
"How dare you? How dare you? "

Seeing Taiyi refining all the only seeds of the Qilin clan into Qilin True Blood, Zu Qilin couldn't hold back his internal injuries, and spewed out a large mouthful of five-colored true blood.

The hope of the Qilin tribe is all gone, all destroyed.

"It's okay."

"You go with them."

Smiling slightly, Taiyi stretched out his hand to summon divine power, like a golden tassel, hanging down from the sky dome, strands of it.

It exudes a majestic, bright, supreme and noble qi that is completely different from the flood world, simple and heavy, and seems to come from the reckless chaos.

The endless golden light of the Kingdom of God shone in the Qilin Cliff, gradually covering all the light, and there was only this magnificent color between heaven and earth.

'Boom!! ’

Looking at Zu Qilin's eyes, it was a magnificent world of gods, there was no difference in life, only gods existed.

In the past, the desolate races have reappeared in this world, and every face is full of beauty and hope.

At the end of that world, a crowned figure stands on the other side of the river of time, and the stars of Zhou Tian rise and fall in his hands, and the ancient river of stars surrounds the body, which is the source of God, the ancestor of the flood and wilderness.

In this way, Zu Qilin, the top great god of the Flood Wilderness, was suppressed and directly captured into the world of the Kingdom of God.

There, the only fate that awaited him was to be refined into a pure five-element origin.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

At this time, the soldier lord Mo Xuan, the Pleiades God Officer Chongming, and the Biyue God Officer Huo Wu appeared in place with some embarrassment.

It took a lot of effort for the three of them to deal with the Five Elements Qilin, and if it weren't for Mo Xuan's Divine Kingdom being very powerful, I am afraid that they would really break through.

The five-element unicorn manipulated the power of the five elements and arranged a small five-element array, which attracted the five-element aura from the flood world, and actually let them make a continuous battle, in the kingdom of God, this battle has been going on for hundreds of millions of years before the victory and defeat are divided.

This is still because Mo Xuan has a superb innate spirit treasure in his hand, and while he is not affected, he broke through the center of the formation and killed the five-element unicorn in one fell swoop.

"Your Excellency!"

The soldier lord Mo Xuan spoke respectfully, and a wisp of divine power rippled in his hand.

Suddenly, the body of the five-element unicorn was like five mountains, straddling the surroundings of the unicorn cliff, exuding terrifying coercion, which was the power that belonged to the mixed element alone.

Not only that, but there are also five top-grade innate spirit treasures, it can be seen that these five spirit treasures are their companion treasures, corresponding to gold, wood, water, fire and earth, like a circular ring, shaped by Xuanjing throughout, integrated attack and defense, but lacking the ability to set up arrays.

"This water and fire crystal ring will be given to Er and so on."

"There are three left, Mo Xuan put it away."

With a wave of his hand, Taichi made an assignment.

The five top-grade innate spirit treasures were divided into three, the main Mo Xuan got three, and Chongming and Huowu got one.

After all, this is a top-grade innate spirit treasure, who can not be happy? Both of their faces were full of joy.

As for the five hot Mixed Yuan Realm Five Element Qilin corpses, Tai Yi himself was included in the Kingdom of God, which was an excellent treasure refining material.

"Mo Xuan."

"You are a congenital god and demon born in the ancient world, and you must know many gods and demons."

"In the East China Sea Nagisa, there are innate beings, human-faced bird bodies, two yellow snakes, two yellow snakes, and calling: Yuyu."

"In the South China Sea Zhu, there are innate beings, human faces, two green snakes, and two red snakes.

"In the West Sea Zhu, there are innate beings, human-faced bird bodies, two green snakes, and two white snakes.

"In the Beihai Zhu, there are innate beings, human faces and fish bodies, two green snakes, and two green snakes, known as: Shenyu Frontier"

"You go with Chongming and Huowu to subdue the four gods and demons and their belongings."

"There is no room for mistakes in this matter!"

