"My God, this... This... This"

"what a cool sports car!"

"Is this the legendary koniseg?"

Downstairs, more and more onlookers gathered.

Now they are all around a black super car, constantly exclaiming.

"How can this car cost more than 20 million?"

A onlooker just checked with his mobile phone, and immediately made a voice of consternation.

"How can such a car appear in our community?"

"With such a car, I'm afraid it's a local tyrant with a fortune of over 100 million."

"Probably, I guess its owner should be a big bellied Mediterranean."

Even a few onlookers maliciously speculated that their hatred of the rich was serious.

"What's the matter with the Mediterranean, handsome?"

Next to a passing beauty stopped.

She was in a hurry to make up, while looking around, waiting for the arrival of the car owner.

"That's cool."

Upstairs, looking at the dark and ghostly CCX, Chu Chen was very excited.


Chu Chen's door suddenly opened.

The next second, I saw a 50 year old woman with a pearl necklace came in.

She is the owner of this house, that is, aunt Qin, Chu Chen's landlord.

"Xiao Chu, have you got all the rent for next month?"

Before she heard that Chu Chen had no money and could not afford to rent next month.

At the moment, aunt Qin's eyes are shining green, staring at Chu Chen:

"little Chu, what aunt said to you, do you want to understand? If you agree with aunt, you can fight less for 20 years?"

"No, no, I'm not a face eater. I just want to make money with my own hands."

"The house is no longer rented"

in a flash, Chu Chen avoids aunt Qin who comes by, picks up the long packed salute and runs out of the house.


"Outside, boys must protect themselves, especially the handsome ones."

Chu Chen went downstairs and muttered.

"Hum, I don't know how to praise you."

Aunt Qin gave a cold hum, and she was very dissatisfied.

"You will regret it."

Downstairs, people are still around koniseg, just blocking Chu Chen's way.

"Little Chu!"

"It's Xiaochen."

After seeing Chu Chen, some people spoke.

Just now that make-up's younger sister looked at Chu Chen, in front of a bright, but quickly withdrew the vision.

What's the use of being handsome? Money is more important.

"Excuse me, please."

At this time, a faint voice came.

Wave, who do you say?

The younger sister suddenly rises a fury.

Suddenly, he looked up at Chu Chen and gave a provocative answer:

"this is not your home. Why should I give way to you?"

"You're in my way."

After that, Chu Chen takes out the key and presses it, and the light of koniseg lights up.

For a moment, everyone stays.

Chu Chen pushes the younger sister in front of him to one side, sits on koniseg and goes away.

"Brother dust!"

"Brother Chu, wait for me."

The person who called Xiao Chu just now immediately changed his words.

The younger sister is even more pale. He is actually the master of koniseg, and he is so handsome...

upstairs, looking at Chu Chen, aunt Qin is stunned

Waiting for the red light, Chu Chen turns on his cell phone.

"The first European God in the whole network!"

"The man who forced the shark live to stop!"

After the point opens, Chu Chen is directly stunned.

Isn't that him?

This is the first European God in the whole network, which is what happened yesterday.

Open the microblog hot search list to see, the first European God of the whole network even entered the top ten.

The news of a star cheating.

Several other hot search lists also ranked in the top 20 or 30.

For a time, the first European God "nothing brother" fire all over the network.

"It's so hot, isn't it easy?"

Chu Chen said with emotion.

"It's too difficult. Just draw a prize. It's hot. Being handsome is trouble."

I don't understand why it's so difficult for other people to think about fire?

Open Shark Live, immediately countless messages came, are to add friends request.

Among them, most of them are female anchorperson of Shark Live broadcast, and even a few big anchorperson enthusiastically add Chu Chen.

"Little brother, why didn't you come today? I've been waiting for you so hard."Among them, there is Chen YuYan's request to add friends. Besides licking, there are several art pictures.

Since he was a high school classmate, Chu Chen didn't mean to refuse, so he agreed to add.

Without a suitable house, Chu Chen casually ordered an executive suite in Ritz Carlton.

"Brother Chen, I'm in a hurry. There's the last express that hasn't been delivered today. Can you deliver it for me in the store?"

Jiang Ji sent wechat.

Jiang Ji is a neighbor Chu Chen knew when he rented a house. He opened a rookie post station, and they have a good relationship.

Seeing the wechat he sent, there was only one express, and Chu Chen couldn't refuse.

Took the express from his shop, Chu Chen drove toward the address on the express.

When Chu Chen came to the gate of the community, the security guard was carrying himself, secretly looking at the mobile phone.

"Man, open the door and deliver the express."

Chu Chen opens the window and shouts.

The security guard turned impatiently and replied in a rude tone:

"I don't know the courier can't...

however, half of his words were swallowed by him.

Oh, my God!

What did he see, koniseg!

It's the legendary koniseg!

Although this is a high-end community, no owner has the strength to drive such a top-level super car as koniseg.

"What's the matter?"

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"Nothing, nothing, please come in!"

Security face suddenly smile, open the railing, politely said.

looked at the Chu dust that drove away. Security couldn't help but Tucao:

, "the rich are really not normal. They make complaints about courier,"

I'm afraid no one will believe what happened today.

Since last night, Chen Yuyan has been looking at her mobile phone. Even when she was broadcasting today, she put her mobile phone beside her.

Finally, the God of Europe "nothing brother" agreed to her request to add friends.

Looking at the anchor group, other female anchors complained that they didn't agree to add Ge gaoleng. Even several major anchors didn't agree, but agreed with themselves. Chen Yuyan was extremely excited and excited.

She is very confident in her appearance. How can those coquettish bitches compare with her?

Since brother Wuwu agreed, every once in a while, Chen Yuyan took the initiative to send a message and tried every means to please brother Wuwu.

How can a female anchor be called "lick"?

Although more than a dozen messages have been sent, brother Wu has only answered one "Oh", but it has made Chen Yuyan extremely excited.

It seems that their charm is still very high!

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Hello, your express has arrived."


Hear here, Chen Yuyan a Leng, when the community let send express in.

With doubts, Chen Yuyan opened the door.

The next second, she was stunned.

"Chu Chen?"

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