Chu Chen didn't answer Wan manyun. He picked up the second sack beside Wan manyun. Chu Chen went to konisege.

"Thank you for helping me with the sack."

From the very beginning, Chu Chen saw that this female reporter was money worshipping, and it was not an ordinary money worshipping.

Chu Chen put the second sack with house property certificate into it, and then got into the car.

Seeing this, Wan manyun rushed after him and said humbly:

"don't go, little brother."

"I don't want any fame. I just want your love."

Hearing this, Chu Chen showed a sincere smile on his face and replied:

"you don't deserve it."

You don't deserve it!

You don't deserve it!

You don't deserve it!

Chu Chen's words sounded like thunder in Wan manyun's mind.

Usually, she said that those pursuers said that they didn't deserve it. Was it the first time that she was said that she didn't deserve it?

If other people said that, Wan manyun would have done it.

But Chu Chen said so, Wan manyun did not dare to have the slightest refutation.

Wan manyun said humbly to Chu Chen again:

"I don't deserve it, but can my little brother give me a contact information?"

"Give me a chance."

Chu Chen didn't pay attention to her. He closed the door and went away.

"Little brother, don't go!"

See here, Wan manyun rushed to chase, but koniseg's figure has long gone.


Wan manyun looked at the far away koniseg and said heartbroken.

I'm afraid it's the closest she's ever been to a rich family, but she just missed it?!

At this moment, she regretted to the extreme, she really should not have changed her attitude to this little brother before.

Wan manyun thought more and more angrily, and finally gave himself a slap, muttering:

"you waste, you just missed the chance to enter the rich family, damn it."

On one side, the photographer has photographed Wan manyun's ugly appearance.

He has long seen Wan manyun unhappy, Wan manyun has been treating him as a servant to order, scolding him as a waste.

When he went back, he posted this video in the group, and Wan manyun's society, the "goddess", had a bad reputation.

It's still a small matter to be expelled. After this, Wan manyun may stink in the whole industry and lose his reputation!


In the evening, after dinner, Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui take a walk around linyue lake.

In No. 13 villa of Yuetan garden, a young man of 289 years old was directing people to move things into the villa.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

The youth looked at Yan Luoshui from a distance and exclaimed.

"You keep moving. I have something to do."

Having said that, young man Chaoyan Luoshui and Chu Chen go, as a playboy, meet the best beauty, don't go to chat up, how can it?

"You are also the owners here. I just moved here. Hello, Shen Ruishi."

Youth Self introduction.

"I live in villa 13."


Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui nodded slightly.

Said, Shen Ruishi handed the business card to Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui.

"Haoran media company, deputy general manager."

Looking at the business card, Chu Chen muttered.


"Does this gentleman know about our company?"

Shen Ruishi opens his mouth.

"Know a little." Chu Chen answers at will.

Did Chu Chen not know about renting his house?

"Our Haoran media company is also famous in Jiangzhou media circles."

Shen Ruishi boasted:

"the company is located between the 12th and 14th floors of Yunfan building, the financial center. It is one of the largest companies in the financial center."

Shen Ruishi is a talent that Lin Ji, chairman of Haoran media company, recruited from Mordor a few months ago.

He spent a lot of money to dig Shen Ruishi and directly promoted Shen Ruishi to be the vice chairman of Haoran media company.

In order to attract Shen Ruishi, chairman Lin Ji specially arranged villas and luxury cars for Shen Ruishi.

But Shen Ruishi was not satisfied with the design of the villa, so he found someone to redecorate it.

Villa decoration, Shen Ruishi temporarily lived on the 13th villa in Yuetan garden.

Although the price is very expensive, it's only for one month. Shen Ruishi still gritted his teeth to rent it.

He also wants to see the famous linyue Lake in Jiangzhou.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of renting in, he met such a beautiful woman. It's worth it.

At the age of 289, he became the deputy general manager of a company with a market value of 3 billion. He was a real successful person, a young hero, who killed countless second-generation rich people.

"By the way, I don't know which company this gentleman works in?""There may be opportunities for cooperation."

Shen Ruishi asks tentatively.

Facing a man who lives in Yuetan garden, Shen Ruishi doesn't dare to force him directly.

"I'm not working yet."

Chu Chen replied.

No job?

Shen Ruishi eyebrows pick, no work, then he should be a rich second generation.

He has seen countless rich second generation people, most of them without jobs, playing with their money.

Shen Ruishi classified Chu Chen into the rich second generation.

He is a young and promising young man who has become a successful person by his own strength.

But this boy is a rich second generation.

A sense of superiority arises spontaneously.

Think of such a sharp contrast, the beauty a look to know, who is the best.

Since she is the owner here, this beautiful woman must be Bai Fumei. She can't be the kind of woman who likes the rich second generation.

"When we are young, we should not rely on our parents for everything. We'd better have our own career. The most important thing is to work hard."

Shen Ruishi looks like teaching Chu Chen.

"Sometimes, if you have money at home and your parents have the ability, it doesn't mean you have the ability."

"If you only know how to nibble, you will spend all of it sooner or later."

"At that time, it's time for you to regret it."


But Chu Chen didn't open his mouth and quietly looked at Shen Rui's stone suit.

In front of chuchen and Yanluo, Shen Ruishi feels that they should be almost there.

You can't be impatient.

Shen Ruishi guesses that he has left a deep impression on Yan Luoshui and made him curious.

So he was ready to leave, to keep the mystery.

Unfortunately, Shen Ruishi didn't know. Just now Yan Luoshui's mind was on Chu Chen, and he didn't pay attention to Shen Ruishi's words.

"You two, it's about the same time. Excuse me first."

After that, Shen Ruishi is ready to leave.

"By the way, next time I see Lin Ji, please remind him that the rent should be paid."

Chu Chen light mouth.

Hearing this, Shen Ruishi, who just turned around, was stunned.


Shen Ruishi didn't react.

Remind Lin Ji, is the rent due?

Lin Ji, that's the chairman of their company.

"What rent?"

Lin Ji asked subconsciously.

"It's the rent of Yunfan building."

Hearing Chu Chen's reply, Shen Ruishi looks silly.

What's the rent for Yunfan building?

Suddenly, he thought of a news he had heard before.

Yunfan building seems to have changed its owner. After hearing the news, Shen Ruishi didn't care much.

Big people like that are too far away from them.

Now, Shen Ruishi is shocked.

"Please... May I ask... Who are you?"

Shen Ruishi turns around and asks in a trembling voice.

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