angry face, opened the door.

"Are you sick?"

"Don't you mean to come back to me unless the sky falls down?"

Wan Zhengxin scolded the driver for disturbing his interest.

"Mr. Wan, your Rolls Royce has been pushed to the ground."

The driver spoke quickly.

"What, what do you say?"

Wan Zong, who is just about to close the door, is confused. What's the situation?

My own Routh is down?!

"What happened?"

Wan Zhengxin asked immediately.

The driver didn't dare to hide what he had just said. Of course, when he said it, he didn't forget to add fuel to it.

He described Chu Chen as "presumptuous and domineering".

"He's in charge of pushing down my car?"

"What is he?"

After hearing this, Wan Zhengxin was furious.

It's a small matter to push down the car and repair it. That little money is a drop in the bucket for WAN Zhengxin.

But it's about face.

His car was pushed down by someone. When the news got out, where did he put his face and how did he mix with the devil!Most of all, I completely disturbed my interest.

"You wait."

"I'll change my clothes and you'll take me to the boy."

"I want to have a look at the immortal who dares to move my car!"

Go back, change clothes, wanzhengxin out, under the leadership of the driver, wanzhengxin angrily to find chuchen Xingshi.

On the other side, the firemen were fighting the fire. The fire was very big. Without professional training, people were afraid to go in and had to watch.

"That... That's not wan Zhengxin?"

"Here comes Mr. Wan!"

Suddenly, someone noticed Wan Zhengxin coming here.

"Brother, let's go."

"Brother, Wan Zhengxin, we can't make trouble. You go first."

"Wan Zhengxin is not easy to be provoked. Looking at his expression, he seems to be very angry. My friend, you should avoid it first."

After seeing Wan Zhengxin, some people urged Chu Chen to run away.

Wan Zhengxin can't afford to be offended.

"No harm."

Chu Chen waved his hand and didn't care too much.

"Mr. Wan, that's him, that's him!"

Pointing to Chu Chen, the Rolls Royce driver called.

In front of Chu Chen, Wan Zhengxin asked with pride:

"I'm very curious. Who gave you the courage to say that you are responsible for pushing down my car?"

This community is just a middle-class one. If it wasn't for the fact that he secretly raised "a canary" here, Wan Zhengxin would never have come to this place in his life.

Chu Chen appears in this community, how can he be a big man?!

Wan Zhengxin subconsciously regards Chu Chen as a child of a little rich family. He just entered the society and doesn't know that the heaven is high and the earth is rich.

"Who's behind you?"

Wan Zhengxin asked again, like a cold poisonous snake.

Looking at Wan Zhengxin, people could not help but feel shivering.

In the public heart sigh, Chu dust is over.

Offended Wan Zhengxin, the end will be very miserable!

"Behind me is myself."

Chu Chen replied Wan Zhengxin flatly.

Then Chu Chen took out a business card from his pocket.

"I'll be responsible for the repair of Rolls Royce. You can call me later."

Looking at Chu Chen actually handed his business card to him, Wan Zhengxin sneered.

"If you want to scare me, you're still a little bit tender..."

while casually taking Chu Chen's business card, Wan Zhengxin put a cruel word.

After that, Wan Zhengxin looked down.

In the next second, Wan Zhengxin's face froze and his eyes rolled.

"Prada group president?"

"Vice president and second largest shareholder of Ferrari group?"

"Modu International Financial Center..."

looking at a series of identities on his business card, Wan Zhengxin was confused and full of horror!

This is...

how is this possible?!

Wan Zhengxin stood there, stiff as a statue, stunned.

He felt like he was about to be scared of a heart attack.

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