The next day, Zhou Qian called. In order to express her gratitude, she wanted to invite Chu Chen to dinner at noon.

Chu Chen promised to come down and meet her at noon.

Now that I'm going to Tiannan University, Bai Lingling, my sister, will be with me. So in the morning, Chu Chen comes to the company.

Although he has koniseg, he can only sit two people, so Chu Chen calls Mo Yuwan and asks her to prepare a car.

After parking koniseg in the company, Chu Chen finds an ordinary car in the company garage and goes straight to Tiannan University.

When Chu Chen came to Tiannan University, Zhou Qian was already waiting there.

Today, Zhou Qian is more mature, wearing a deep V, coupled with exquisite appearance, Zhou Qian instantly became a beautiful landscape, attracting countless people's attention.

Even Chu Chen's eyes brightened, before he didn't pay much attention, Zhou Qian is still very expected.

Chu Chen stops the car in front of Zhou Qian and opens the window.

"Is this beautiful young lady honored?"

Chu dust took off the sunglasses, Zhou Qian this just recognized Chu dust from Lengshen.

"I'll go. What kind of car is it? It's so grand!"

"Bentley, it's Bentley."

When Chu Chen stops, everyone can't help but shift their eyes from Zhou Qian to Chu Chen's car.

No way. Chu Chen's car is too eye-catching.

"Bentley mozanne, this is more than five million Bentley mozanne!"

Someone screamed.

Hearing this, people were even more surprised. They thought the car was worth a lot of money, but they never thought it would be as high as five million!

This is the real luxury car.

Countless people picked up their mobile phones and began to take photos. More and more people gathered around.

"Wow, what a handsome little brother!"

"Is this the beauty of immortals?"

Some girls who saw Chu Chen's appearance screamed one after another.

If it wasn't for Zhou Qian, they would not be able to compare. I'm afraid they would have flocked here.

"Brother Chen, didn't you say you drove an ordinary car?"

Looking at Bentley in front of him, Zhou Qian was extremely surprised.

Just now, brother Chen sent her a message saying that he had driven an ordinary car. Zhou Qian thought it was Mercedes Benz or Audi?

Unexpectedly, brother Chen drove a Bentley.

"This is the worst car in the garage."

Chu Chen shrugged helplessly.

In the car that Mo Yu Wan prepared for himself, this Bentley moushang is indeed the worst.

Chu Chen didn't think there was a problem with this sentence, but the people around him were petrified in an instant!

Listen, no!

This is the worst car in the garage!

Five million Bentley!

It's the worst car?!

Evil rich man!

Zhou Qian thought of yesterday's dust brother throwing millions, but also understand the dust brother helpless.

Handsome and rich, what can we do?

Brother Chen is too difficult.

"What about Lingling?"

Chu Chen saw a circle, but found that only Zhou Qian, did not see Bai Lingling.

"Oh, there's something wrong with the club. The teacher called Lingling over temporarily."

Zhou Qian explained.

At this time, Chu Chen also received the news of Bai Lingling, saying that he and Zhou Qian go to dinner, today she can't pull away.

Of course, Bai Lingling did not forget to remind Chu Chen not to be hooked up by Zhou Qian!

she also Tucao, for this date, Zhou Qian began to make complaints about clothes several hours ago.

"What a sisterhood?"

Chu Chen helpless smile, he is such a person?

Although he is handsome, he is definitely a serious man!

I will never take the initiative!


"get in the car."

In the eyes of shock and envy, Chu Chen and Zhou Qian gallop away.

Chu Chen didn't drink because he wanted to drive. Instead, Zhou Qian drank a little, and his face turned red.

After lunch, Chu Chen and Zhou Qian originally planned to go shopping. As a result, Zhou Qian received a notice from the brokerage company to hold a temporary meeting.

It's probably because of last night's event that the brokerage company is going to praise Zhou Qian.

"I'll take you there. It's not far from the company."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

As soon as they left the restaurant, Zhou Qian met an acquaintance.

A pretty girl, who is also an anchor of their company, Xu Tongshan.

"Does your boyfriend have a car? Can you take me with him?"

Xu Tongshan some anxious said, the company meeting is very urgent.

Hearing this, Zhou Qian looks at Chu Chen."Together."

Chu Chen nodded.


After seeing Chu Chen, Xu Tongshan was stunned, and was obviously attracted by Chu Chen's immortal beauty.

But soon Xu Tongshan recovered. What's the beauty? She is most interested in money. Money is everything!

She knew that Zhou Qian was only a college student, and her boyfriend she wanted to make didn't have much money.

However, when Chu Chen opened the door of the guest, Xu Tongshan was stunned.


Five million worth of Bentley!

Thinking of the big money, Xu Tongshan has a lot of research on the car and recognizes it at a glance.

Zhou Qian's boyfriend drives Bentley?

In a flash, Xu Tongshan looked at Chu Chen's eyes and her attitude became excellent.

"Is this your car?"

Xu Tongshan came to Chu Chen and asked with a smile.

"No, the car belongs to the company. I'll drive it."

Chu Chen answers at will.

Hearing this, Xu Tongshan became extremely disappointed.

It turned out to be from the company. She thought she had met a local tyrant, but she didn't expect to be a smelly driver.

The smile on Xu Tongshan's face suddenly disappeared and became arrogant.

Xu Tongshan began to hate Chu Chen.

In order to install Force, actually secretly take the company's car to drive!

How hateful!


With a casual answer, Xu Tongshan is far away from Chu dust.

Zhou Qian gets on the car, originally she wants to sit beside Chu Chen, but she is very helpless to be pulled to the back by Xu Tongshan.

Chu Chen drives to their agency.

On the way, Chu Chen sends a message to Mo Yuwan, asking her to send someone to send konisege to Zhou Qian's agency, and then drive Bentley back.

Save yourself time.

"Qianqian, you are still young. You only know the beauty."

"Later, you will understand that beauty is nothing. Money is the most important thing."

"I heard that a Shenhao rewarded you millions last night. You must seize this opportunity."

"Don't let this Shenhao know that you have a boyfriend."

Sitting in the back row, Xu Tongshan said meaningfully.

Hearing this, Zhou Qian's face became a little ugly, and he was very dissatisfied with Xu Tongshan.

Driving Chu fan helplessly shook his head, green tea is really green tea.

Along the way, Xu Tongshan began to gossip, trying to find out the identity of Shenhao, but Zhou Qian didn't answer her.

Came to the agency next to Chu Chen parking.

"I got out of the car."

Xu Tongshan light said a, get off directly, to Chu dust arrogant incomparable.

Chu Chen and Zhou Qian also get out of the car.

A middle-aged man came over and said respectfully:

"President Chu, I've driven this Bentley back."

President Chu?

Hearing this, Xu Tongshan stopped!

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