"Mr. Chu, I'm Zhao Guangji, the current president of Lingyun capital. Just call me Lao Zhao."

Zhao Guangji introduced himself very politely.


Chu Chen's polite response.

Seeing this scene, several other people present were all stunned.

How could that be?

Just call me Lao Zhao?

When is the president of Lingyun capital so polite?

It's like a dream.

The development of things is different from what they imagined. No, it's not different. It's different!

Originally, they thought he Bowen would have a warm conversation with Zhao Guangji.

But now, Zhao Guangji is extremely polite and takes the initiative to shake hands with Chu Chen, while he Bowen, who goes forward, stands there awkwardly.

What the hell?


looking at Chu Chen, Zhao Guangji, and he Bowen, Yan Luoshui was extremely surprised.

She really didn't expect that Chu Chen had so much energy.

She is worthy of her eyes, and Yan Luoshui is very proud.


Yan's father and mother looked at each other and saw the surprise and shock in each other's eyes.

Of course, they know that although the total market value of Lingyun capital is only 30 billion, the most terrible thing about it is not the market value, but the huge contacts in all walks of life.

Now, the president of Tangtang Lingyun capital took the initiative to shake hands and talk with Chu Chen politely.

This is what they never thought!

"Xiao Chu is powerful."

Yan Fu nodded with satisfaction. He didn't see the wrong person.

Actually can let the president of Lingyun capital so, enough to show the small Chu terrorist network and strength.

Give him Luoshui, and you can rest assured.

"Am I wrong?"

Yan's mother muttered stupidly.

Originally, she expressed serious doubts about Chu Chen's ability, thinking that Chu Chen was just a handsome dandy, but she never thought that Chu Chen's contacts and strength were so terrible.

Even Zhao Guangji has to make up to him.

"Old, old."

Finally, Yan's mother sighed, and she admitted that she had lost sight.

Chu Chen is really young and promising.

Luoshui is not wrong. She is wrong.

At the moment, Yan's mother also recognized the identity of Chu Chen's son-in-law in her heart.


Looking at Chu Chen and Zhao Guangji talking, he Bowen reacts for a long time.

How could that be?

Why does the president of Tangtang Lingyun capital take the initiative to curry favor with chuchen?

This is unreasonable!

"No, it must be."

He Bowen refused to believe what he saw. He took a deep breath and walked forward.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao. I'm he Bowen."

He Bowen asked with a smile:

"is Zhao always here for me?"

"You, who are you?"

However, the next second, Zhao Guangji opened his mouth and he Bowen was completely confused.

"I'm here for Mr. Chu."

Not for he Bowen, but for Chu Chen!

Zhao Guangji already knew about sun Dian, the vice president, who came to Jiangzhou to see Chu Chen.

Of course, sun Dian is extremely embarrassed. Zhao Guangji also knows about the terrible financial shock of Chu Chen.

With sun Dian's experience, this time Zhao Guangji was extremely low-key and polite.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm the president of Bowen company. I talked about investment with Lingyun capital before?" He Bowen introduced it again.

"Bowen company?"

Zhao Guangji seems to have a little impression.

Seeing this, he Bowen became nervous.

"I remember. I sent a secretary to your company before. You can talk with him about specific things."

Zhao Guangji opened his mouth, which made he Bowen even more stupid.

Secretary, just one secretary?

Not even the manager or vice president.

To him there is only a small secretary, and to Chu Chen here, is Zhao Guangji himself?

Is he just so unimportant?

For a moment, Zhao Guangji's heart seemed to be stabbed with a knife!


"Introduce, this is uncle Yan..."

Chu Chen introduces Zhao Guangji to the people next to him.


Are they from the Yan family?

Hearing Chu Chen's introduction, Zhao Guangji was stunned.

Mr. Chu is actually the son-in-law of the Yan family. He is strong.

For a time, he admired Chu Chen to the extreme.

The Yan family is an old and powerful family, especially the current owner, Mr. Yan, who was a powerful man in the business world.

Zhao Guangji and Yan's parents said hello politely.At the moment, he is more firm idea, must make friends, even please Chu Chen, even if not get Chu Chen's support, also must not offend Chu Chen.

"I'm not here at the right time today, Mr. Chu. We'll talk next time."

"I won't disturb you."

Zhao Guangji said with great interest.


After that, Zhao Guangji got on Rolls Royce and left Yuetan garden.

"Xiao Chu, it's powerful."

Looking at Zhao Guangji leaving, Yan Fu can't help but say to Chu Chen.


"Uncle, aunt, go in quickly."

Chu Chen said a word.

After that, he went to the villa with Yan Luoshui and his parents.

See here, he Bowen incomparably tangled.

He has lost two games. What should he do?

"Go in."

He Bowen didn't want to give up, so he decided to struggle for the last time.

This is his last stubbornness!

He Bowen also walked into the villa.

"Uncle and aunt, when you come to Jiangzhou for the first time, you must play in Jiangzhou."

He Bowen took the initiative to start a conversation.

"Jiangzhou, the most famous place is Shuitian leisure villa, where the beautiful environment, beautiful scenery, very suitable for you."

"I've arranged there. You can go there for a walk and have a rest."

Hearing this, Yan's mother said:

"Xiao He is welcome."

"The trouble is small." He Bowen was so enthusiastic that his father replied.

"It's just a pity. Originally, I wanted to arrange a villa for my uncle and aunt in Shuitian villa."

"But the boss of Shuitian villa is too unkind. He has to have a platinum card to live in the villa."

"I have to arrange a suite for my uncle and aunt in the hotel. Don't be disgusted."

He Bowen make complaints about the boss of tasao Shui Tian villa.

He knew the manager of Shuitian villa. Originally, he wanted the manager to get a villa.

But the manager didn't agree. He said they had just changed their boss and everything had to be done according to the rules.

He can't help it. He is not qualified to know the boss of Shuitian villa.

"This is the rule of the owner of Shuitian villa. It doesn't matter if you don't live in a villa."

Yanmu opens her mouth.

"Well, the boss of Shuitian villa seems to be me."

A soft voice came.

In a flash, everyone's eyes focused on Chu Chen again.


He Bowen almost choked when he heard Chu Chen's words.


Shuitian villa, the top three in Tiannan Province, is the industry of chuchen!

He Bowen was really scared.

"Brother Chen, I've taken it. I've really taken it!"

"Uncle, aunt, I have something else to do. Let's go first."

Having said that, he Bowen immediately got up and rushed out, as if fleeing from here.

It's terrible!

Chu Chen is terrible!

He is a devil!

Continue to stay, he Bowen felt that he would be killed by Chu dust!

What last stubborn, go to special!

He gave up.

Pity him, let him go!

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