Looking at the soldier master Mo Xuan, Taiyi said in a deep voice.


The soldier lord Mo Xuan, the Pleiades Priest Chongming, and the Biyue God Officer Huo Wu's faces froze, and their hearts were clear.

The battle of the primeval is about to end, and the dragon clan has moved into the Mengzhang Divine Kingdom transformed by the ancestral dragon with the true dragon lineage, and the snake cannot be without a head without a master in the four seas.

On the earth, there are Pangu relics on the southern, eastern, and western continents, and more than three-quarters of the ten thousand races are concentrated on the land.

The best angle for the Divine Court to expand its power is in the near sea, and it can use the offshore as a springboard to go deep into the far sea and even touch the world barrier.

Nagisa is a small piece of land in the ocean, larger than an island, and connected to the continent, and the creatures born here are not only close to the sea, but also close to the land, and the function of the sea god is not only to control the sea, including the offshore land is also under their control.


After watching Mo Xuan and the three leave, Taiyi stepped out one by one and entered the depths of the Qilin Cliff.

Fang Cai's killing power is still there, and few guys in the flood wilderness dare to covet his 'things', and this place is very safe.

The Qilin Cliff is transformed by the Pangu section of toenails, innately gathering the power of the earth vein, the Qilin family is born here, surrounded by countless earth walking spiritual objects, and there are countless exotic flowers and fairy blossoms.

If placed in the future life, it is enough to support the needs of a great religion.

Originally, Taiyi wanted to enlighten a deity and set up a Shinto light in the middle of the country based on this.

It's a pity that two-thirds of the central region is not Zhou Mountain, and Pangu's will will not be dispersed for a day, and under Buzhou, no living beings will be allowed to occupy it.

Even if it is the Qilin family, it has not turned this place into its own, it can only be regarded as using here.

'Yikes! Swish! Swish! ’

As Taiyi continued to march, those earthy spiritual objects disappeared without a trace, and all entered the Taiyi God Kingdom.

Only the cliff walls that exuded the power of the rich earth veins were left around, and they were bare.

As it progressed deeper, a hazy multicolored luster flickered, and the rich heaven and earth spiritual energy had reached the point of condensation.

Seeing this, Taiyi's purple-gold divine eyes burst out with golden light, this is the Qilin Treasure Treasury, where the Qilin clan stores spiritual roots, divine gold, and spiritual treasures, and the savings of the Endless Yuan Society of the Qilin Clan, one of the three overlords of the Taikoo Dynasty, are stored here.

"Boom !!"

With a gentle wave of his hand, the ultimate innate spirit treasure Sun and Moon Essence Wheel appeared in Taiyi's palm, turning into brilliant brilliance.

In the next moment, the enchantment of the Qilin Treasure House was completely destroyed, revealing a scene of treasure light soaring into the sky, full of dazzling eyes.

One of the special spiritual roots attracted his attention, just like a lotus, the green rhizome grew white holy flowers and red demon flowers, which turned out to be the top-grade innate spiritual root flower, which had the ability to gather yin and condense true spirits.

The flower on the other side is divided into two branches, white is mandalahua, gathering yin and seizing, red is manzhushahua, condensing the true spirit, the leaves after the flower, the flowers and leaves do not meet, life and life, its leaves can solve the flood and desolation of all poisons, an excellent holy medicine.

The most important thing is that this spiritual root is related to the Netherworld, and Taiyi can't wait to include it in the Kingdom of God.

Not only that, there are 320 innate spirit treasures in the Qilin treasure house, most of them are top grade, middle grade, and some acquired spirit treasures, and there are countless innate materials, Qilin is good at royal soil, collecting those buried deep underground divine gold ore materials, not waste the power of blowing ashes.

Not only that, in addition to the other side flower, there are also three top-grade plants: He Shou Wu, Ginseng, and Ganoderma lucidum, all of which are the first plants in the flood wilderness.

In addition, there are more than 200 congenital spirit roots of middle and lower grades.

This time, the Divine Court became rich!!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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