Mr. Chu has come?

Hearing this, Tian Xingde and sun Qihu immediately got up and looked around.

Apart from a beautiful woman coming here in the distance, there was no one else and no luxury car.

Although I haven't met Mr. Chu, I talked with him yesterday. Tian Xingde was absolutely sure that Mr. Chu was a man, and the woman walking in the distance ruled it out.

"Where is Mr. Chu?"

Tian Xingde opened his mouth and looked around.

"Yes, Mr. Chu is there. Why didn't I see him?" Sun Qihu was also extremely surprised.

What does this mysterious Mr. Chu look like?


Chu Chen coughed softly.

Hearing this, Tian Xingde and sun Qihu look at Chu Chen.

"What do you cough for?" Sun Qihu's dissatisfaction questions Chu Chen.

Up to now, he still did not understand.

Tian Xingde is much smarter than him. Some doubt that the young man in front of him is Mr. Chu.

But he is not sure. In his mind, Mr. Chu should be a super rich man. How could he be a delivery boy?

Seeing Tian Xingde in a daze and taking another look at Chu Chen, sun Qihu suddenly realized.

Is this guy...

No, it's impossible!

How can Mr. Chu deliver delivery?

"Are you Mr. Chu, the owner of Yunfan mansion?" Sun Qihu opened his mouth and didn't believe this bold guess at all.

"Yes." Chu Chen nodded.


Is he really Mr. Chu?

Tian Xingde's whole body trembled and looked incredible.

The super rich are actually delivering takeout?

"Boy, don't brag here. You still need Mr. Chu?" Sun Qihu sneered.

"Mr. Chu is a super rich man. How can he deliver delivery?"

"If you are Mr. Chu, am I still God?"

Sun Qihu's voice has not yet fallen, a voice of surprise came.

"Mr. Chu, are you here?"

Just now the beauty who came from a distance stopped and looked at Chu Chen with a look of surprise.

This woman is a staff member of Zilin design company that Chu Chen bought before.

At the beginning, Chu Chen bought Zilin design company, which made all the female staff crazy.

It's a great joy for them to have such a handsome boss.

Many female employees dream of President Chu.

Chu Chen's appearance, deeply imprinted in the heart of all female staff, so this younger sister only looked at the side face, incomparably sure.

Chu... President Chu?

Next to Tian Xingde and sun Qihu completely silly.


Is he really Mr. Chu?!

I'll go. Is it crazy?

Mr. Chu, the legendary super rich man, actually delivers takeout?

What's wrong with the world?

He really doesn't understand the evil taste of rich people. He is just an "honest man".

"Hello, Mr. Chu."

Tian Xingde took a deep breath, tried to calm the shock in his heart, and called politely.

"President Chu?"

"Is he Mr. Chu?"

As for sun Qihu, he was even more confused.

He waited for thousands of times, and finally he waited for Mr. Chu.

But sun Qihu was not happy at all. No, he was about to cry.


Sun Qihu roars and wails in his heart!

How could that be?

How could that be?

Mr. Chu is actually delivering the takeout, and he's in trouble?

Sun Qihu wants to slap himself now.

"Don't you see where this is, Yunfan building, and how many big companies are in it? Is this where you can get in as a delivery man?"

"You don't see what you look like. A delivery man is qualified to go in. Going in is an insult to the floor inside."

"I stopped a delivery man with a brain problem."

Thinking of what he said just now, sun Qihu's face was burning and he wanted to cry without tears.

This is someone else's building. Even if it's demolished, it's a matter of one sentence.

Sun Qihu felt very cold.

Looking at Tian Xingde who flatters himself, Chu Chen lightly opens his mouth.

"The first time we met, you had a bad impression on me."

"Whether we want to cooperate in the future depends on the situation."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Hearing Chu Chen's words, Tian Xingde nodded quickly, not daring to retort.

Having said that, Chu Chen enters Yunfan building with a meal. The sister of Zilin design company just now also follows Chu Chen.They walked into the elevator together.

Looking at Chu Chen leaving, Tian Xingde sighed, turned around and looked at sun Qihu with a gloomy face.

Tian Xingde was angry.

"You can do it?"

"I've worked so hard to prepare for such a long time, but because of you, it's useless!"

Tian Xingde growled at sun Qihu.

"Didn't you just say that if he was Mr. Chu, you would be God?"

"Well, do you want to be God? I'll let you see God!"

Under Tian Xingde's order, six or seven security guards rushed up and directly set sun Qihu up.

"Find a corner, beat him hard, let him have a long memory!"


Several security guards have long been unhappy with sun Qihu. In Shenyuan company, sun Qihu has been bullying people by relying on Tian Xingde's dogleg.

Now that they have the chance, how can they let Sun Qihu go easily?

Hey, hey.


"Mr. Chu, how did you come after such a long time?"

In the elevator, my sister said bitterly.

After buying the company, Mr. Chu promised to visit them often, but for many days, Mr. Chu didn't come.

This makes countless girls very frustrated, looking at the window outside every day, eager to see through.

They can't eat well and sleep well when they don't see the handsome and handsome faces of President Chu.

Every day is looking forward to Chu always come?

See the eyes of sister you yuan, Chu dust dry cough a.

It's so hard to be yourself.

She's so handsome. I haven't seen her for a few days. Is that all?

My own damn charm.

"Well, I'll go to the company in a moment."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

If you don't go to Zilin design company to have a look, Chu Chen is afraid that these beautiful employees will do stupid things.

Ah, if you are too handsome, you have to take more responsibility.


My sister jumped up with excitement.

Chu Chen goes down the elevator and delivers the meal to a company.

In front of the desk and after getting the meal, the young customers were extremely surprised:

"isn't the company not allowed to take out

"The little sister at the front desk didn't stop you just now?"


Chu Chen answers.

When I saw him just now, the two little sisters at the front desk were stupid and didn't stop her at all.


Young customers are very puzzled.

"Maybe it's because I'm so handsome."

Chu Chen guesses and then turns to leave.

When passing by the front desk, two beautiful front desk girls quickly said:

"little brother, can you add a wechat?"

"Little brother, when will you come again?"

Hearing these two words, the young customer covered his heart and felt that he had been hit by 10000 points.

He took the initiative to add wechat to the front desk beauty several times, but neither of them agreed.

But now, the front desk beauty takes the initiative to wechat.

Why is that?

Why is the gap between people so big?!

He didn't agree with...

he didn't agree with me

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