Chapter 1 Cultivation for hundreds of millions of years, I became a big Luo

Human territory, on a hill next to Shouyang Mountain, a slightly lonely figure walked out of Immortal Cave, glanced at the sky, and couldn’t help sighing.

“This prehistoric f*ck is not for human beings. After so many years, I have broken through to Da Luo…”

Originally, Chen Sheng did not belong to the prehistoric world. He traveled to the prehistoric world when Lich Liangjie and Nuwa created man.

Moreover, it happened that the crossing became the first human races created by Nuwa, also known as the Xiantian human races.

He collapsed on the spot!

Others pass through either by hanging down Hongjun’s ancestor, or becoming Xiantian Sacred, and he is actually just a Xiantian tribe?

Fortunately, when Chen Sheng was depressed, the system appeared!

Seeing Chen Sheng of the system, he suddenly felt excited.

The system of his awakening is called the Dao Comprehension System.

The so-called Dao Comprehension System can help Chen Sheng to comprehend a Dao every once in a while.

There are three thousand avenues in the prehistoric land, and all avenues can prove Taoism.

Hou Yi shoots the sun for the road of arrows.

Nuwa created people for good fortune.

The ancestors of the River Styx practiced in the Sea of ​​Blood for the Avenue of the Sea of ​​Blood.

The Supreme Master Jingzhu Immortal Sword Formation is for kendo.

Daddy refining Nine Cycles Gold Core is for Alchemy.

When Chen Sheng thought about it this way, the Dadao Comprehension System, is there something?

After comprehending the Three Thousand Great Dao, you can let the past, present, and future become one, the master of all beings, and the end of the Dao!

It can become the true omniscience and omnipotence and the law of the great, the consciousness is Immortal, immortal and immortal!

You know, Sage is not omniscient and omnipotent.

In other words, if Chen Sheng can comprehend the Three Thousand Ways, wouldn’t it be more powerful than Sage?

With this idea in mind, Chen Sheng decided to Closed Door Training first, and then came out to pretend to be forced when he could sweep the land.

At that time, I will add myself to the Three Thousand Avenues, be able to hang Nuwa by good fortune, swept across the sky by sword, and poison daddy by pill refining!

Chen Sheng also knows that if the road fails, these are all empty talks.

Immediately, with the idea of ​​sweeping the predominantly Closed Door Training, he started sincere and sincere cultivation day after day.

In this way, with the help of the Dao Comprehension System, Chen Sheng was steadily ascending, and he was able to comprehend a Dao after a while.

However, ten million years have passed, and Chen Sheng feels that something is not right. Is cultivation so slow?

Although it felt something was wrong, Chen Sheng continued to cultivate with the spirit of not abandoning or giving up.

When others eat, Chen Sheng cultivates.

When others sleep, Chen Sheng cultivates.

Others fight, Chen Sheng cultivation!



After so many years, he is still just a big Luo!

Daluo is a fart in today’s great wilderness!

“I can go to his uncle! What is the Three Thousand Avenue Comprehension System?”

“Three Thousand Avenues will be a bit of a fur, but this is not a martial art, I am afraid that a random Da Luo can turn me into a scum!”

“Also omniscient and omnipotent? Isn’t it just a parallel importer?”

Chen Sheng looked helplessly into the distant void, sighing in his heart.

Although Chen Sheng has never left the hill where he cultivated, it does not mean that he is ignorant of what is happening outside.

The Suiren clan and Chen Sheng are both Xiantian races, and they will find time to visit Chen Sheng from time to time.

From the mouth of Suiren, Chen Sheng learned that now it is the time of the Lich’s calamity.

The contradiction between the Wu Clan and the Monster Clan has become more and more intense. How can Chen Sheng worry about this?

As a traveler, how can Chen Sheng know how dark it was during the Lich War?

The Wu Clan is so powerful, hasn’t it disappeared in the long river of history?

How strong are Yaozu Donghuang Taiyi and Fuxi?

It was almost a step to prove Sage’s status, but in the end, didn’t one die, one entered Samsara?

However, these are still far away for Chen Sheng, but the Lich War is definitely a devastating disaster for the Human Race!

Gonggong angrily touched the Buzhou Mountain, the Buzhou Mountain collapsed, the heavens and the earth tilted, floods raged, and the human race was almost extinct!

After the Lich War, the world collapsed, and the human race experienced another devastating blow!

Chen Sheng sighed deeply, so only absolute strength can avoid risks!

Nowadays, during the time of the Lich’s calamity, the quasi-sages are everywhere, like a dog.

If this were to go out now and get involved in the Lich’s Tribulation, it would be deadly!

“Forget it, for so many years, I don’t care about these two days!”

Chen Sheng seemed to have that picture in his mind, shook his head, and said silently.

As long as he doesn’t enter the world, no matter how fierce it is, it will not burn him.

With this kind of thought, Chen Sheng stretched out, resigned to his fate and prepared to return to Immortal Cave to continue cultivation!

At this time, two voices appeared outside Chen Sheng’s Immortal Cave.

One was a burly man in animal skins, with a flame symbol on his forehead.

The other is a woman in a palace suit.

I saw that the woman’s skin was as gelatinous and her appearance as graceful, her eyes seemed to contain all the mountains and rivers in the world!

This woman is so beautiful, as beautiful as she is not a thing in the world.

She seemed to be born noble, as if she was born to watch all things in the world!

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