In aunt Zhao's heart, Chu Chen's car is only two or three hundred thousand at most.

She's never seen a garbage truck sign.

How can I compare with my son's Mercedes Benz?

"How much is it?"

Hearing his mother's question, Zhao Yang pondered for a while and said, "add a zero after that."

To tell you the truth, he didn't know Chu Chen's car, but in front of the car, the eye-catching flying goddess logo showed the horror of the car.

Rolls Royce can't take any car without four or five million.

"What do you mean by zero?"

Just heard her son's words, aunt Zhao was confused and didn't understand.

After thinking for a while, aunt Zhao suddenly realized that she was shocked.

"You... You mean his car costs four, four, five, five million?"

Aunt Zhao's body was shaking.

Is it true?

Four or five million, you can buy two big houses!

Chu Chen's car is so expensive?!


Zhao Yang nodded.

Even so, Zhao Yang underestimated that the price of Chu Chen's car would be several times higher than that of four or five million yuan.


With a shocked expression on her face, aunt Zhao looked at the rolls lars of Chu Chen, completely confused.

At this time, Chu Chen also stopped the car and came over with all kinds of gifts for his parents.

"Chu Chen, what my mother said just now is a little too much. I'm sorry." Zhao Yang apologizes to Chu Chen.

When she heard this, aunt Zhao quickly said:

"sorry, sorry."

"Nothing." Chu Chen nodded slightly.

Finally, Chu Chen took all kinds of things and went upstairs first.

Mother and Bai Lingling chat downstairs, and then go up.

After asking Bai Lingling about her stay in Jiangzhou, her mother finally asked her what she was most curious about:

"Lingling, tell your aunt the truth, is Xiaochen looking for a girlfriend in Jiangzhou?"

Hearing this, Bai Lingling was stunned, thought for a while, and then shook his head.

"I don't think so."

Brother Chen is her.


Mother understood and Bai Lingling went upstairs together.

"Auntie, I'll go home first."

Bai Lingling and her family live next to Chu Chen's house. When they go upstairs, Bai Lingling leaves.

In the evening, the family eat together.

"Dad, don't go to work tomorrow. Let's buy a car."

On the dining table, Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Dad's car has been for some years. When he was in high school, Chu Chen wanted to change his dad's car.

But their parents don't agree. They save money for Chu Chen to get married, buy a house and a car.

After getting the system, Chu dust has undergone earth shaking changes.

Now there are three luxury cars, two villas and various assets.

It's time for him to let his parents enjoy their happiness.

It's Chu Chen's first step to change trains.

The second step is to change the house.

They live in an old-fashioned apartment. They don't even have elevators. Their parents are old, and they don't know anything about it.

Dad wants to refuse, but he is convinced by Chu Chen.

"Don't want a villa?"

When Chu Chen asked his parents what villa they liked, they said they didn't like villas and didn't want to spend money.

Since you don't like villas, buy a duplex.

Linshui seems to have a high-end duplex apartment with river view. You can see the river view in the house. The environment is excellent.

The price is no less than villa.

That's it.

The next day, Chu Chen drove and took his parents to pick up the car.

Parents are not suitable for Lamborghini, Ferrari and other sports cars, so Chu Chen took them to Bentley 4S store.

After looking at Chu Chen, the eyes of several female salesmen are straight.

How handsome!

What a handsome little brother.

In an instant, the beautiful saleswoman who was sitting there leisurely rushed to Chu Chen for fear that she would walk slowly and be robbed by others.

"Can I help you?"

"Hello, what's your requirement for the car? May I introduce it to you?"

Four or five beautiful saleswomen asked with a smile.

Seeing this, several male salesmen were immediately jealous.

They have been working here for a year or two and have never seen a few pretty saleswomen smile at them.

But now, they are scrambling to laugh at the boy.

"Isn't it just to be handsome?"

"I don't think this guy is rich enough to buy Bentley?""It's a waste of time for them to rush up."

Several male salesmen murmured with disdain and were very jealous.

If a few saleswomen heard it, they would laugh at it.

They would be very satisfied if they could spend more time with this immortal little brother. If wechat could be added, it would be a great happy event!

It doesn't matter whether my little brother buys a car or not.

What do they know? A bunch of ugly people.

Chu Chen also noticed the sarcastic expression on the faces of those male salesmen, and he couldn't help feeling in his heart.

"Handsome, I'm helpless."

I don't blame you for your ugliness.

It's your business to be ugly and make trouble.

Surrounded by sales of several beauties, Chu Chen and his parents began to choose cars.

"You see, this eurocar applies the cutting-edge technology of today's automobile manufacturing industry. The W-type 12 cylinder 6-liter twin turbocharged engine is the shortest 12 cylinder automotive engine in the world. "

Came to a silver Bentley Continental in front of a female sales preemptive opening.

"This Euroland has a six speed automatic manual transmission: four wheel drive and electronic stability program, which can not only meet the perfect performance of power and comfort, but also better ensure the safety and reliability of the car."

Looking at the silver Bentley Continental, Chu Chen's father is also in front of a bright, very like.

Can ask a price, unexpectedly want 3 million, then quickly shake head, take Chu Chen to see other.

After several cars, parents also like a black SUV concept car - Bentley exp9f.

However, as soon as the price was higher, it cost four million yuan. My parents shook their heads again.

In the distance, a few men who pay close attention to it all the time sneer.

"They are a few poor pen, come here long experience just."

"You expect them to buy a car, are you kidding?"


Surprised by the price, my mother said:

"Xiaochen, shall we go to other stores to have a look?"

Chu Chen shook his head and asked his parents:

"Mom and Dad, do you think this car is better or the silver Bentley Continental just now?"

Hearing this, my parents didn't answer directly. The car is very good, but it's too expensive.

Looking at her parents' hesitation, pointing to the Bentley exp9f and the silver Bentley Continental in front of her, Chu Chen said to the saleswoman faintly:

"I've bought this car and that one."

Since parents don't know which one to choose, they buy them all.

It's a little funny. Sprinkle water.


Hearing this, people were confused.

The saleswomen looked at each other and were shocked.

They didn't think Chu Chen would buy a car.

After all, there are too few people who buy Bentley. Sometimes they can't sell one for half a month.

To their surprise, the handsome and explosive little brother not only bought them, but also bought two at a time.

I'm afraid it will cost seven or eight million.

All of them?

The tone is so casual?!

In the distance, hearing Chu Chen's words, those male salesmen stood up directly, full of horror.

What did the kid say?

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