Ordinary passers-by?

They were deeply shocked by Chu Chen's words.

This singing skill is comparable to the top singers!

And still live play, and did not like some singers in general please "million class tuner.".

It's not unusual?

Handsome to the face of the explosion, the level of singing against the sky, this is mediocre?!

If you're mediocre, what about us?

many men make complaints about Tucao.

At the moment, they feel that they have been hurt by hundreds of millions of points, heartache.

Many beautiful onlookers looked at Chu Chen, their eyes full of admiration.

This is the male god!

It's hard to like it or not!

Chu Chen turns around and returns the microphone to the little sister who just sang.


Inadvertently, chuchen Ferrari's car key fell to the ground.

The people who had not left were even more stunned when they saw the scene.

Ferrari's car key?!

This handsome and explosive little brother drives a Ferrari?

Handsome, rich and rich?!

At the moment, in the minds of all girls, there are only two words to describe Chu Chen, that is perfect.

There are hardly any shortcomings.

"Little brother, would you like to add a wechat?"

"Little brother, let's go to the bar together. I'll have a drink."

"Little brother, are you alone at home today?"

Such a perfect male god, since met, don't seize the opportunity how to do?

Instant, countless beauty crazy to Chu dust.

Seeing this scene, those male onlookers were more envious and envious.

At the moment, all the male onlookers are incarnated as lemonade.

Why is he so good? Why?

"Isn't it just to be handsome, sing better and drive a Ferrari?"

"What's the matter?"

a young man make complaints about sour food.

The young man's words instantly attracted the attention of several beauties who were ready to go to chuchen wechat.

"Ha ha, I don't know who gave you courage?"

"You look so ugly, and you're not ashamed to say that?"

Several beauties retorted harshly.

"It's a waste of air for you to live."

In less than ten seconds, the young man was criticized by several beauties and doubted his life.

He asked himself, he is still a little handsome.

Isn't that guy a little more handsome than him?

Tucao in his heart, young people make complaints about Chu dust.

For a moment, he stopped talking.

Isn't it a hundred million?

Compared with him, he is really ugly.

Sure enough, people are more popular than others. It's true that young people are so heartbroken that they can't breathe.

On the other hand, Chu Chen finally gets out of the crowd and pulls on Han Shishi. Chu Chen flees here as soon as possible.

Ah, especially a group of shallow women who covet his body or beauty.

Arriving at Qianda square, Chu Chen and Han Shishi strolled for a while.

Although Han Shishi said that she only wanted to sing a song for her, Chu Chen bought her some gifts.

After all, without Han Shishi, I'm afraid it's impossible to trigger the system task, and I won't get the top singing skills.

If you want to be imperfect, you can't do it.

With beauty, wealth and connotation, they are chased by countless beauties. How can those ordinary boys live?

Chu Chen sympathized with them.

On the way back, Chu Chen chats with Han Shishi. She overhears Han Shishi saying that she is more interested in design.

"Not sure what to learn?"

Chu Chen said:

"well, tomorrow you go to Prada design department to work for a few days, experience it, and then consider whether to learn design."

Chu Chen gives suggestions to Han Shi.

If you want to go to any university, you can put it aside for a while. With the score of Han Shishi, you can go to any university.

What is important is what Han Shishi university should learn.

Since Han Shishi is interested in design, let her experience it first. What if she is only interested in design and doesn't like the work of design?


"Do you want to experience Prada?"

Han Shishi was a little surprised. As a girl, she certainly knew Prada.

"May I?"

Han Shi is very excited.

"Of course, you can even work directly in Prada if you want to."

Chu Chen answers.

"Prada is mine."

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Han Shishi was even more surprised and proud.

It's worthy of brother chuchen. He even bought Prada. It's so powerful."I don't say hello in advance. You can go tomorrow and give me my name directly."

Chu Chen is too lazy to call.

Anyway, it's in his company. I don't have to make a phone call.


Han Shishi nodded her head, excited.


After returning to the hotel, Han Shishi began to prepare for tomorrow.

She specially looked for a more mature and formal dress.

The next day, because Chu Chen had something to do in the morning, Han Shishi took a taxi to Prada company alone.

"Are you here for an interview?"

"Come with me, please?"

Han Shishi just walked in, a staff member immediately said politely.

Today is Prada's recruiting day.


For the first time, Han Shishi was very nervous and followed the staff.

Han Shishi guesses that brother chuchen asked him to come today, probably because he had an interview today.

Han Shishi was brought to a hall by the staff.

At the moment, there are many candidates in the hall, all of them are beautiful women with good temperament and high face value.

However, when Han Shishi arrived, he immediately compared all the candidates.

Han Shishi finds a side seat and sits down.

Although Han's poems are extremely low-key, they still attract everyone's attention.

No way. Han Shishi is too beautiful and young.

Looking at Han Shishi, many candidates whispered, of course, many people are with a trace of jealousy and hostility.

After all, we are all competitors now.

Finally, there are two beautiful candidates with good looks. Under the gaze of the public, they go to Han Shishi.

They are ready to inquire about the situation of Han Shi. They sit beside Han Shi.

"Sister, are you coming to apply?"

The big wave woman on the left asked enthusiastically.


Han Shishi nodded.

"Today's application is very fierce. You should be prepared."

The woman with short hair on the right is also a kind reminder.

"By the way, which university did my sister graduate from?"

Big wave beauty inquires.

"I'm not in college yet."

Han Shishi shakes his head and tells the truth.


The two women frowned.

She is a high school diploma, dare to come to Prada to apply?

There's nothing wrong with your head, right?

The two women's faces showed a look of disgust and disdain.

You know, this is Prada, the world's top luxury goods company!

Dare to come here to apply, present, which is not returned from abroad, or domestic 985, 211 university graduates?

And it's a master's degree, a doctor's degree or something.

How dare you apply for a high school diploma?

What a joke.

Do you deserve to work for Prada?!

Who gave you courage!!!

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