Of course, he knew his son's temper, so he didn't believe Alger's words.

But since Aldrich also spoke, in the face of Aldrich's father, Alger's father is the same.


"Thank you so much, uncle."

Aldrich was very excited.

"Little things."

Alger's father waved.

"I'll talk about it later. There's a party tonight. I'm going to show you."

Alger's father said what he was here for.

Originally, he just wanted to take his son. Now Aldrich is here. It's not good to leave Aldrich behind.

We can only take them together.

"Party, what party?"

Alger asked.

"It was held by a rich man in Erya. There will be a lot of rich businessmen."

"And Andre, vice president of Ferrari group, will be there. I'll show you tonight."

Alger's father explained.

After coming to Erya yesterday, he met the vice president of Ferrari group.

In the future, my son will definitely take over the shares of Ferrari group.

So the father of Alger wanted his son to get to know Andre earlier, which was good for his future development.

Vice president of Ferrari group?

Hearing this, both Alger and Aldrich's face became serious.

This is a big man.

"Well, I'll get ready."

Alger agreed. He was very excited.

"Thank you, uncle."

Aldrich is also very excited, did not expect that he had the honor to know this big man.

It is more important to know the big man than to teach Chu Chen.

After the dinner, they had plenty of time.

With the help of aerjie's father, it's absolutely easy to crush chuchen.


In the evening, Mo Yuwan wants to hold an online meeting, so he stays in the hotel and Chu Chen goes to the dinner alone.

In order to please Chu Chen, this Ferrari group vice president, Andre personally drives to meet Chu Chen.

When the two arrived at the venue of the dinner, there were not many guests.

Under Andre's introduction, Chu Chen met Fang Lingfeng, the host of the dinner.

Fang Lingfeng is engaged in yacht and ship business. He runs several large shipyards, and his business has even expanded to many places abroad. He is called "king of ships" by local people.

When Chu Chen sees Fang Lingfeng, Fang Lingfeng and several friends are chatting.

These people are also famous tycoons and bigwigs in Erya.


After seeing Andre, Fang Lingfeng came over and said with a smile.

"President Fang."

They shake hands.

"Why, who is this?"

Looking at Chu Chen, Fang Ling Feng asks curiously.

"This is president Chu, the second largest shareholder of our Ferrari group."

Andre introduces Chu Chen.

Ferrari group's second largest shareholder?

Fang Lingfeng, or several other two Asia's big guy suddenly stare big eyes, serious.

This identity is enough for them to attach great importance to.

"Mr. Chu, Hello, hello."

Fang Lingfeng said hello politely.

Several other rich people from Erya also came to chat with chuchen enthusiastically.

"Mr. Chu has been the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group since he was young. The future is limitless."

"It's not impossible for president Chu to become the richest man in China over time."


Several rich people in Erya began to please Chu Chen, hoping to leave a good impression on Chu Chen.

After chatting for a while, Chu Chen walked away and went to the toilet.

Slowly, more and more guests are coming. The identity and status of those who can come here are not simple. There are even many Asia Pacific presidents of international enterprises.

At this time, Alger's father also came with Alger and Aldrich.

After the arrival, aerjie's father let the two people first their own activities, he is the first to visit Fang Lingfeng.

Wait until the right time to introduce them.

When he saw Andre was also here, aljie's father nodded with satisfaction.

He was afraid that Andre would not come today and let his plan fall through.

"You're here at the right time. In a moment, I'll introduce you to a big man."

After chatting for a while, Andre said mysteriously.

Big shot?

Alger's father frowned, he and Andre are equal, the status is similar.

It's not easy for Andre to call him a big man."Who is it?"

Asked the father curiously.

"We are the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group, President Chu."

Andre spoke.

Ferrari group's second largest shareholder?

Alger's father was surprised that the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group was also in Erya.

"This mysterious president Chu, should have other identities?"

Asked Alger's father, thinking for a moment.

Although the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group is really powerful, it seems that it is not enough for Andre to call him a big man.

"Of course, Mr. Chu has many identities. The second largest shareholder of Ferrari group is just one of them."

Andre smiles mysteriously and doesn't say it clearly.

Is the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group just an identity of President Chu?

So, this mysterious president Chu has other terrible identities.

And these identities are by no means lower than the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group?

In this case, he is really a big man.

Aerjie's father is also serious. I didn't expect that there would be any surprise today.

Originally, he just wanted his son and Aldrich to know Andre, but he didn't expect to make friends with Mr. Chu.


Alger's father is thinking about when to call his son and Aldrich.

On the other hand, on the way back here, Chu Chen meets two unexpected people -- Aldrich and Alger.

"Why are you here, too?"

After seeing Chu Chen, Aldrich was also very surprised.

But in addition to his surprise, Aldrich was even more ironic. It was a coincidence.

Alger is also very excited, full of fun.

It seems that you don't have to wait. Tonight, you can find the face you lost before and crush Chu Chen.

Think of here, aerjie a face of proud and rampant.

"Good, very good."

"Chu Chen, there's a good play to play tonight. Don't miss it."

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