Looking up, I can see that in Gao Zheng's trunk, it's full of Romani Kandy!!!

It's not easy for ordinary people to have a bottle of this world-class red wine.

But Gao Zhengqi has a full trunk of Romani canti.

Gao Zhengqi is well-known for his love of drinking and wine collection. His family is full of all kinds of precious wine.

"They were all made 80 years ago, and I managed to get them."

Gao Zhengqi introduced.

The goods in Gao Zhengqi's trunk are the best of Romani Kangdi.

For these wines, Gao Zhengqi spent a lot of money and contacts to get them directly from the dusty cellar of Romani Kangdi winery.

I'm afraid these wines alone will add up to tens of millions!

"Xiao Zhou, take some wine to Chu's car."

Gao Zhengqi said to the driver.

"Brother Chu, don't refuse. You've helped me a lot before. Just be my little heart."

Gao Zhengqi finds that Chu Chen is ready to speak, so he says first.

If it's someone else, Gao Zhengqi will never share wine, but Chu Chen is different.

"In that case, thank you, elder brother Gao."

Gao Zhengqi said so, Chu Chen had to agree.

Chu Chen opens the trunk.

A few minutes later, Chu Chen's trunk was also full of Romani Kangdi.

The wine in Chu Chen's trunk even exceeded Gao Zhengqi's remaining wine.

Fortunately, the trunk of chuchen Audi is smaller than that of gaozhengqi Maybach, otherwise gaozhengqi may not have much left.

Finally, at Gao Zhengqi's suggestion, Chu Chen agrees to go to him for a drink when he has time.

"Brother Chu, I'll go first. Don't forget to have time to drink together."

After saying goodbye to Chu Chen, Gao Zhengqi gets on the bus and leaves.

Chu Chen is driving to find the fat man.

"Where are we going?"

Chu Chen asks a way, today is fat person treat.

"Go to... Qiandai bar."

Finally, the fat man gritted his teeth and said to Chu Chen.

Although Qiandai bar is not the most expensive bar in mordu, it is definitely the top bar in mordu, with high consumption.

It seems that in order to thank Chu Chen, the fat man decided to bleed heavily.


Half an hour later, Chu Chen stops at Qiandai bar and walks in with fat man.

With the arrival of Chu Chen, it immediately attracted the attention of countless girls.

"I'll go, handsome little brother."

"This beauty, love, love."

"How could there be such a perfect little brother in the world?"

Countless girls were surprised.

Chu Chen and fat man find a seat and chat while drinking.

Many girls want to go to chuchen wechat to chat up chuchen.

But because of Chu Chen's strong aura and timid, dare not go up, they think they are not worthy of this handsome little brother to explosion.

Of course, there are several beauties who have confidence in themselves, so they get up and go to Chu Chen.

Their face value is the top of the bar, and their identity is not simple, they are all Bai Fumei of Mordor.

A few Bai Fumei sit beside Chu Chen, deliberately looking for a topic to chat with Chu Chen.

Chu Chen and them casually took a few words.

On the other side of the bar, some young men are drinking.

"Brother Zhao, you can't do it. When the boy comes, he will take all the limelight from you."

"Originally Zhao brother's face value here, absolute top, even if it is not to mention money, there will be countless beauty inverted paste."

"But when the boy comes, you can have a look. Now there is no sister to see brother Zhao?"

A few boyfriends teased a young man with fair skin.

His name is Zhao Yingyi, and he is also a rich second generation of mordu.

Unlike other ordinary looking childe brothers, Zhao's translation is as beautiful as his name.

Wherever he went, he was the focus of the crowd.

Zhao Yingyi, who has high face value and strong background, is called "Prince Charming" by many beauties.

Usually, some of Zhao's colleagues are very jealous of Zhao's translation.

But because of their general appearance, they didn't say anything.

Now, someone has robbed Zhao Ying's translation of the limelight, and several young masters gloat.

It's the first time that someone can crush Zhao Yingyi mercilessly in terms of face value.

If they were not worried about what Zhao Yingyi said, they would even take the initiative to offer Chu Chen a glass of wine to express their gratitude.

Also let Zhao Yingyi experience the helplessness of being crushed.


After listening to the jokes of several friends, Zhao Yingyi felt that he could not afford to lose faceI was crushed in the face value convenience?

Zhao Ying's translation is very unconvinced.

Now I can't sit still any more when I hear the sarcasm of my companion.

Thinking, Zhao Yingyi gets up and goes to Chu Chen.

Seeing Zhao Yingyi go to Chu Chen, several childe brothers stand up curiously and follow closely.

"I haven't seen you before. Is this your first time?"

Zhao Yingyi takes the initiative to speak.

"We're here for the first time."

The fat man nodded.

"For the first time, why don't you order some good wine? What are you drinking?"

Zhao Yingyi said in disgust.

Hearing this, the fat man was embarrassed.

Chuchen's face changed slightly. Chuchen knew the fat man's condition and thought about it for him. Chuchen didn't order any expensive wine.

"Today, I invite you and some beautiful women to have a drink of Romani canti!"

All of a sudden, Zhao Yingyi opens his mouth loudly and begins to force.

In a flash, the eyes of all the people on the scene were all on Zhao Yingyi.

Romani Canty?!

Someone wants to drink the legendary Romani canti?!


"Zhao Shao is very powerful."

"It's worthy of being Zhao Shao, a local tyrant. Even Romani Kangdi is free to drink."

"Yes, Zhao Shao is really inhumane!"

At the scene, bursts of exclamation came.

A few beauties are also a little surprised, did not expect that Zhao Yingyi should open such expensive wine!

He is indeed the prince of Mordor.

After that, Zhao Yingyi was elated and asked the bartender to open a bottle of Romani canti.

Soon, in public attention, several staff carefully took out a bottle of Romani canti.

After Zhao Ying's translation was confirmed, the staff opened Romani canti in front of everyone and poured the wine very carefully.

"What kind of wine is it, Romany Canty?"

Next to him, the fat man asked.

He doesn't come to bars much and doesn't know any top wine.

Apart from the legendary Lafite of '82, he has never heard of any top red wine.

Hearing this, Zhao Yingyi's eyes brightened.

"No, no, no one hasn't even drunk Romani conti?"

"My God."

Zhao Yingyi looks at Chu Chen and fat man and shouts.

"That's a pity."

"Since you haven't, you'll have to drink more later."

"There will be no more opportunities for those who save"

Zhao Yingyi said that he was an old Yin Yang!

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