What the hell?!

Chu Chen really bought a building of Tangchen Yipin?!

Leng Leng's looking at Chu dust going to B building, Yu Xiangfeng is at a loss.

His family has a lot of money, but at most they can buy several houses in Tomson Yipin.

Can Chu Chen, but one breath bought a quarter of Tang Chen a product, this is he dare not imagine.

So easy to buy it?!

As a senior Wang, Yu Xiangfeng feels that he has been deeply hit.

He has not experienced the feeling of failure for a long time.

At the first sight, Yu Xiangfeng thinks that Chu Chen is just a little handsome. On the way of forcing, the "realm" is far less than himself.

But he never thought that he, the senior force king, had not exerted his "magic power" yet, and he was defeated in the hands of Chu Chen.

What a shame!!!

Yu Xiangfeng completely collapses. He just wants to be forced. After so long, he hasn't had time to be forced?

The car overturned too fast.

A house, even if it is 500 square meters, how can it compare with a building?

Yu Xiangfeng suddenly found that he was wrong, and still very wrong.

He should never, never should, and who is richer than Chu Chen.

I lost all my money.

Leng in place for a long time, to maple want to understand, his "money" than Chu dust.

But there are other things besides money.

For example, Yan value...

this is Yu Xiangfeng's first thought. When he met his opponent, he often relied on Yan value to win the final victory.

I compare with Chu Chen in terms of face value. Well, I seem to be a little bit worse than Chu Chen.

Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough.

That's better than talent!

Yu Xiangfeng has learned all kinds of talents since he was a child, such as piano, violin, guitar and so on. Although he is not proficient in them, he knows a little bit about them.

There seems to be a class party in the evening. When he comes on stage, it's absolutely a good time to pretend. Maybe he can harvest a lot of fans?!

Yes, that's it.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiangfeng quickly took out his mobile phone and reported his name at the evening party.


On the other hand, Chu Chen and Han Shishi have already seen several houses and finally chose one with better lighting.

The staff gave the key to Han Shishi and left without a series of procedures.

Arrange everything, Chu dust several people downstairs, in to Feng is waiting below.

Now Yu Xiangfeng seems to have changed into a literary youth.

Since you want to change a way to force, Yu Xiangfeng naturally needs to change. As a senior force king, Yu Xiangfeng's acting skills are also first-class.

At this time, in addition to Chu Chen, several other people's mobile phones rang, class group came news, remind don't forget to attend tonight's class party.

The party was held earlier, and several people went back to school after receiving the news.

Two or three hours later, the class party began.

Because it is a class party, there are not too many rules, so in addition to the class staff, there are many people to join in the fun, when the audience.

Because of the retention of Han poetry, Chu Chen is one of them.

Chu Chen's appearance has attracted all the girls' eyes.

Suddenly a lot of men angry, but a look at Chu dust amazing face value, and helpless.

Can only sit there envious.

With each program, the atmosphere of the scene has become very active.

Finally, it's Yu Xiangfeng's turn.

As the host's voice fell, Yu Xiangfeng, who was carefully prepared, appeared in a straight white LV suit with a valuable piece of Jiang shidanton.

Yu Xiangfeng suddenly became the focus of the audience.

At the moment, there is a trace of "Prince Charming" in Xiangfeng, which suddenly makes many girls shine in front of their eyes. Finally, they move their eyes from chuchen to Xiangfeng.

Melodious music came, Yu Xiangfeng affectionately played the violin.

Of course, there are still some girls on the scene who are not interested in Xiang Feng's dress, quietly looking at Chu Chen.

It's too hard to resist.

The sound of the music is getting smaller and smaller. When Yu Xiangfeng finished playing, there were bursts of applause from the audience.

Enjoying the adoration and admiration of the people, Yu Xiangfeng shows a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

That's why he likes to pretend. It's so cool.

During the day, he was Chu dust hard pressure a head, let to maple is very depressed.

Now pretending to be successful, Yu Xiangfeng finally straightened up and recovered his "pride".

In the eyes of the public worship, Yu Xiangfeng is in the limelight.In the end, Yu Xiangfeng stepped down, and did not directly provoke Chu Chen. Now he has stood at the top, and does not pay attention to Chu Chen at all!

Chu Chen doesn't deserve to be his opponent!

"It's all boys, why don't there be girls?"

"Yes, is there a little sister who would like to perform and sing a song?"

"It's all my own people. It doesn't matter if I sing. It's ok if you get to know each other."

One night, only one or two girls appeared on the show, which disappointed many boys.

"Poetry students, how about singing a song?"

At this time, Yu Xiangfeng suddenly asked Xiang Han Shi.

Suddenly, countless boys' eyes focused on Han Shishi.

As the girl with the most outstanding appearance, temperament and figure, Han Shishi naturally attracts the most attention of boys.

"Yes, one."

"Come on, Han."

At the scene, some boys agreed.

"Brother chuchen, can we sing a chorus?"

Han Shishi inquires Chu Chen.

"I sing like a bird."

Chu Chen replied.

"It doesn't matter, brother chuchen."

"All right."

Seeing Chu Chen's promise, Han Shishi has a bright smile on her face. Brother Chu Chen can promise her, which is the happiest thing today.

Finally, Chu Chen came to the stage to sing with Han Shi.

At the same time, this afternoon, a girl with Chu Chen and others finally edited the content, sent a circle of friends, and matched several pictures.

There are chuchen driving Ferrari and chuchen watching Tangchen Yipin mansion.

As soon as this circle of friends was launched, it immediately caused a sensation.

"Linlin, it turns out that this little brother is rich and handsome."


"You see, he drives a Ferrari and has a building in Tomson Yipin!"

"What, a building, still in Tangchen Yipin?"

Under the stage, many girls saw the circle of friends and immediately began to discuss it in a low voice.

The news that Chu Chen is super rich and handsome spread.

Not only the girls in this class, but also the girls in other classes, and even a lot of schoolgirls are attracted by it.

For a moment, the class became extremely crowded.

"Come on, little brother!"

"Little brother, I like you!"

Under the stage, many girls yelled, and even boldly expressed Chu Chen directly. The atmosphere at the scene reached its peak.

No way, who let Chu dust more than 100 million?

Looking at all this, Yu Xiangfeng was forced.

What's going on?

Chu Chen's singing is not so good?

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