"He Bowen?"

"I remember. You are Yuling's nephew."

After he Bowen's introduction, Yan Luoshui's mother suddenly realized.

It turned out that he was the object of his friend's introduction to Luoshui.

"Yes, aunt."

He Bowen said with a smile.

He also listened to his aunt's words and learned that Yan Luoshui's parents would come to Jiangzhou today, so he came to the airport.

"Xiao He is good. He is a talented man."

Looking at he Bowen, Yan Luoshui's mother was quite satisfied, after all, it was introduced by her friend.

As for Yan Luoshui's father, he just nodded, didn't say anything, very insipid.

"By the way, aunt, I've brought a small gift."

As he spoke, he Bowen took out a delicate wooden box.

Open the wooden box, inside lay a very beautiful small bowl.

"It's a royal kiln boutique - a large bowl with dark dragon pattern carved in the pink ruiguo Sanduo."

Royal kiln products?

"It's elegant and elegant. It's all glazed. It's clean and bright. It's the best. It shouldn't be cheap."

Yan's mother can see at a glance that this famille rose bowl with dark dragon pattern is extraordinary.

"However, it's only more than 10 million. My aunt must accept it."

He Bowen said modestly.

"Xiao He, your aunt knows what you want. You'd better take it back."

Yan's mother said that although more than 10 million yuan was nothing to Yan's family, it was the first time we met and she accepted more than 10 million yuan as a gift, which was very bad.

"It's not too expensive a gift. Don't refuse it, aunt." He Bowen refused to give up.

"Mom and Dad, this is my boyfriend Chu Chen."

Yan Luoshui can't see it any more. He introduces Chu Chen directly.


Hearing this, Yan Luoshui's parents and he Bowen were in a daze.

They thought chuchen was an employee of Yanluo sailors?

"Luoshui, did you have a boyfriend?"

Yan's father finally spoke, very surprised.

"That is, when did you hand it in? Why don't you tell us?" Yan's mother also asked.

"Chu Chen and I have just been together." Yan Luoshui explained.

"Hello, uncle and aunt."

At this time, Chu Chen opened his mouth.


Yan's parents responded.

At the moment, Yan's mother is a little embarrassed. Just now she said he Bowen is good. Now Luoshui has a boyfriend.

"Oh, are you the boyfriend of Luoshui?"

He Bowen accused Chu Chen of "coming here empty handed for the first time. I really don't know etiquette."

Hearing this, yanmu's face changed slightly.

Although he Bowen's words are prickly, they are also reasonable.

Yan's mother was born in a scholarly family and attached great importance to etiquette.

It's a shame to see an elder come here empty handed for the first time.

It doesn't matter whether the things you take are expensive or not. Even if you take a little fruit, it also shows that you attach importance to meeting for the first time.

But empty handed, it's not like words.

At first glance, Yan's mother is not satisfied with Chu Chen.


Yan Luoshui is stunned and worried. How can she forget it?

"Well, actually...

Yan Luoshui wanted to explain to Chu Chen, but he was stopped by Chu Chen.

"Aunt, uncle, I have also prepared a gift, but it's too big to carry. It's in my residence."

Chu Chen gives Yan Luoshui a reassuring look.

Hear here, Yan Luo water in the heart a warm, originally Chu Chen so attach importance to disguise his boyfriend thing, everything is ready.

"Ha ha."

He Bowen sneered and didn't believe Chu Chen's words.

It must be the boy who forgot to bring it, so he found such a reason.

Even if you take a step back, this boy really has a gift. Can he match his royal kiln?

You know, it took him a lot of effort and money to find such a big bowl with dark dragon pattern.

According to my aunt, Yan Luoshui's mother likes to collect porcelain.

"Mom and Dad, let's go home."

Yan Luoshui opens his mouth.

Finally, Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui's parents are in Yan Luoshui's car. He Bowen drives to Yuetan garden by himself.

Twenty minutes later, they returned to Yuetan garden.

"Uncle, aunt, the present is in my villa. Why don't you go to my villa first?"

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Hearing this, Yan Fu and Yan Mu were stunned. What gift was it? They had to see it.

For a time, Yan's mother's liking for Chu Chen declined again.

"All right."Yan Luoshui accompanies his parents to chuchen's villa.

Behind, he Bowen gave a cold hum.

"Boy, I warn you, Yan Luoshui is mine, you pay attention to it."

He Bowen comes to Chu Chen's side and lowers his voice to threaten Chu Chen's ear.

"I'll see what you can take out. It's better than mine."

He Bowen is very confident that his royal kiln is the best.

After that, he Bowen walked forward with disdain.

Chu Chen shook his head helplessly.

You have to be as low-key as yourself. He Bowen is too poor.

Entering the villa, Chu Chen said faintly:

"this is a little gift I prepared for my uncle."

After seeing the shelf, everyone was stunned.

This gift is really big. It doesn't move.

But what does Chu Chen mean by a shelf?

"Ha ha ha, a broken shelf, are you humiliating your uncle and aunt?"

He Po Wen rebuked Chu Chen.


before he finished his next sentence, he suddenly saw his calm father Yan, showing an unbelievable expression, and quickly walked forward.

"This... This... How is this possible?"

"How could it be?"

Looking at the chemical elements of the whole shelf, Yan Fu was shocked.

Because her husband has been doing chemical research all the year round, Yan's mother has a certain understanding of chemistry. She goes forward and the next second, Yan's mother is stunned.

Looking at the shocked Yanfu and yanmu, he Bowen showed great kindness. What happened to them?

He Bowen stepped forward and was stunned. Is this the real periodic table of chemical elements?

"Well, it's just a little chemical element, not something valuable?"

He Bowen shook his head.

However, as soon as he Bowen's voice fell, Yan's father immediately sternly scolded him.

"What are you saying?"

"Do you know how much energy and thought it takes to collect so many chemical elements?"

To tell you the truth, Yan's father had thought about it, but after several years, Yan's father still gave up, which is a thing that can't be completed at all.

It's just that he never thought that today, here, he finally completed his dream.

"How about this little gift, uncle?"

Chu Chen asked.

"That's great. That's great."

Yan Fu is very excited, looking at Chu Chen, as if to see a confidant.

After a while, Yan Fu said: "no, no, just take a look. These chemical elements are at least several hundred million. They are too expensive. I can't accept them!"

Hearing Yan's father's words, everyone present, even Yan's mother, was stunned.

Hundreds of millions?

They know these things are valuable, but they never thought they were so terrible!

Hundreds of millions!

Is this the little gift that Chu Chen said?


he Bowen is also extremely shocked, several hundred million, how many hundred million is this shelf?

This is dozens of times higher than his imperial porcelain!

How is that possible?

It's too big.

Next second, Yan Fu suddenly holds Chu Chen's hand.

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