Knowing that Chu Chen is president Chu, aljie's father is confused.

Leng for a while, aerjie's father instantly congratulated up, fortunately he did not go to help the two boys teach Chu Chen, but first came to the party.

Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Now that it's happened, try to make it up.

"What are you two doing in a daze? I'll apologize to President Chu soon."

Alger's father yelled at his son and Aldrich.

Aldrich and Alger trembled and began to speak.

"Chu... President Chu... Sorry for..."

"President Chu,... It's all my fault."

Their voices trembled, obviously frightened by Chu Chen's identity.

In the face of two people's apology, Chu Chen did not say anything.

Seeing this scene, aerjie's father was ruthless and began to educate them on the spot. He didn't mean to keep his hand at all. He was very cruel!

If you're beaten, you'll have to stay in the hospital for half a year.

But if you annoy president Chu, it's not about staying in the hospital for half a year.

"Beat, beat the boy to death!"

Halfway through, Alger's father also called Aldrich's father.

Aldrich's father was also blown up.

Although Alger's father slightly points Chu Chen's identity, Aldrich's father suddenly understands.

Since even this old friend is afraid of this mysterious president Chu, this president Chu is definitely not simple.

Hearing his father's words, Aldrich, who was still taking a chance, was completely desperate.

Alje's father was tired, so he called his bodyguard up.

Soon, the scream came again.

Half an hour later, Aldrich and Alger lay down and were taken to the hospital.

This time, they were beaten by aljie's father. They didn't dare to fight back. They had to lie in bed for at least half a year.

Aldrich and Alger are so heartbroken.

They really shouldn't have provoked Chu Chen.

After the fight, Alger's father repeatedly apologized to Chu Chen, and promised to send them back to the United States as soon as Alger and Aldrich's injuries were healed.

Absolutely won't appear in front of Chu Chen again, the matter just calculate to come to an end.

At the dinner party, Chu Chen got to know some bigwigs of Er Ya, and his contacts were expanded again.


On the new day, Chu Chen and Mo Yuwan go to the shore, ready to go out to sea.

Today, the coast is extremely busy, and the number of tourists has nearly doubled.

As for the increase in the number of tourists, it is because a reality show group is shooting here.

"Shenhao's Daily" is a new program, which instantly kills those old reality shows and attracts countless fans.

Just to see the name, many viewers can't wait to open it.

The daily life of Shenhao, just like its name, is about the daily life of some rich people.

What's more, the program group is not inviting ordinary rich people, and the ones with the lowest value have already exceeded tens of billions.

Most of the audience are ordinary people. When they see this program, they are quickly attracted.

They also want to know what "poverty limits their imagination"?

And in order to improve the attention, the program group also specially invited several hot beauty stars to be the host.

A few days ago, Shenhao's daily came to Erya. Today is the first day of shooting.

A lot of tourists know about this and come here very early. Now they have surrounded the inner three floors and the outer three floors.

Under the gaze of the public, "the daily life of Shenhao" began to shoot.

Several beautiful guests, as well as a 28-year-old youth came out.

Although beautiful stars attract a lot of people's attention.

But most of the onlookers first noticed the young man.

"Eh, isn't this Mr. Cao?"

"I'll go. This time, the" Shenhao's Daily "program team has invited Mr. Cao to join us. It's awesome."

"He is worthy of the title of President Cao, and his style is unparalleled."

Many onlookers talked about Tao.

General manager Cao Pengyue is the chairman of a large group in Erya. At a young age, he has created his own business empire.

Three years ago, he was selected into the top ten of Forbes Asia under 30 outstanding youth list!!!

Known as the "business Wizard", he is one of the top young heroes in China.

Of course, the reason why President Cao is so famous is because of his identity of "forcing the king".

Although compared with the "100 million small target" and "I'm not interested in money", Cao Pengyue is still a little bit worse.

But because of his bold words on various occasions, Cao Pengyue also took the position of forcing Wang.Cao Pengyue's ultimate goal is to be as powerful as those big pressure kings.

"Follow the law when you say what you say", in a word, it becomes a classic in the field of pretending to force.

The program began to shoot. After a brief introduction, it went straight to the theme.

"I don't know what Mr. Cao is going to do when he brings us here today."

A beautiful star asked with a smile.

Although there are a lot of rich people interviewed, there are no such young people as Cao Pengyue.

Therefore, Cao Pengyue more attracted the attention of these beautiful stars.

"Today, I plan to go out to sea to blow the sea breeze and get some small yachts."

Cao Pengyue's "modest" reply began to force.

"It's wonderful that Cao always wants to take us out to sea."

"I'm afraid Mr. Cao's yacht is not small?"

Beauty star asked with a smile, if you have a point.

"Now that we're going to start, let's interview a lucky audience first."

Another beautiful star spoke.

This is the consistent style of "Shenhao's Daily" program. From the scene, find an ordinary audience to participate in the shooting, so that ordinary people can see the inhumanity of the rich.

This can not only increase the authenticity, but also highlight the huge gap between ordinary people and the rich!

"I don't know who will be our lucky audience today?"

The beautiful star opened her mouth and began to look for her at the scene.

Suddenly, not far away, they saw a young man with an explosive face walking slowly towards the bank with his female companion.

In an instant, they are attracted by the youth.

This is also too handsome, they have seen countless small fresh meat, as well as the beauty of outstanding male stars.

But compared with the little brother not far away, those little fresh meat are "ugly".

Several beautiful stars look at each other and immediately understand each other's meaning.

The right to find lucky audience is in their hands. Naturally, they don't mind "using their power for personal gain". They want to find a handsome little brother as a lucky audience.

Soon, several beautiful stars caught up, and the rest of the program team followed.

"Little brother, what are you going to do?"

A beautiful star stopped the young man and asked curiously.

"Let's go out to sea for a turn."

The young man replied.

The young man, of course, came out to play with Mo Yu Wan.

"Going to sea? That's great. "

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