The general manager's voice fell, and all the people on the scene were stunned. There was no reaction for a moment.


Did they hear correctly that Chu Chen bought 60% of the shares of their group?

Become the largest shareholder of the group?

Are you kidding?!

They don't need to be called Penguin Music Entertainment Group in the future. Just call them Chushi music entertainment group.

Looking in the direction pointed by the general manager, people were even more shocked.

It turns out that Chu Chen, the mysterious tycoon, is not someone else, but the one who just joined the company.

It's not the same name!

My God!

Their colleague is actually a mysterious tycoon and bought the group.

At the moment, they don't know how to describe their mood.

Chu dust next to the rampant Wei Junfeng was general manager's words scared shiver.

What the hell?

Chu Chen bought 60% of the group's shares and became the largest shareholder?!

Since then, Chu Chen has become the new president of the group, the boss of his boss, the boss of his boss!!!

How could that be?

You should know that Penguin Music Entertainment Group's 60% share is worth about 100 billion yuan.

Can Chu Chen take out hundreds of billions of yuan?

That doesn't mean that Chu Chen's value has been terrible to a terrible point!

Thinking of this, Wei Junfeng was even more shocked!

It turns out that the previous private plane was really Chu Chen's, and there was no accident. Chu Chen really lived in Tan palace.

Thinking of this, Wei Junfeng took a cool breath, and the whole person was confused.

Next to Wei Junfeng, because he received Wei Junfeng's gift, director Fang who helped Wei Junfeng turned pale.

Just now, he was still clamoring and threatening Chu Chen with his identity as the head of the personnel department.

However, the next second, Chu Chen has become the president of the group, the largest shareholder?

This amazing reversal made director Fang's legs soften.

It's over. This time he's kicking the iron.

The more he thought about it, the more scared he was. Finally, director Fang felt that it was dark in front of him, and he was stunned.

"President Chu, please come on stage and give us a speech."


The general manager warmly invited Chu Chen to speak on the stage.

In a flash, warm applause came, and the atmosphere reached its peak.

"Mr. Chu, I love you."

"President Chu, President Chu!"

"Mr. Chu, are you short of a life assistant?"

At the scene, those young and beautiful female staff are the most crazy!

The overbearing CEO in movies and novels has turned into reality and appeared in front of them.

That's great.

There is such a handsome to pop president, they suddenly interested in work, suddenly like to work overtime.

I really hope that one day, I can be noticed by the president and become the heroine in movies and novels.

In the sky shaking applause and cry, Chu Chen came to the stage to speak.

"Hello everyone, from today on, I am the president of the company. From today on, the company will not have 996, nor will there be any overtime work!"


"President Chu is powerful!"

"President Chu, President Chu!"

Chu Chen's words caused a great sensation.

With a word, Chu Chen instantly won the support and worship of all the staff of the company.

President Chu is so handsome!!!

After a few words, Chu Chen stepped down and visited the company under the leadership of the general manager.

For a long time, Wei Junfeng was relieved from shock, and his forehead kept sweating.

Wei Junfeng didn't hesitate. He wrote his resignation directly and resigned on the same day.

After resigning, Wei Junfeng went directly to the hotel and found his mother.

"Junfeng, why are you here? Shouldn't you be at work now?"

Wei's mother asked in surprise.

"Don't mention it. I've already made a reservation. We'll leave Mordor today. Come on."

Wei Junfeng said anxiously.

"Leave Mordor, why?"

Mother Wei was very puzzled.

Today, Wei's mother is going out with some old sisters to take photos and taunt Chu Chen's parents?

Helpless, Wei Junfeng had to tell his mother what happened today.


After hearing this, Wei Mu's mobile phone slipped directly from her hand, which was extremely shocked.


"Chu Chen... Bought the... Shares of your group and became the president?"

Wei's mother said in a trembling voice. She was scared.

It turns out that the previous private plane was really Chu Chen's.And Chu Chen really lived in Tan palace?

Suddenly, the feeling of a frog in the bottom of the well emerged from the heart of Wei mu.

It turned out that they were wrong!

For a moment, Wei's mother felt ten years old.

In desperation, Wei's mother packed up her salute and left Mordor by plane with her son that day.

Before leaving, Wei Mu told her old sisters the news.

After knowing the truth, everyone regretted to the extreme that they were the clowns.

On the other side, Chu Chen is looking at the information in his new office. Suddenly, Chu Chen's mobile phone rings.

An unexpected call.

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