"Foreign executives?"

Liu yunyun a burst of envy, this is the legend of other people's boyfriend?

"How much is the annual salary of senior executives in foreign enterprises?"

"Not much, not much, annual salary is only 2 million."

Huo Le An's extremely modest reply.


Two million?

It's 2 million a year, my God!

Isn't that much?

They make two million after ten years of work.

"My family, Le'an, is favored by the president of Huaxia region of their company. We need to focus on training. After a while, we may go abroad to work in the headquarters."

Qian added.

"So powerful?"

Liu yunyun and her boyfriend are scared. The president of Huaxia region is in favor of her. Do you want to work in the headquarters?

Bull pen!

"Average, average." Hollian waved his hand.

"Who is this?"

When Liu yunyun and her boyfriend are shocked, Qian Sihui asks.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you. This is my boyfriend Tian Peng."

Liu yunyun whispered.

Other people's boyfriends are so excellent, which makes Liu yunyun embarrassed to introduce her boyfriend.


Huo lean and Tian Peng shake hands.

Huo lean asked with a smile:

"I don't know where brother Tian is?"

"Not to mention Gao Jiu, I work as a programmer in a small company." Tian Peng replied.

Hearing this, Qian Sihui felt a little proud.

"By the way, Yu Wan hasn't come yet?"

After looking around, Qian Sihui asked, but didn't see Mo Yuwan.

At this party, Qian Sihui mainly wanted to show off in front of Mo Yuwan.

In college, Mo Yuwan, no matter in appearance or other aspects, attracted the attention of countless people.

Take all Qian Sihui's publicity away.

Although Qian Sihui didn't say anything, she was not reconciled in her heart.

She can't match Mo Yu Wan, but her boyfriend must match Mo Yu Wan's boyfriend.

My boyfriend is so good.

"Yu Wan is late from work. She called just now. She is on her way here." Liu yunyun explained.

Qian Sihui nodded.

"I haven't seen you for so many years. Which company does Yu Wan work for?"

Hearing this, Liu yunyun, who was hit by Qian Sihui's boyfriend, recovered a little.

"Junlin group."

"Junlin group?"

Qian Sihui was stunned. She had heard of Junlin group.

"The 10 billion group?"

"Yes, the Junlin group." Liu yunyun nodded.

Working in a 10 billion company?

Hearing the answer, even Qian Sihui's boyfriend noticed.

"What position does Yu Wan hold in Junlin group?" Qian Sihui asked curiously.

"Secretary to the president."

Mo Yuwan's promotion is not long, and the company is very busy recently. Mo Yuwan doesn't tell others about his promotion.

Secretary to the president?

Qian Sihui and her boyfriend were relieved.

What kind of executives do they think they should be?

It turns out it's just a secretary.

The president's secretary sounds good, but it's not as good as that?

It's just a small secretary. He doesn't have much power, so his salary is a little higher than that of ordinary employees.

Think, Qian Sihui restored confidence, Mo Yuwan really life in general, this she was relieved.

In the distance, a white Audi R8 came slowly.

Stop, Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan come down.

"Yu Wan?"

"Here we are."

After seeing her best friend, Liu yunyun waved her hand excitedly.

Chu Chen and Mo Yu walk towards several people.


How handsome!

The little brother next to Yu Wan, is this immortal appearance?

How can you be so handsome?

Is he Yuwan's boyfriend?

After seeing Chu Chen, Liu yunyun and Qian Sihui were stunned and filled with emotion.

Especially Qian Sihui, she hasn't had time to show off?

He was shocked by Mo Yuwan's boyfriend.

"Sihui, long time no see."

"Long time no see."

They gave each other a hug.

"Qian Sihui's boyfriend Huo lean." Huo lean took the initiative to introduce.

"Mo Yu's boyfriend, Chu Chen." Hear here, Chu Chen also opens mouth to introduce.

"Yu Wan, is this your boyfriend's car?"

My best friend Liu yunyun was surprised to find that Mo Yuwan was driving an Audi R8."No, it's Yuwan's new car."

Chu Chen answers.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned.

This is Audi R8. The price is more than 2 million.


"That's great."

Several people were surprised.

"It's from the company recently." Mo Yuwan explains.

What's the company's allocation?

Hear Mo Yu Wan's words, people immediately understand that Mo Yu Wan is definitely promoted.

And it's not a general promotion, otherwise, how could the company give a luxury car of more than 2 million?

For a moment, Qian Sihui's heart began to lose, and she was compared by Mo Yu Wan.

Is mo Yuwan's career developing so well?

When several people chat, the voice of the system rings again.

[clock in when you arrive at Songtao Pavilion]

clock in.

[successful clock in, congratulations on getting an Aston Martin One-77, which is now parked in front of Songtao Pavilion]

successful clock in, Chu Chen successfully gets the Aston Martin One-77!

After hearing the sound of the system, Chu Chen looked around for his Aston Martin One-77.

"Brother Chu, what are you looking for?"

Liu yunyun asked in surprise.

"My previous car was parked here. I forgot the location. Look for it."

Chu Chen naturally can't say that the system just rewarded a car, he is looking for it, so he made up a reason.


Hearing this, Qian Sihui and her boyfriend are in front of their eyes.

His car's here, too?

"I don't know what kind of car brother Chu is. Let's help to find it?"

Asked hollian.


Qian Sihui added.

I can't compare with Mo Yuwan. That's better than my boyfriend.

His boyfriend's car is Maserati GranTurismo, close to three million?

Can Chu Chen's car match?

"No, I found it."

Chu Chen waved his hand and found the Aston Martin One-77 standing there in the distance.

"There it is."

Pointing to Aston Martin One-77, chuchen opens his mouth.

Follow the direction that Chu Chen points to to see, the public stays.

Aston Martin?

Is that the top luxury car, Aston Martin?

"How much is the car?"

Liu yunyun doesn't know about the car and asks curiously.

"50 million."


50 million!

When they heard the price of the car, they were all dumbfounded.

It's terrible, isn't it!

Hearing what Chu Chen said, Huo lean didn't believe it, so he took out his mobile phone to check, and was shocked.

"This is Aston Martin One-77!"

It's really a 50 million luxury car!

This is...

looking at Aston Martin One-77 in the distance.

Hollian stopped talking.

Compared with the 50 million Aston Martin One-77, her Maserati GranTurismo is not worth mentioning.

Among them, Qian Sihui was the one who suffered the most.

50 million cars?

How is that possible?

Did you want to compete with your boyfriend just now?

As a result, their boyfriend drives a 50 million luxury car. How can this be compared?

You blew it up in the first place!

How can we play? What can we do.

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