It's su Zhenguo's most proud thing recently to get the villa No. 17 of dongfanghanhai.

"Oriental Hanhai villa?"

After hearing Su Zhenguo's words, Chu Chen muttered.

"Why, does Xiao Chu know something about the eastern sea?"

"You can't get villas there."

Su Zhenguo said triumphantly.

He thought Chu Chen was shocked by his words.

How about your future father-in-law.

Thinking, Su Zhenguo picked up the tea cup on the table.

"Thank you for your kindness, but don't bother."

"If Chuqing wants to go to the seaside, just stay at my home. I also have a villa with sea view in dongfanghanhai."

Chu Chen's modest answer.


Su Zhenguo eyebrows pick, some surprised.

"How many villas?" Su asked.

In his subconscious, he thinks that Chu Chen may have bought the villa after the 20th. The villa after the 20th, whether it's the outside scenery or the interior decoration, is not a little different from the former 20th.

These villas in the back can be bought for more money.

"Villa 1 with sea view."

"Cough, cough."

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Su Zhenguo, who had just taken a sip of water, almost choked.

"What number do you say?"

Su Zhenguo, with an unbelievable appearance, immediately inquired.

He thought he had heard the wrong thing.

"Villa 1 with sea view."

"Villa 1... Villa 1, it's... Yours?"

Su Zhenguo was shocked.

How is that possible?

Dongfanghanhai No.1 sea view villa is actually the son-in-law's?

It's the No.1 villa that symbolizes status!

For a long time, Su Zhenguo reacted.

At the moment, his mood is extremely complicated.

"By the way, I lived there with Chuqing for a few days, didn't she tell you?"

Chu Chen some is puzzled of ask a way.


Hearing this, Su Zhenguo was stunned.

This wench, Chu Chen is the owner of No.1 villa in the East Hanhai. Why don't you talk to yourself about such an important thing?

Su Chuqing explained:

"I don't think it's a big deal, so I didn't say it."

Not a big deal?

Isn't that a big deal?

It's about your father's face. It's the biggest thing.

Ah, it is said that my daughter is my father's "little cotton padded jacket", but why is it different when I come here?

It's so hard for women to stay!

Su Zhenguo sighed in his heart.

"No, what did Chu Chen say just now?"

When feeling, Su Zhenguo recalled Chu Chen's words just now.

It doesn't seem that's the point.

Chu Chen said that he and Chu Qing lived there for a few days?!

Su Zhenguo is stunned, two people live together now?

My own cabbage, so soon was arched?!

Su Zhenguo wants to cry without tears.

Looking at the intimate chat between her daughter and Chu Chen, Su Zhenguo sighs.

Forget it. Anyway, it's a day earlier or a day later. It doesn't matter.

Even if it is so-called, he also can't take Chu Chen how?

He is not sure whether he has that strength.

Even if there is, my daughter knows, but she still doesn't want to work hard for him.

"You and Chuqing talk first, I have something to deal with."

After talking to Chu Chen, Su Zhenguo gets up and goes to the second floor.

Su Zhenguo can't stay any longer.

What a shame he is!

In front of his future son-in-law, this man lost a lot!

Originally, he thought that he had got dongfanghanhai villa No. 17, which had shocked Chu Chen. He looked at him with new eyes and admired his father-in-law.

However, the result is that he was shocked by Chu Chen.

That's the sea view villa No.1 of Oriental Hanhai!

My son-in-law is too good.

No, he has to go back to his room to calm down and regain his self-confidence as a father-in-law!

In the living room, Chu Chen and Su Chuqing chat.

"I think your father is very kind. Unlike what you said before, what will he do to me?"

Seeing Su Zhenguo leave, Chu Chen doesn't understand.

Just now outside the manor, Su Chuqing specially waited there to remind him.

But from seeing Su Zhenguo to now, Su Zhenguo is very easygoing.

"Is it?"

Su Chuqing gives Chu Chen a big white eye."You're the one who gave him the upper hand."

Although gave Chu Chen a white eye, Su Chuqing didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it, on the contrary, she was a little excited.

I gave him a challenge?

Chu Chen is very surprised. What happened to him?

Uncle Su is an elder. He is so polite. How can he give uncle Su a bad impression?

I'm kidding.

More than ten minutes later, Su Zhenguo, who had recovered, came down.

He was still a little reluctant.

If you don't let Chu Chen see his father-in-law's power, where will his authority be in the future?

As a face lover, Su Zhenguo can't bear it.

Now, he has an ace in his hand.

Su Zhenguo believes that as long as there is a trump card, it will definitely shock Chu Chen and make Chu Chen admire his father-in-law.

This trump card is the big man at night.

The successor of Dingsheng real estate!

Dingsheng real estate, the leading real estate tycoon in Tiannan Province, is famous even in Jiangbei province.

Compared with heyday real estate, his Su's real estate is not worth mentioning.

The market value of Dingsheng real estate can be more than 100 billion!!!

As a matter of fact, Su Zhenguo was also introduced to this great man yesterday.

This evening's reception is just for this great man.

Of course, this time Su Zhenguo goes to Chu Chen to go with him. Apart from showing the dignity of his father-in-law, the important thing is to let Chu Chen and this big man know each other.

This is very important for the development of Chu Chen and the expansion of human relations.

Having recognized Chu Chen, Su Zhenguo naturally hopes that Chu Chen will be better. They are all a family.

Chu Chen and Su Zhenguo go to the reception together. Su Chuqing is disgusted with the commercial reception and stays at home.

Half an hour later, they arrived at Xilan International Hotel, where the reception was held.

"To introduce you, this is my son-in-law to be, Chu Chen."

At the reception, Su Zhenguo introduced Chu Chen to some old friends.

"Not bad, Lao su. My son-in-law is very talented!"

"You have found a good son-in-law."

Several old friends said enviously.

"Lao Su, your son-in-law is much more handsome than you were then." It's funny.

Su Zhenguo's face changed slightly, and he said, "I was also very handsome."

Of course, he had to admit that he was not far from his son-in-law.

But almost how, with Chuqing in, chuchen will call his father-in-law in the future!

"Yo, it's not easy for old Su to have a son-in-law."

There was a piercing sound.

A thin middle-aged man came up.

His name is Xiang Xingqing. He is also the boss of a 10 billion group and the old enemy of Su Zhenguo.

"It's just a pity that a son-in-law is a son-in-law, and can never compare with a son."

Xiang Xingqing sneered:

"it looks ok now. Who knows what your son-in-law will be like in the future? Is he a white eyed wolf?"

"Old sue, you should be ready to live in the street."

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