"He is so handsome. He must be a just man. He will never cheat me!"

My girlfriend said to Zhu Yutang with righteous words.

Hearing his girlfriend's reply, Zhu Yutang was as dumb as a duck.


"I believe him?"

His girlfriend doesn't believe in himself, but believes in a didi driver who only met once?

ZHU Yutang feels that he is a failure.

"Honey, I'm innocent. You have to believe me. If you don't believe me, you can check my mobile phone."

While saying this, Zhu Yutang handed his mobile phone to his girlfriend and even took the initiative to unlock it.

She took Zhu Yutang's mobile phone with a suspicious face. Her girlfriend opened wechat and looked at the person Zhu Yutang contacted recently.

There are no girls in it. The only woman is Zhu Yutang's mother.

Is he really not cheating?

"Beauty, sometimes the more like a boy's name, is likely to be a girl."

At this time, Chu dust mends the sword.

"And when you check wechat, you don't have to check chat records. You can also check transfer records, such as 5201314 or something."

It makes sense to hear that the beauty is shining in front of her eyes.

On the contrary, Zhu Yutang's face suddenly changed.

Your uncle, damn didi driver!

What are you talking about!

Who asked you to say that!

Zhu Yutang roared in his heart. At the moment, he was very angry and hated Chu Chen. But in front of his girlfriend, he had to keep calm and look indifferent. He had nothing to do with Chu Chen.

He's really flirting with a girl recently, and he's just succeeded.

The reason why he took the initiative to hand his mobile phone to his girlfriend is that every time he finished chatting with his sister, he would delete the chat record.

And he added his sister, he would remark a boy's name, just in case.

But now, by Chu dust random point broken, Zhu Yutang gas whole body tremble.

"Why did you transfer 131.4 or 520 yuan to Liu Wei?"

According to Chu Chen, the girl really found the clue.

"Listen to me, i...

ZHU Yutang quickly found reasons to explain.

At this time, Zhu Yutang's mobile phone vibrated and news came.

Liu Wei: honey, let's go to the cinema tomorrow evening.

See here, the girl's face is green.

Movie tomorrow night, honey?

"Zhu Yutang!"

The girl scolded and slapped Zhu Yutang in the face.

Half of Zhu Yutang's face swelled instantly.

Didi didn't cheat himself. He is a just man.

My boyfriend and this "Liu Wei" relationship is absolutely unusual.

If the name of "Liu Wei" is false, it must be a girl.

But if Liu Wei is really a man, it will be even more terrible.

"Zhu Yutang, I want to break up with you, break up!"

"Little brother, thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, I would not have known that I was already green."

No place, the girl asked to get off.

When I saw my girlfriend get off the bus, the boy got off the bus and went after her.

When the girl saw Zhu Yutang, she stopped.

Zhu Yutang thought his girlfriend would forgive him, so he ran to his girlfriend.

Before Zhu Yutang spoke, her girlfriend suddenly stepped on Zhu Yutang's shoes.


Zhu Yutang screamed, but his girlfriend was wearing 7cm high-heeled shoes. It was really fatal to step on them.

"I have nothing to do with you. Get out of here."

Looking at Zhu Yutang, the girl turned and walked away.

In place, only the scream of male Zhu Yutang.

In the car, Chu Chen shook his head.

He originally just wanted to run this single drop, to complete the task.

Who ever thought that this boy "insulted" him, saying that he had an 80 year old girlfriend.

It's tolerable, but it's intolerable.

So Chu Chen said a little, he didn't expect to say it.

It's not the fault of Chu Chen. If Zhu Yutang didn't cheat, it wouldn't happen later.

"I'm really a good man, saving my sister from fire and water."

Chu Chen said with emotion.

He saved a girl from the scum man's hands. It's really a virtue!

"I'm handsome and I like to do good deeds. I'm really an excellent young man in the new era."

After that, Chu Chen drives away.

It's just a pity that in this way, my task may be in vain.

Five orders have been completed, but three favorable comments have been blown.Suddenly, Chu Chen's mobile phone rings.

Chu Chen opened his mobile phone and saw a good comment.

Thanks to today's handsome little brother Didi, who helped me recognize a scum man, and let me free from the scum man.

Little brother, you are a just man.

There is nothing wrong with the saying that beauty is justice.

See this praise, don't think, must be just so girl.

The original order is not Zhu Yutang, but this sister.

Now we have three good comments.


[task completed (55 orders, 33 praise)]

[reward Rolls Royce mirage yuan first level LWB]

[to store in the garage, please pay attention to check]

hearing the sound of the system, Chu Chen laughs.

Another luxury car is here. Good, good.

Chuchen mood becomes happy, almost noon, chuchen drove to a restaurant, ready to get off to eat.

Not far away, a couple's quarrel attracted Chu Chen's attention.

"Yuanyuan, don't leave me, OK?"

The man pleaded.

Men wearing a plaid shirt, a look is that kind of honest man who is not good at words.

Hearing the man's words, the gold worshiper sneered:

"Zhang Xuan, we have broken up. You can't give me what I want."

"Your salary is only 4500 a month. Let alone let me drive a luxury car and live in a villa, I can't even afford a decent bag."

"What do you say you can do, loser!"

Money worshippers are extremely disgusted.

"Honey, get in the car."

At this time, a white BMW stopped not far away. A middle-aged man in his fifties got out of the car and yelled at the gold lady.

Hearing this, the man was stunned.

"Isn't he your boss?"

The gold digger gave a sneer.

"Only honest people like you believe it. To tell you the truth, you don't deserve to connect my disk!"

Pointing to the BMW not far away, the gold digger shows off.

"See that BMW? It's more than 800000. My new boyfriend said to give one away for a while."

"And you, you can't afford it all your life, you loser!"

After that, the woman turned to leave.

Just then, a voice of complaint came.

"Brother, your Bugatti is not very good."

Chu Chen went to the man's side, like an old friend.

Hearing this, several people were confused.



The woman turns around abruptly, looking at Chu Chen and her ex boyfriend in shock.

As for the man, he was confused.

"Come on, go to your villa and have a look at your new koniseg."

After that, Chu Chen takes the man to bugadi.

Hearing this, the gold worshiper was completely confused.


"Wait a minute."

The gold digger spoke quickly.

"Is she your nanny? It's so ugly. Besides, it's her father. He drives an 18 handed, scrapped BMW and pretends to be rich."

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