Cao Pengyue was completely stupid.

Just now, the words of men in suits exploded in their ears like thunder.

30 billion gold mine? Chu Chen, who is regarded as a poor pen by them, bought a gold mine worth 30 billion yuan?

Are you sure you're not kidding?!

The staff of "Shenhao's Daily" program were stunned and speechless for a long time.

What's going on? Yesterday, Mr. Cao didn't say that chuchen was a poor man. He even rented private yachts.

But today, people have bought a gold mine worth 30 billion without blinking an eye?!!

What about God?

Is this the super rich?

They invest in gold, just a few pieces at most.

That is hundreds of grams of gold. After all, the price of gold is too high.

But when people invest in gold, they buy a gold mine directly?

This is the gap.

When the staff lamented Chu Chen's inhumanity, the beautiful stars looked at each other and turned pale.

Especially just now, a beautiful star who satirized Chu Chen was even more frightened and shivered, with a cold sweat on her face.

30 billion gold mine? This is 30 billion, not 300 yuan.

Before, they thought that Cao Pengyue had bought a multi billion dollar mine, which was very powerful.

But Chu Chen bought a gold mine worth tens of billions?

The gap is not a little bit. As for Cao Pengyue, he was just like a stone carving.

I don't know why, Cao Pengyue suddenly felt that the billions of Mines he had just bought were no longer fragrant!

Chu Chen can easily buy a gold mine worth 30 billion, which means that the capital in his hands is at least more than 100 billion.

Gollum, Gollum.

Think of here, Cao Peng more ruthlessly played a few saliva, was deeply shocked.

It turns out that Chu Chen is not a poor pen, he is a poor pen!

He asked himself that even at the peak, he could not afford to buy a gold mine worth tens of billions!

"Waste, a group of waste, how to find out!"

Cao Pengyue scolds his subordinates in his heart, and does not find Chu Chen's identity background.

"When you go back, you must get rid of the rubbish!"

Cao Pengyue swore in his heart.

If Cao Pengyue's idea is known by several of his subordinates, it will certainly collapse.

As soon as they started to check, they found out that the yachts were rented and immediately contacted Cao Pengyue.

It's Cao Pengyue who won't let them check. Otherwise, I'm afraid they will find it soon.

"Cough, that's all for today."

For a long time, Cao Pengyue began to speak.

With a dry cough, Cao Peng continued, "tomorrow, we will go to Yuecheng, where we will record."

There is such a "immortal" in Erya, how dare he continue to record in Erya?

Cao Pengyue still doesn't want to give up the chance to be forced in Shenhao's daily program.

Cao Pengyue wants to expand his reputation and stabilize his status as "forced king".

Since Erya has such a super Shenhao, I always meet him.

Well, you can go to Yuecheng by yourself.

He left Er Ya and hid far away. He couldn't continue to meet Chu Chen.


"I agree with President Cao."

"I agree."

Other people also understood why Cao Pengyue did so, so they all agreed.

Since you can't get into trouble, you can hide.

Finally, the program team decided to leave for Yuecheng on the same day.

Half a day later, on the plane to Yuecheng, Cao Pengyue finally took a long breath and relaxed.

Finally left Er Ya, left that "immortal".

Cao Pengyue's heart was completely released, and he could pretend to be forced again.

Without that "immortal", he would not have overturned.

On the way to Erya, Cao Pengyue has already begun to think about how to pretend to be forced tomorrow.

The next day, under the leadership of Cao Pengyue, the program group of Shenhao's daily life went to Dayi villa, one of the famous villas in Guangdong.

In order to install Force, a few years ago, Cao Pengyue specially got a villa of a big one villa.

You know, there are only a dozen villas in Dayi villa. The people who live in it are either rich or expensive, and they are top class.

The more Cao Peng was able to get one of them, the more he worked hard and spent a lot of money to get it.

In order to keep the mystery and give everyone a more shocking feeling. Cao Pengyue didn't tell them the destination before he took the Shenhao daily program team to "Dayi villa".

On the way, Cao Pengyue finally announced that they would go to "Dayi villa"."What, big one villa?"

"We are going to Dayi villa, which is known as one of the top ten luxury houses in China?"

"No, go to Dayi villa!"

After listening to Cao Pengyue's words, people were deeply shocked and sighed.

Seeing this, Cao Pengyue's smile reappeared on his face.

Very good, very good. That's what he wanted.

Force the king to come on stage again!!!

More than ten minutes later, they finally arrived at Dayi mountain

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